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▷• ılıılıılıılıııılıılı. 3.0 ❑

tbd ..
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0 | 0 Comments | by petite | Jun 11th 2024 10:31

Apocalypse OC

Name: Cassandra May (nickname: Cassie)
Age: 19
Height: 5'1

Description: brown hair, green eyes, pale skin. She has a mechanical leg do to it getting infected and needing for it to be chopped off. Cassie has a small frame, almost really skinny do to not eating much with the world being how it is.

Background: not much is known about her background other than before the world went to sh*t she had a family. One she was really close to. But once the world fell, she got separated from her family and has been trying to get back to them.

Personality: Cassie is a spitfire of a girl. Constantly bickering with others about different things. Though, a part of her can be sweet and down to earth. She is self conscious about her mechanical leg and tends to wear pants all the time to hide it.

Likes: coffee, comic books, and tickering with electronics.

Wants: to find her family again. No matter how long it might take.
Heart this
2 | 1 Comment | by MissPhantom | Jun 11th 2024 08:54

CS - Erika Holtzendorff: SS Panther Commander

Name: Erika Holtzendorff

Date of Birth: March 3, 1921

Place of Birth: Leipzig, Germany

Service Branch: Waffen-SS

Rank: SS-Untersturmführerin (Second Lieutenant)

Unit: 39th SS Panzer Regiment, 39th SS Panzer Division "Bund Deutscher Mädel"

Erika Holtzendorff was born in Leipzig as the post-war economy crumbled around her family. The Great Depression cast a pall over their once comfortable life, reducing her father, a former factory worker, to taking whatever odd jobs he could find. Erika grew up amidst scarcity, watching her parents struggle to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. These years of hardship forged Erika’s resilient character and deepened her parents' political convictions. When the National Socialists regime rose to power and revitalized the German economy, the Holtzendorff family became ardent supporters.

The promise of prosperity and national pride resonated deep, and Erika, too, embraced these ideals with fervor. Joining the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel, BDM) seemed a natural progression, and she quickly distinguished herself as a dedicated and capable member. From a young age, Erika was captivated by the tales of Germanic heroism and military prowess. With the outbreak of World War II and the regime's radical policies allowing women into frontline combat roles, Erika saw an opportunity to serve her country and elevate her family’s standing.

In 1941, as Germany mobilized for a total war effort, Erika saw an opportunity to further prove her loyalty and skill. She joined the newly formed 39th SS Panzer Division "Bund Deutscher Mädel", drawing members from the League, Erika’s aptitude for leadership and her keen strategic mind led to her being trained as a tank commander.

Erika’s journey through the war was marked by some of the most intense and pivotal battles on the Eastern Front. She and her crew fought valiantly during Operation Winter Storm, striving in the futile attempt to relieve the encircled 6th Army at Stalingrad. At the Battle of Kursk, her Panther tank took part in the largest tank battle in history, where Erika’s strategic acumen and fearless leadership were put to the ultimate test. It was at Kursk that she was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross.

Through the brutal engagements at Kharkov and Smolensk, Erika's reputation as a formidable tank commander grew. Her ability to remain calm under fire and to make quick, decisive actions often turned the tide of battle. Yet, with each victory came devastating losses, and the weight of command grew heavier with each comrade she saw fall.

As the war progressed and the situation on the Eastern Front deteriorated, the BDM division was pushed back inexorably towards the German heartland. By 1945, the BDM division was part of the 12th Army defending the region around Beelitz. In the chaos of the collapsing Third Reich, the 12th Army and the remnant of the 9th Army provided a critical corridor for soldiers and refugees to escape westward, ensuring they could surrender to American forces, sparing them from Soviet retribution.

On May 7 1945, Erika’s platoon reached the partially destroyed Elbe River bridge at Tangermünde. They provided cover for the remaining soldiers and refugees across the bridge, before they themselves cross the Elbe and formally surrendered to the Americans.

