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template , one

free to copy and paste , do not credit me . have fun , happy writing !



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1 | 0 Comments | by nullette | May 30th 2024 15:15

Tiffany Barclay. (TW. TOXIC LOVER.)

"My love is your disease
I won't let it set you free
'Til I break you"

Basics ~
Name: Tiffany Barclay
Age: 25
Orientation: Lesbian
Occupation: Fitness Instructor

Her piercing blue eyes sparkled with a fierce competitiveness, a fire that burned bright in her very being. She was a force to be reckoned with, a whirlwind of energy and drive that left all who crossed her path in awe. At twenty-five, she was already a seasoned entrepreneur, having founded her own gymnasium where she reigned supreme, pushing her clients to their limits with a zeal that bordered on fanaticism.

But behind the gleaming smile and chiseled physique, a darkness lurked. A secret so sinister, so depraved, that even the most seasoned of detectives would have been hard-pressed to uncover. Tiffany Barclay was a monster, a creature driven by a primal need to dominate, to control, to hurt. Her partners, both past and present, could attest to the terror she inspired, the fear that gripped their hearts as she unleashed her fury upon them.

The first signs were always subtle, a faint bruise on the cheek, a whispered excuse about a clumsy accident. But as the relationship deepened, the violence escalated, until the partners were nothing more than battered, broken shells of their former selves. The law had taken notice, of course, but Tiffany was cunning, always staying one step ahead of the authorities, manipulating the system to her advantage.

It was a delicate dance, one she performed with ease, charming the judges and juries with her angelic face and innocent demeanor. She was a chameleon, adapting to her surroundings with an uncanny ability, making it seem as though the very fabric of reality bent to her will. But beneath the surface, the beast lurked, waiting to pounce, to strike, to destroy.

Tiffany's obsession with fitness was merely a symptom of her deeper psychological issues, a desperate attempt to exert control over her own chaotic world. The gymnasium was her domain, a kingdom where she reigned supreme, dispensing orders and discipline with an iron fist. Her clients, mostly young and impressionable, hung on her every word, mesmerized by her charisma and beauty.
Heart this
2 | 0 Comments | by Ulalume | May 30th 2024 14:46

dot art , two


free to copy and paste , do not credit me . have fun , happy writing !
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | by nullette | May 30th 2024 14:45

dot art , one


free to copy and paste , do not credit me . have fun , happy writing !
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | by nullette | May 30th 2024 14:40

usable symbols

free to copy and paste , do not credit me . have fun , happy writing ! ( don't know why you would have to credit me for any of these symbols , i don't think making new symbols is possible ? )

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+ × ÷ = % / * # € £ $ ! # : ; & _ ( ) - ' " , . ? ₩ ¥ ° ¿ ¡ ^ [ ] ( ) < > { } ` ~ | ´ · θ Ω ¤ © § μ ¬ ฯ Г
⿻ 〹 ✦ ∘ ➤╰ ໒ ୧ ⋆ ꒱ ‿ ︵ ♡ ୨ ︶ ꒷ ꒦ ✰ ˎˊ˗ ⪩ ⪨ ᵔᴗᵔ
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1 | 0 Comments | by nullette | May 30th 2024 14:30

symbol test

discord channel layout:

☀︎ ⌇ ☽
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | by nullette | May 30th 2024 14:30

[ Astaroth Mortimer ]


Full Name: Astaroth Beelz Mortimer.
Nicknames: Art, Ashtray.
Age: 23.
Gender: Male (he/they).
Sexuality: Bisexual with no lean.
Birthday: October 2nd.
Species: Human.
Ethnicity: Swedish.
Languages Spoken: Swedish and English.


Height: 5 foot 7.
Weight: Unsure.
Hair Color: black with faint strands of gray from stress.
Eye Color: right eye is blue and left eye is green.
Skin Color: pale.
Battle Marks(Scars, missing body parts, etc.): several scars along his face, throat, arms and hands. Has various cigarette burn marks along his wrists. Usually has SH along his biceps and wrists.
Type of teeth(Normal, fangs,etc): pretty straight outside of his crooked bottom fang but it’s not that noticeable.
Type of eyes(Abnormal pupil shapes and such): -
Other Forms: -
Additional Notes (optional): -


Brief Description: he’s very ‘resting bitch face’ and monotone, almost nonchalant.
First Impression: you’ll think he’s an a**hole.
Once you get to know them: he’s still KIND OF an a**hole, but he can be sweet, especially with his partner.
Default Expression: exhausted and judgmental.
Habits: smokes a lot and picks at his cuts and old scars.
Fears: -
Intelligence: he’s smart, he just doesn’t show it.
Pet Peeves: people telling him to stop smoking or hurting himself.


