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OC - Lady Ardelune Maeval

Name: Lady Ardelune Maeval.
Age: 19 years old.
Hair colour: Silver.
Eye colour: Red.
Occupation: Noble spy.
Species/Race: Drow.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Height: 5’6.
Distinguishing Features:
 Ashen skin.
 Pierced, pointed ears.
 White spiderweb tattoo on her right shoulder.

Born to a noble family specialising in espionage to further the Drow’s cause, Ardelune has been trained since infancy to be a skilled spy and an even better executioner. Her ability to pursue plots, uncover secrets, ensnare victims and swift killing methods have bestowed her the moniker, “Assassin Spider.” She is cold and ruthless, utilising charm where necessary to gain what she wants. If not, she’ll use force. In a world of eat or be eaten, Ardelune would much rather be the predator than the prey.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:15

OC - Lady Acherousia Stygia

Name: Lady Acherousia Stygia.
Age: 30 years old.
Hair colour: White.
Eye colour: Grey.
Occupation: Head of Noble family.
Species/Race: Human.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Height: 5’8.
Distinguishing Features:
 Scar from a knife wound in her left shoulder blade.

Born to a prestigious family and raised with servants at her every beck and call, Acherousia grew up privileged and spoilt. As a young adult, her younger brother coveted the fact that she was destined to be the heir to the fortune and made an attempt on her life. In self defence, she slew her brother with the family sword and watched him bleed out. Since then, Acherousia has become a suspicious and conniving woman with guards upon guards as well as magical barriers protecting her keep. She studies destruction magic when possible in case one day her sword is not enough to save her
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:14

OC - Inferna Feng

Name: Inferna Feng.
Age: 27 years old.
Hair colour: Black.
Eye colour: Red.
Occupation: Noble.
Species/Race: Human/Fire Genasi.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Height: 6’0
Distinguishing Features:
 Flaming outfit.
 Glowing eyes.

Inferna is the bastard daughter of a human nobleman who had an affair with a Fire Genasi passing through the desert city. After she was born, her mother dropped her on her father’s doorstep and disappeared. Although her mother’s absence hurt her greatly through the years, her father raised her to be a proud fire wielder, encouraging her abilities in order to help further the Feng family. Inferna never lived the typical life of a bastard and was welcomed with open arms as her step-mother was unable to bear any children of her own.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:13

OC - Ernosha

Name: Ernosha.
Age: 567 years old.
Hair colour: Black.
Eye colour: Glowing green.
Occupation: Druid.
Species/Race: Faery.
Gender: Non-binary.
Sexuality: Asexual.
Height: 4ft tall.
Distinguishing Features:
 Glowing eyes.
 Lack of wings.
 Ashen skin.
 Crown of branches made to look like antlers.
After realising how little both the Seelie and Unseelie courts do to protect the balance of nature, Ernosha has taken it upon themselves to that life and death maintains its balance within the Fae Wilds. They kill invasive creatures without hesitation and threaten adventurers with death if they disturb the ecosystem too much; populations that grow too big will be culled and those that have not grown will have their numbers strengthened with Ernosha watching over the wilds.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:12

Serinity Fox

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0 | 0 Comments | by YumiShade | May 30th 2024 07:12

OC - Dew Drop

Name: Dew Drop.
Age: 89 years old.
Hair colour: Blonde.
Eye colour: Blue.
Occupation: Princess.
Species/Race: Seelie Court Faerie.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Height: 3ft.
Distinguishing Features:
 Iridescent wings.
 Crown made of vines.

Dew Drop is a young faery, next in line to rule the Seelie Court behind her father. She’s delicate and diplomatic, fair and kind. She represents all the things a faery should be however, her life of royalty and luxury have made her curious of a life outside the confines of her safe home; desiring to venture out into the cruel world and ease its pain, she sneaks out when the guards change patrol and search for creatures in need of help. She must be careful as she is the only heir to her fathers kingdom and all would fall to ruin without her.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:11

OC - Daevaris

for survival.
Name: Daevaris.
Age: 114 years old.
Hair colour: Ash black.
Eye colour: Dark brown.
Occupation: Sorceress.
Species/Race: Unseelie Court. Sprite.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Height: 2ft.
Distinguishing Features:
 Pointed ears.
 Lack of wings.
 Green tattoos on forehead and stomach.

Daevaris was once a Seelie Sprite, tasked with bringing growth and life to the spring. Unfortunately, another faerie committed an unspeakable crime and framed Daevaris for the ordeal, condemning her to a life without her wings and banishment from the Seelie Court. In the midst of her despair, an Unseelie fae offered her power to fight the Seelie Courts inadequacy and granted her the gift of rot and decay. She now serves the Unseelie Court as a front-line fae in the annihilation of life itself.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:10

OC - Clove Gilliflower

Name: Clove Gilliflower.
Age: 20 years old.
Hair colour: Brown.
Eye colour: Amber.
Occupation: Ranger.
Species/Race: Satyr.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Height: 5’5.
Distinguishing Features:
 Curled horns.
 White spotted fur.
 Multitude of scars on her arms.