After the war, Erika would become a member of the HIAG.
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2 | 0 Comments | by Jacky138 | Jun 11th 2024 08:16

CS- Hilde Kestenbaum: SS Panzergrenadier Sergeant

Name: Hilde Kestenbaum

Date of Birth: May 5, 1922

Place of Birth: Munich, Germany

Service Branch: Waffen-SS

Rank: SS-Oberscharführerin (Staff Sergeant)

Unit: 99th SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment, 39th SS Panzer Division "Bund Deutscher Mädel"

Hilde Kestenbaum was born into a city imbued with both the charm of Bavarian tradition and the fervent stirrings of political change. Her father, a staunch nationalist and veteran of the Great War, and her mother, a devoted homemaker, instilled in Hilde a sense of duty and pride from an early age. With her steely blue eyes and a will as unyielding as the Alps, young Hilde quickly demonstrated she was no ordinary child.

As she grew, Hilde's path was unmistakably shaped by the winds of change sweeping through Germany. At fourteen, she joined the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel, BDM).

In 1941, the world was engulfed in war. The decision to allow women to serve in the military, including on the front lines, was both revolutionary and controversial. When the Waffen-SS announced the formation of the 39th SS Panzer Division "Bund Deutscher Mädel," drawn predominantly from BDM members, Hilde volunteered without hesitation. This was her chance to prove her loyalty to the Fatherland and fight for the future she had been indoctrinated to believe in.

Hilde's training was grueling, but she thrived under the harsh regimen. Her superiors, impressed by her physical endurance and tactical brilliance. Assigned to the 99th SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment, she was given command of a squad, a responsibility she accepted with both pride and gravity.

The Eastern Front was a theater of unimaginable horrors. As Hilde led her squad through the frozen wastelands and blood-soaked battlefields, quickly promoted her to the rank of SS-Oberscharführerin, she earned the nickname "Iron Maiden" for her unflinching resolve and tactical genius. Yet, the brutal realities of war began to gnaw at her soul. Winter Storm, Kursk, Kharkov,Smolensk, She saw comrades fall, villages burn, and innocent lives shattered. Each battle scarred her not only physically but also mentally, deepening the chasm between the ideology she once believed in and the harsh truths of the conflict.
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1 | 0 Comments | by Jacky138 | Jun 11th 2024 07:44

You're Too Slow! (Rules)

1. Patience: I have the attention span of a turtle, so if I forget to respond just remind me. As long as you're not spamming me every two minutes for a reply I'll get back to you. Also, bear in mind I'm way more active on Discord. It's my go-to platform, so if you want a platform where I'm more active just add me on there.

2. Fight RPS: I don't mind them, but I don't want any cheap bs. No godmodding, or powerplaying crap whatsoever. If you act like your character is impervious to pain, or uses OOC knowledge to gain an upper hand? At that point, I'm not interested in it anymore. Also, vary up your attacks at the bare minimum.

3. Shipping/romance: I don't care for this too much, it's not something I actively seek out but I'm not completely opposed to it. As long as there's genuine chemistry it's a solid maybe. If it's one-sided or forced though hard pass for me by far. Also, it can't be the main focus of a storyline there has to be something else for me to get around to it.

4. No sm*t/ero: Look, if you're into that kinda thing that's fine. I have no interest in writing it though. So if you're here to get your rocks off, either go to Pornhub, screw a prostitute, or add someone else who's into that. I have zero interest in writing of this caliber so don't pressure me into writing it.

5. No drama: I don't care who said what, or even if it involves me I'm not interested in it. The only time I'll remotely hear you out in this caliber is if you're exposing a pedophile or something that's about it. Aside from that, I'm not interested in gossip, or mudslinging. If you have a problem with me that's fine either tell me and talk it out, or block me just that simple.