Voice Description: usually doesn’t speak a lot but has a kind of loud voice at times.
Head-Canon Voice: Cesare from BigTop Burger, Worthikids is the singing voice claim.
Accent(if any): -
Speech Patterns: -
Do they parrot people?(repeat phrases other people say): sometimes, if he finds it funny.
Most used phrases/words: quotes random shows no one has ever heard of.
Swearing?: oh he practically invented it.
Do they think before they speak?: not at all.
Do they worry about accidentally offending someone with their words?: not at all.
Movement while speaking (hand gestures etc): lots of shrugs or eye rolls.
Humor: a lot of dark humor, but knows when to bite his tongue.


Occupation: art museum worker and occasionally throws gigs at random bars.
Thoughts on occupation: he doesn’t mind it.
Dream Job: a singer/guitarist.
Education: currently in college but thinks about dropping out.
Past Relationships: never had a official relationship, mainly one night stands or friends with benefits.
Current Relationships: -
Family: doesn’t talk to any of them after he moved.
Hometown: some small town in the middle of nowhere.
Current Residence: a crappy apartment near the college.
Room/Housemates: -
Financial Status: could be better but he isn’t complaining.
Source of Money: mainly his gigs.
Health: lungs could see better days, but he’s not unhealthy.
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | by multifacedclown | May 30th 2024 14:25

[ Spencer Sullivan ]


Full Name: Spencer Dwight Sullivan.
Nicknames: Spenc, Sully, Big Boy.
Age: 24.
Gender: Transmale (He/him)
Sexuality: Bisexual with male lean.
Birthday: September 7th.
Species: Human.
Ethnicity: White.
Languages Spoken: English, too lazy to learn any other languages.


Height: 6 foot 1.5.
Weight: Unsure.
Hair Color: Blonde.
Eye Color: like a cyan blue.
Skin Color: tanish.
Battle Marks(Scars, missing body parts, etc.): a few scars on his face, several on his knuckles and torso, and his top surgery scars.
Type of teeth(Normal, fangs,etc): perfectly straight teeth minus the faint chip on his bottom fang.
Type of eyes(Abnormal pupil shapes and such): -
Other Forms: -
Additional Notes (optional): -


Brief Description: he’s very loud, in your face jock type dude.
First Impression: VERY loud but very outgoing and accepting, maybe just a little teasing.
Once you get to know them: he’s your best bud, the guy you go to for a good laugh or a prep talk.
Default Expression: usually smug.
Habits: messes with the strings of his hoodies or pants a lot and typically bounces his leg when he’s thinking.
Fears: never making it far in life.
Intelligence: he’s terrible at literacy and math, but he’s kind of good at science. Kind of, he mainly knows how to make things explode.
Pet Peeves: hates the sound of shoes dragging on the ground.


Voice Description: loud and out there.
Head-Canon Voice: Guzma but specifically YuuriVoice’s version.
Accent(if any): Boston accent.
Speech Patterns: -
Do they parrot people?(repeat phrases other people say): usually just to mock people.
Most used phrases/words: “nerd” or “short stuff” when talking to most people, but means it in a playful way.
Swearing?: LOTS of it, but knows when to watch his mouth.
Do they think before they speak?: sometimes, it depends if he’s worked up or not.
Do they worry about accidentally offending someone with their words?: not most of the time, but if he’s talking to someone he cares about, then yes.
Movement while speaking (hand gestures etc): usually does some hand gestures, but mainly shrugs or movements with his head.
Humor: very raunchy.


Occupation: MMA fighter and bar security.
Thoughts on occupation: oh, he adores every second of it.
Dream Job: currently working it.
Education: currently in college.
Past Relationships: had a few partners here or there, but now he’s just a playboy. But, he still wants to settle into a real relationship.
Current Relationships: -
Family: his dad is one of his biggest supporters.
Hometown: some random sh*thole in New York.
Current Residence: college dorm.
Room/Housemates: has a single dorm but usually hangs out with his frat boys.
Financial Status: he’s good some good money, but he usually blows it on random sh*t or protein powder and workout equipment.
Source of Money: mainly MMA fighting.
Health: he’s healthier than a horse.
Current Life: -
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by multifacedclown | May 30th 2024 14:15

[ Dohyun Bak ]


Full Name: Dohyun - Bak (doesn’t have a middle name)
Nicknames: Dough, Tiger.
Age: 23.
Gender: Transmale (he/they)
Sexuality: Bisexual with no lean.
Birthday: August 2nd.
Species: Human.
Ethnicity: Korean.
Languages Spoken: Korean, English, and faint French from classes.