In the spirit of a true middle child, Clove is as rough and tumble as they get. Although she is extremely sociable, she prefers to live on the outskirts of society amongst the trees, not with fae or humanoids as she desires her own space to live and thrive. She spends her days hunting, gathering and selling her meats and medicines to nearby folk for coin. Occasionally she’ll take up simple bounties if they’re convenient or nearby otherwise, she acts as a protector of the forest edge, guarding the forest itself and those who depend on its existence for survival.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:09

OC - Chlurthax

Name: Chlurthax.
Age: 238 years old.
Hair colour: None.
Eye colour: Light green.
Occupation: None.
Species/Race: Dragon.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Height: 20ft.
Distinguishing Features:
 Covered in leaf like feathers and scales.
 Long tail with feathered end.
 Branch like horns.

Chlurthax is a mighty dragon and one of the many protectors of the old growth forests. Despite being massive in size herself, the trees around her dwarf her in comparison. A curious creature, she prefers to watch people from afar and judge them from a safe distance, intervening in their presence if needed. While one of many dragons of her kind, she finds herself lonely and requiring more mental stimulation than any other dragon nearby could offer her, however, cannot leave as her territory would be unguarded.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:07

OC - Chang Bao

Name: Chang Bao.
Age: 25 years old.
Hair colour: Black.
Eye colour: Lilac purple.
Occupation: Disgraced noble.
Species/Race: Human.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Lesbian.
Height: 5’7.
Distinguishing Features:
Wears clothing reminiscent of the early Tang dynasty (Sui style) in darker colours.
Carries a double-edged sword modelled after the Tang dynasty.

Bao is a disgraced noble from a family that once held high power and favour of the Emperor as far back as the Tang dynasty. Despite her families position of power, they could not help her when she fell in love with a beautiful courtesan; their blossoming romance was found out and her love was killed. Being a noble, she was given the punishment of banishment instead. Now she spends her days plotting the revenge of her beloved’s death
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:06

OC - Carraway Gilliflower

Name: Carraway Gilliflower.
Age: 23 years old.
Hair colour: Orange.
Eye colour: Gold.
Occupation: Necromancer.
Species/Race: Satyr.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Height: 5’9.
Distinguishing Features:
 Two sets of long twisted horns.
 Markings of ancient spells tattooed into her skin.
 Nest of spiders that live in her hair.

Carraway’s deal with her patron was an accident; she never intentionally became a necromancer. In spite of this, she uses her powers to ward off humans from entering debilitated forests, allowing them time to grow and heal. She’s against taking lives, however, only takes those of evil and disgusting souls to please the will of her patron and their desire to consume the living. When her patron is busy favouring other warlocks, she searches for a way out of her contract.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:05

OC - Captain Kalnarei

Name: Captain Kalnarei.
Age: 32 years old.
Hair colour: Blue black.
Eye colour: White.
Occupation: Pirate.
Species/Race: Tiefling.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Height: 5’8.
Distinguishing Features:
 Blood red skin.
 Sharp teeth.
 Tattoos on her arm and ribs.
 Scaled horns.

Forever sailing the seas of the world, Kalnarei is always on a search for a fresh kill. She’s excited by blood as much as she’s excited by looting and gold. While terribly grumpy and quick to anger, she’d never harm a member of her crew; everyone else however, were ripe for the picking. She’s spent most of her life riding the choppy waves and sharpening her blade skills against opponents who’ve guarded treasures for royal families. Those who best her most of her crew in combat are invited to join her ship, if not, they’re turned into trophies.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:04

OC - Buer

Name: Buer.
Age: 520 years old.
Hair colour: Silver.
Eye colour: Gold.
Occupation: Bounty Hunter.
Species/Race: Demon.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Homosexual.
Height: 5’6.
Distinguishing Features:
 Two sets of black feathered wings.
 Short, pointed horns.
 Pierced, pointed ears.
 Tattoo on right shoulder.

Buer is a flirtatious demon with a flair for the dramatic. He hunts down demons and human souls that have broken or forfeited their contracts using his charm and guile, dragging them back to the Nine Circles of Hell to receive rather large sums of payment from his royal clientele. He spends much of his time basking in the piles of he’s amassed from such a career, aroused by the feeling of the cold metal against his skin. You’d never guess that Acheron is his brother.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:02

OC - Bloom Gilliflower

Name: Bloom Gilliflower.
Age: 26 years old.
Hair colour: Orange.
Eye colour: Green.
Occupation: Druid.
Species/Race: Satyr.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Lesbian.
Height: 5’8.
Distinguishing Features:
 Pointed ears.
 Brown druidic markings.
 Small, pointed horns.

As part of the Gilliflower family’s desire to preserve nature by any means necessary, each sibling split up to help forests in need. Bloom travelled east to rekindle the druidic teachings of large forest civilisations such as elves. Unlike many fae creatures, Bloom harbours no ill will towards many humanoid races and is more than willing to go out of her way to help them in an effort to protect all preciousness of life.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:01

OC - Aegar-Plaga

Name: Aeger-Plaga
Age: 1,200 years old.
Hair colour: White.
Eye colour: White.
Occupation: Soldier.
Species/Race: Cambion.
Gender: Genderfluid.
Sexuality: Asexual.
Height: 5’6.
Distinguishing Features:
 Black sclera.
 Curled grey horns.
 Black, dripping lips.
 The demonic personification of a deadly virus travelling with them.

Aeger-Plaga, or Pestilence, is the daughter of the Oinoloth, Anthraxus. As his putrid daughter, she shares his burden in spreading plagues from one corner of the material planes to the others. Sometimes, however, she wish everything she came into touch with didn’t just rot and die.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 06:59