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2 | 3 Comments | by Undefeatable | Jun 11th 2024 06:20

Still like that old time rock 'n' roll

OC INFORMATION - trigger warnings: mentions of kidnapping, self harm, addiction


. . . x

&.. full name (?) marceline dahlia wheeler
... nicknames (?) marce, lina, lia
... birthdate / age (?) December 25th /18
… gender / sex (?) female
... birthplace / current location (?) hawkins, indiana/los angeles, california
... nationality / languages (?) american / english, ASL, a little bit of french


. . . .
&.. faceclaim:  inna nord
… eye color (?) green
… hair color (?) black
… height (?) 5'6
… weight (?) 120 lbs
… piercings / tattoos / scars (?) marceline has multiple piercings on her body. she has a few tattoos as well as scars on her thighs from self harm
… style (?) marceline's style often varies depending on the weather. No matter what the weather is, she will mostly be found in a hoodie and trackpants.

< MENTAL ! >

. . . .
&.. general state (?) marceline's mental state isn't the best. due to multiple events in her childhood, she doesn't have the best mental state. However she is trying to get better
… disorders (?) depression, anxiety, ptsd
… symptoms (?) depression - Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" mood. Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism. Feelings of irritability, frustration, or restlessness.
anxiety - Intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Fast heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating and feeling tired may occur.
post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - nightmares or flashbacks, avoidance of situations that bring back the trauma, heightened reactivity to stimuli, anxiety or depressed mood
… coping mechanisms (?) drinking, smoking, burning herself
… currently: unmedicated/seeking help
… phobias: claustrophobia - fear of tight enclosed spaces
… addictions (?) nicotine, burning, alcohol, cocaine
… eating disorders (?) - forced anorexia
... traumas (?) When marceline was six, she was kidnapped. It took a whole year before anyone even noticed she was gone and another year for her to be found locked inside a basement, chained to a metal pole and malnourished, on the very edge of death


. . . . . .
&.. parents (?) karen wheeler and ted wheeler
… siblings (?) - nancy wheeler, mike wheeler, holly wheeler, vincent wheeler (@schism)
… children (?) n/a
… relationship with family (?) ted barely pays attention to any of his kids so marceline and ted's relationship is extremely strained. karen and marceline are no better. karen puts way too much pressure on her daughter to be perfect and it only makes marceline despise her mother even more. her relationship with mike, nancy and vincent is pretty neutral as long as they aren't too big of an a$$hole to her, she doesn't mind them. out of all her siblings, marceline is closest with holly, often looking out for her younger sister in whatever way she can.

… relationship status (?) single
… significant other (?) n/a
… sexuality (?)  pansexual
… miscellaneous (?)  monogamous
… past relationships (?) only one, they moved away and ghosted her
… love interests (?) n/a
… pets (?) a grey kitten named smokey and a black cat named salem as well as a puppy named rocco


. . . .
&.. education (?) Hawkins High
… intelligence (?) marceline isn't exactly textbook smart but she is extremely street smart given her past traumas
… self-confidence (?) marceline often puts on a confident front but deep down, she isn't confident in her ability to get along with people
… what upsets her (?) people raising their voice at her often causes marceline to breakdown, sobbing. She isn't overly fond of people who are just jerks in general either
… first impressions (?) marceline often comes off as overly hyper on first encounters. however once she settles down, she's pretty chill
… rational / emotional (?)  emotional
… introvert / extrovert (?) introvert

< HABITS ! >

. . . . .
&.. physical (?) chewing on her nails, biting her bottom lip, tugging at her hair, rocking
… verbal (?) repeats things to herself under her breath

< LIKES ! >

&.. likes (?) reading, rock n roll music, drawing, warm weather, summer, pink lemonade
… dislikes (?) orange juice, dark spaces, closets or any tight enclosed space
… hobbies (?) reading, drawing
… allergies (?) shellfish, nuts


. . .
&.. food (?) chicken nuggets
… drink (?) pepsi
… holiday (?) Halloween
… number (?) 14
… person (?) Her little sister, holly

(layout: @lightbug)
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | by deIicate | Jun 11th 2024 04:20

That kind of music just soothes the soul

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0 | 0 Comments | by deIicate | Jun 11th 2024 04:17

I reminisce about the days of old

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0 | 0 Comments | by deIicate | Jun 11th 2024 04:16

With that old time rock 'n' roll

Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by deIicate | Jun 11th 2024 04:16

Malia Rosefire [ Star Wars : I • II • III ]