Height: 5 foot 9.
Weight: Unsure.
Hair Color: Blonde with faint strands of brown.
Eye Color: one eye is white and the other is a honey-brown.
Skin Color: Tan with vitiligo.
Battle Marks(Scars, missing body parts, etc.): has a few small scars on his arms and his top surgery scars.
Type of teeth(Normal, fangs,etc): Has werewolf fangs but good shaped teeth other than that.
Type of eyes(Abnormal pupil shapes and such): other than his white eye, his eyes are good.
Other Forms: -
Additional Notes (optional): -


Brief Description: He’s a little monotone but he doesn’t mean any harm. He’s just autistic and can’t read social cues most the time.
First Impression: You’ll think he’s being an a**hole just by the way he looks at you and talks.
Once you get to know them: He’s like the big brother of the group, always d*cking around and ensuring everyone is good.
Default Expression: a little bit of resting bitch face.
Habits: Tends to mess with his piercings or pick at his nail polish.
Fears: accidentally hurting someone.
Intelligence: He’s pretty smart, especially when it comes to history.
Pet Peeves: People touching his hair just because he doesn’t want the style to get all messed up.


Voice Description: A little raspy but soft.
Head-Canon Voice: Zuko from Avatar.
Accent(if any): -
Speech Patterns: he sometimes stumbles over his words if he talks too fast.
Do they parrot people?(repeat phrases other people say): He has several vocal stims, especially random tik-tok audios he finds funny.
Most used phrases/words: he’ll randomly just quote Jujutsu Kaisen.
Swearing?: He usually swears, but sometimes he’ll catch himself if he does it in front of a kid or an elder and correct himself.
Do they think before they speak?: Not at all, but he’ll catch himself sometimes.
Do they worry about accidentally offending someone with their words?: he can’t tell if what he says offends people or not most of the time.
Movement while speaking (hand gestures etc): LOTS of hand gestures and stims.
Humor: brainrot, sadly. He’s a huge goof.


Occupation: works at Hot Topic and occasionally the cafe on campus.
Thoughts on occupation: he thinks they’re nice, puts him in a relaxing position surrounded by things that keep him stimulated.
Dream Job: a tattoo artist.
Education: currently in college.
Past Relationships: he only really dated people pre-transition and then has hook ups/one night stands nowadays.
Current Relationships: -
Family: doesn’t speak to any of them.
Hometown: some little place in Korea, he can’t remember since he hardly lived there.
Current Residence: living on campus.
Room/Housemates: he has a single room but the main dorm is occupied by his friends.
Financial Status: he’s wealthy enough that he doesn’t have to worry about not having money.
Source of Money: work and occasionally selling art.
Health: other than his eye, he’s pretty healthy.
Current Life: -
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by multifacedclown | May 30th 2024 14:04

[ Liam Thanatos ]


Full Name: Liam ‘Reaper’ Thanatos.
Nicknames: Death, Reaper, Scarface.
Age: 47.
Gender: Male (he/him).
Sexuality: Bisexual with no lean.
Birthday: August 17th.
Species: human.
Ethnicity: Russian.
Languages Spoken: Russian, English, and sign language.


Height: 6 foot 10.
Weight: unsure.
Hair Color: black with faint gray strands from age.
Eye Color: right eye is green, left eye is fully pink/missing.
Skin Color: tan.
Battle Marks(Scars, missing body parts, etc.): large acid/burn scar on the left side of his face, missing portion of his cheek, and several scars on his body and whip scars on his back.
Type of teeth(Normal, fangs,etc): sharp canines and light fangs.
Type of eyes(Abnormal pupil shapes and such): missing left eye.
Other Forms: -
Additional Notes (optional): -


Brief Description: very silent and brooding, but opens up a bit over time.
First Impression: you’d think he wants to kill you with how he looks at you.
Once you get to know them: he’s actually very sweet, just a little awkward since he thinks he isn’t worthy of being spoken to.
Default Expression: hard to tell with his bandaging but usually emotionless and exhausted.
Habits: sticks his tongue out of the hole in his cheek a bit or picks at his old scars.
Fears: never finding love.
Intelligence: he’s rather intelligent, especially when it comes to math.
Pet Peeves: -


Voice Description: very monotone and low.
Head-Canon Voice: Dark Choco Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom.
Accent(if any): Faint Russian accent.
Speech Patterns: slow and almost a bit hesitant at times.
Do they parrot people?(repeat phrases other people say): depends, usually in a mocking way.
Most used phrases/words: -
Swearing?: quite a bit but mainly when he’s upset.
Do they think before they speak?: sometimes, it just depends on his mood or how focused he is.
Do they worry about accidentally offending someone with their words?: depends.
Movement while speaking (hand gestures etc): occasionally uses his hands if he’s struggling to think of what he’s saying.
Humor: lots of burn victim jokes.