PASSWORD: ******

. + . + . + . +



model name /
+ Malia. meaning, of calm, serene and peaceful.
+ zidonia. meaning, of i made that sh*t up but it's to dedicate her father, Xidorn origin.
+ rosefire. meaning, of her father's side of the family origin.
+ history of name. She was named by Xidorn, her middle name was given by Tari, shockingly enough. Zaelya is her true name that Tari named her, but Malia kept Malia because she felt it was more humanizing and not like something of the dark side [Darth Zaelya is fire tho]

also known as /
aliases, nicknames, code names.
+ Mal. meaning or explanation. Short for Malia.
+ 'lia. meaning or explanation. Anakin's affectionate nickname for her.

date of activation /
date of birth [ xx/xx/41BBY ]
+ age. 23 years. [ legal. ]

place of activation /
place of birth.
+ raised. on a planet called Nesrin, her home planet. Then, she was brought to Coruscant to become a Jedi.

country of origin /
+ citizenships. listed below.
+ one. [ by birth. ] NESRINIAN
+ two. [ by marriage. ] N/A

location and status / home planet Nesrin
current residence.
+ status. target identified. [ last recorded unknown // ]
+ vital status. alive.
+ criminal status. innocent / framed / most wanted / on the run.
+ shipping status. single / dual / multi. [ open ]
+ marital status. unmarried. [ single ]

species /
name of species. human.
+ gender. here. [ she/her. ]
+ sexuality. here. [ bi ]

occupation /
+ previous. A former child slave who worked under Watto alongside Anakin Skywalker.
+ other. Jedi Knight.
+ affiliation(s). padawan turned knight of the Jedi Order.
face-claim /
name. Diana Guerrero
+ alternative. list here.
+ voice-claim. Diana Guerrero [ recording. ]
+ general appearance. She's thicker and taller than her face claim. Chubby and proud to be. Her nose is big.

persona /
moral alignment.
+ positive traits. Caring, kind, gentle
+ negative traits. short-tempered, worries too much, overthinks too much
+ neutral traits. She's too calm at times, it worries others. Has resting bitch face.
+ likes. Her friends, Anakin, destroying things with her lightsaber, reading, drawing and writing.
+ dislikes. war, conflicts, being pit up against people she cares for, negative feelings that are so intense, she feels like she'd never come out of it, the dark side.
+ motivations. To help those who remind her of herself and Anakin when they were children. Weak and unable to defend themselves.
+ fears. the dark side, being alone, fighting against people she loves.
health /
described below.
+ physical condition. She's got a few scars littering her body such as her back, her arms, and calves. There are a few across the bridge of her nose and her right cheek. There's a long scar wrap around her neck.
+ psychological condition. PTSD from the ongoing Clone Wars.
+ medications. None, she can't even get herself a therapist.
+ mobility devices + augmentations. here.
stats /
identified below.
+ strength. 7.5/10.
+ agility. 6.5/10.
+ endurance. 5/10.
+ intelligence. 8/10.
+ emotional maturity. 7/10.
+ combat skills. 8.5/10.
+ stealth. 6.5/10.
+ power control. 8.5/10.
+ other. 4.5/10.
connections /
identified below.
+ Anakin Skywalker. Childhood best friends who grew up together on the planet Tatooine, struggling as slaves under a Toydarian named Watto. Anakin and Mal met when a bunch of bounty hunters were chasing the young girl through Mos Eisley. Anakin saved her life with the help of Shmi Skywalker.
+ Vixyn I'darro (my best friend's oc). Best and closest friends. They're like siblings and they like to cause chaos and trouble for the whole Jedi Order.
+ Obi-Wan Kenobi. Father and brother figure. They met when Mal was only 9 years old.
+ Tari Llyander. birth mother. [ written by axyn. ]
+ Xidorn Rosefire. birth father. [ written by axyn. ]