Occupation: a professor, surprisingly enough.
Thoughts on occupation: he finds it nice outside of his students, at times..
Dream Job: he isn’t sure, he’d maybe find his current job as a good dream job.
Education: finished college at a very early age.
Past Relationships: had a ex wife that he never speaks about.
Current Relationships: -
Family: -
Hometown: unsure.
Current Residence: lives in a nice little home on the outskirts of town.
Room/Housemates: -
Financial Status: he’s wealthy but doesn’t feel a need to ‘flex’ it. Loves spoiling his partner though.
Source of Money: work.
Health: outside of being blind in his left eye, a lightly faulty left arm, and faint burning in his lungs, he’s pretty healthy.
Current Life: -
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by multifacedclown | May 30th 2024 13:50

[ Fandoms ]

- Smiling Friends
- Overwatch
- FNAF (haven’t done it in a while, though)
- Jujutsu Kaisen (MY FAVORITE RN)
- MAYBE One Piece, I’m still getting into it
- Undertale
- Call of Duty (i have little knowledge though, sadly)
- Spooky Month
- My Hero Academia (only adults or OCs)
- Horror movies (usually OCs)
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | by multifacedclown | May 30th 2024 12:27

[ Rules ]

1. Please just be respectful! I will show the same amount of respect you show me.
2. Please understand that I do have things outside of the website! I am currently working while also seeking a second job, I’m in a relationship, and I do have friends I occasionally spend time with.
3. Please understand that my responses may be slow at times. I sometimes get caught up in life and tend to get distracted, but I’ll try and let you know if I’m going to disappear longer than a day or so.
4. No racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, etc. I don’t tolerate hate, especially when it comes to homophobia and transphobia considering they hit close to home for me. Any form will be blocked!
5. Please don’t strictly er*t*c roleplay. I’m completely open to a starting off idea that revolves around intimacy, but I want to have actual plot in the story as well, not just intimacy!
6. Absolutely NOTHING involving harm towards kids, animals, etc. I’m up for horror themes and such, but I will not accept anything that shows harm towards children or animals and such.
I will update if I think of anything else, but for now, that’s all I ask!
Heart this
2 | 0 Comments | by multifacedclown | May 30th 2024 12:22


- No One Liners

- No MxF

- I'm not here for straight out smex, stay civil, at least develop feeling between characters

- Be nice, don't be an ass :)

- If you do read this, you're awesome ! send me a picture of a duck by message !

- Let's discuss plot, don't start roleplay out of the blue, or else i'm gonna get confused and I'm going to have a brain block.
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4 | 0 Comments | by Bloody_Rose | May 30th 2024 09:14

OC - Fa Mei

Name: Fa Mei
Age: 21 years old.
Hair colour: White.
Eye colour: Purple.
Occupation: Hunter.
Species/Race: Human.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Straight.
Height: 5’3
Distinguishing Features:
 Butt length hair.

After realising no one could escape SAO, Mei Fa (her gamer name) decided she that she wasn’t going to sit around idly while everyone else panicked and rushed off to start her life within the game. She made a career out being a hunter and would occasionally accompany parties into dungeons for a high enough reward as her hunter skills were valuable and she could skin the monsters pelts to sell for good coin. After a few months in the game, Mei Fa witnessed a young boy murdered by player killers while she was too far to help. Since then, she has devoted herself to building a large home for young and helpless player to live in with her where she could protect and provide for them.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:35

OC/Online Personality - King Tyrfr

Name: King Tyrfr.
Age: 20 years old.
Hair colour: White.
Eye colour: Gold.
Occupation: Reigning Monarch.
Species/Race: Tiefling.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Height: 5’2
Distinguishing Features:
 Curved black horns.

As one of seven children, Tyrfr had to fight tooth and nail in diplomatic battles to secure her right to the throne. While many believe her tactics to get there were manipulative and underhanded, Tyrfr has proven herself to be a fair and just ruler that believes in protecting her people with everything she has; even if that means charging into warfare herself.
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0 | 0 Comments | by emrldKingxx | May 30th 2024 07:34