# SUBJECT HISTORY // my name is malia rosefire. I was the daughter of a jedi master named Xidorn Rosefire and Nesrinian queen by the name of Tari Llyander. I grew up a princess meant to rule my mother's home planet as future queen when my mother and father had gotten into a huge fall-out with one another. My mother wanted me to become as corrupted as her, whereas my father wanted me to remain pure and to follow my dreams. My mother did not like that and everything fell apart from there. She chased my father and I out of her kingdom and her home planet to which he quickly fled off in his ship with me back to Coruscant in hopes of raising me back at the Jedi Temple in secret. My father was then killed when we crash landed on a planet called Tatooine, following the bounty hunters seeking me out in order to get rid of my mother's bloodline if I weren't to take on the throne based on her own way of ruling. From then on, I was chased from Mos Espa to Mos Eisley when I came across a blond haired young boy my age... and from then on... I became a Jedi Knight and found myself losing everything once again.
researcher /
identified below.
+ name. AXYN / Angela
+ age. legal / 23 / born in 2000.
+ pronouns she/her.
+ time-zone. central time.
+ writing style. descriptive. [ sample. ]
+ main account. here.

{ </"DISCLAIMER"> } =
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0 | 1 Comment | by strawberrymoon | Jun 11th 2024 03:29

The Queen

She has been delayed the previous evening due to an appointment at the hospital. Qi had a serious talk with her, regarding the problem, mainly the causes, but she was not helpful nor willing to tell him the truth. In any case, he gave her more medications and instructions, to deal with the problem. She'll be fine in about a week of medications, but Qi insists on visiting her again in the end just in case.

After the medicines, she collapses in bed very fast. Usually she has a light sleep, but with them, no problem at all. XD
She wakes up in the morning and gets ready. She ties her hair in a ponytail, wears a full leather attire, a belt with several weapons, armoured forearm covers and boots. When she is about to leave, Ryun approaches, wanting to go with her, but she leaves him in the room with Boothill.
With all ready, she heads to the military camp to see her team.
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1 | 37 Comments | by Irya | Jun 11th 2024 02:58

- Phaerl Casanova -

“BOOKWORM. HOARDER. —-----------

Story: Original Content
Name: Phaerl Casanova
Age: 21
Profession: Bookseller in her own shop.
Race: Half-Human, Half-Kitsune.
Sex: Female
Size: 1.82m
Favorite song: Lucky girl - Fazerdaze


Personality: Phaerl is a kind woman, she is well-educated and quick-witted. She works at her bookstore, the Dreamwell. Even if she does need help, she usually works all by herself. A great bookworm, and a daydreamer, she always replies with care and politeness, even if the person is mad at her. She is a little bit of a hoarder. (read Collier Brothers, type of hoarder.) She claims that her small apartment has the capacity to handle all the books she needs.

Appearance: Phaerl is a half-kitsune, by being daughter of a man which had sexual relations with a Kitsune in human form. Knowing this, her Fox ears have the same Sakura Pink color as her hair. Her red eyes are huge and expressive, behind her half red spectacles, she hides a soft freckle under her eyes, over the chubby cheeks. She is known to be on the plump side, as she doesn’t have money to pay the gym. She keeps getting hurt and is very fond of large clothing that could support her plump, luscious body.


Weapons: Her quick-wit and smartness. Seeming to be able to reply so quickly, makes some improvisation artists laugh.

Abilities: She is able to imagine things and compose the most abstract concepts into paper.


Story: Phaerl is a daughter, heir of a rich family of the Casanova’s, but set as a bastard because of the extraconjugal relationship of her father with her mother. To set herself in the town she opened a small bookstore and started selling copies of old books. The jobs are hard, and don't pay much as some of the payment cut has been divided to the creation of the internet and the advent of online stores. But she keeps smiling each day and working her best to make the day.

Appendix: IV.45 - The Collier Brothers is a well known case of Hoarder home being taken to the extreme. - - -


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2 | 4 Comments | by MaxiEve | Jun 11th 2024 00:44

CS - Ottilie Heineken: U-boat commander

Name: Ottilie Heineken
Date of Birth: April 15, 1913
Place of Birth: Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, German Empire
Service Branch: Kriegsmarine
Rank: Kapitänleutnant (as of 1941)
Command: U-329

Flensburg, a quaint town nestled in the northern reaches of Schleswig-Holstein, was a place where the rhythm of the sea dictated the pace of life. It was here, in the spring of 1913, that Ottilie Heineken was born. The daughter of Heinrich Heineken, a stern but fair schoolteacher, and Gertrude Heineken, a gentle homemaker with a love for literature and music, Ottilie’s childhood was a blend of discipline and creativity. Heinrich instilled in her a love for knowledge and a strict sense of duty, while Gertrude's stories and melodies awakened in her a profound sense of wonder and possibility.

Ottilie’s early years were marked by an insatiable curiosity. She devoured her father’s books, from mathematical treatises to philosophical discourses, and spent countless hours at the piano with her mother, fingers dancing over the keys as melodies filled their modest home. Flensburg's docks and the ever-present call of the sea served as the backdrop to her childhood adventures, where dreams of far-off lands and naval exploits began to take root in her young mind.

In 1932, against the backdrop of a nation teetering on the brink of monumental change, Ottilie made a decision that would shape the rest of her life: she joined the Reichsmarine as an officer cadet.

During her training, she encountered her first true test of resilience. The Niobe, the training sailing ship of the Reichsmarine, was caught in a sudden and violent storm. As the ship capsized and chaos ensued, Ottilie found herself in the frigid waters of the Baltic Sea. The experience was harrowing, but it cemented her determination. Surviving the Niobe disaster wasn’t just a testament to her physical endurance, but a defining moment that solidified her resolve to rise through the naval ranks.

By 1940, Ottilie had earned her place aboard U-124, known as the "Edelweiss boat". As the First Watch Officer under the command of Kapitänleutnant Georg-Wilhelm Schulz, Ottilie learned the intricacies of submarine warfare. Her strategic acumen and innovative thinking help led to several successful missions, earning her the respect of her superiors and the deep camaraderie of her crew. Each patrol was a delicate dance of stealth and survival, and Ottilie proved herself adept at navigating the perils of the underwater battlefield.

In 1941, Ottilie was promoted to Kapitänleutnant and given command of her own U-boat, U-329. The moment she first stepped aboard as commander was a culmination of years of perseverance and dedication. She adorned her new boat with the Edelweiss emblem, a tribute to her time on U-124 and a symbol of her enduring spirit.
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by Jacky138 | Jun 10th 2024 22:47

CS - Helga von Falkenstein: SS Security Major

Full Name: Helga von Falkenstein
Age: 34
Birthplace: Berlin, Germany
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Build: Athletic and imposing
Eyes: Piercing blue
Rank: Sturmbannführerin (Major)
Branch: Sicherheitsdienst (SD) - Security Service of the SS
Alternate Universe Setting: the Axis powers have won World War II, leading to a German-dominated Europe.

Disposition: Cold, calculating, and methodical. Helga is known for her unflinching demeanor and her ability to remain composed under pressure. She is highly disciplined and expects the same from those under her command.

Strengths: Analytical mind, strategic thinking, multilingual (fluent in English, French, Russian, and Polish), expert in psychological manipulation and interrogation techniques.

Weaknesses: Her ruthlessness and lack of empathy can sometimes alienate allies and subordinates. She has few personal connections, leading to potential isolation and vulnerability.


Combat Training: Proficient in hand-to-hand combat, firearms, and survival tactics.

Intelligence Operations: Skilled in espionage, surveillance, code-breaking, and counter-intelligence.

Interrogation Techniques: Expert in both physical and psychological methods of interrogation, known for extracting information without leaving marks.

Diplomacy and Negotiation: Capable of negotiating with foreign dignitaries and collaborators, though her methods are often coercive.

Motivations and Goals

Loyalty: Fiercely loyal to the ideals of National Socialism and the SS. Believes in the creation and maintenance of a strong, unified German empire.

Personal Ambition: Seeks to climb higher within the ranks of the SS and gain more influence over intelligence operations across Europe.

Vision: Envisions a world where Germany is the supreme power, governed by order and efficiency. She sees herself as a cog in maintaining this new world order.


Helga von Falkenstein was born on January 5, 1910, in Berlin, Germany, into the von Falkenstein family, known for their long history of noble lineage. Her father, Colonel Wilhelm von Falkenstein, was a decorated officer in the German Army during World War I. Her mother, Elise von Falkenstein (née Dieterich), was a prominent socialite involved in high society and political gatherings.

Helga grew up in a luxurious estate in Berlin, surrounded by opulence and strict discipline. Her upbringing was marked by a blend of privilege and rigorous expectations.

From a young age, Helga received an exceptional education. Private tutors provided instruction in various subjects, including history, languages, and the arts. Her parents instilled in her a sense of duty, patriotism, and an unyielding commitment to excellence. Her father, a stern and disciplined man, emphasized the importance of military service and loyalty to Germany. Helga idolized him and absorbed his stories of battlefield heroics and strategic brilliance. Her mother, although more nurturing, reinforced the importance of social status, decorum, and political acumen.

Helga's teenage years were marked by a series of formative experiences. She excelled academically and demonstrated exceptional talent in languages, quickly becoming fluent in English, French, and Russian. Her social circle consisted of the children of high-ranking officials and nobility. Helga learned the art of diplomacy and intrigue at an early age, often accompanying her parents to high-profile social and political events. During her late teens, Helga became increasingly aware of the rising tide of National Socialism. She was captivated by the rhetoric of a strong, unified Germany and the promise of restoring national pride. Her father, initially skeptical, eventually endorsed the movement, further influencing her beliefs.

At the age of 18, Helga enrolled at the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin, studying political science and law. Her academic performance was outstanding, and she quickly became involved in student organizations aligned with National Socialist ideology. During her time at university, Helga came under the mentorship of influential professors and political figures who recognized her potential. She built a network of contacts that would later prove invaluable in her career.

Upon graduation, Helga initially took on a role as a secretary within the SS, where her efficiency and intelligence were quickly noticed. She was recruited into the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the intelligence agency of the SS, due to her linguistic skills and analytical mind. Helga's rise through the ranks of the SD was swift. She demonstrated exceptional skill in intelligence gathering, counter-espionage, and interrogation techniques. Her ability to extract information and her ruthless methods earned her a reputation as one of the most effective officers in the SD.

A significant milestone in her career was her role in dismantling the resistance network following the failed assassination attempt on Hitler. This success further cemented her position within the SD and led to her promotion of Sturmbannführerin (Major), earning her accolades and furthering her reputation.
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by Jacky138 | Jun 10th 2024 21:44

CS - Nanami Chiyako: IJN Officer

Name: Nanami Chiyako (七海 千弥子)

Age: 26

Nationality: Japan

Branch: Imperial Japanese Navy

Rank: Kaigun-Chui (Lieutenant)

Gender: F

Height: 157cm

Personality: Born in Kurahashi Island in Hiroshima Bay, Kurahashi-jima is part of the islands group known as Geiyo Islands in the Seto Inland Sea. Chiyako was the third of four daughters, her father, Nanami Shunsaku was a sea captain who owned a shipping company that transported cargo between Kyoto and Kinei, as well as West Japan and the Korean Peninsula. Thanks to the deep and calm Seto Inland Sea, this area has been a main shipping hub for Japan for millennia. The Ichinomiya Itsukushima Shrine and Oyamazumi Shrine (both guardians of navigation) are all located in this area, which shows the historical importance of this sea lane.

As a child, Chiyako loved hanging around her father's shipyard; by the time she was twelve, she was filling out shipping journals for him. Chiyako gradually became indispensable to her father, and as she grew older, Chiyako's father promised her that she would one day own a ship herself.

When she was 15, Chiyako had lost her mother to pancreatic cancer and then her younger sister from a traffic accident. She took over running the household while also managing the bookkeeping for her father's business.

When Chiyako was 17, her father bought a freighter, the Asuka-maru named after her mother, and he registered the ship in Chiyako’s name. They used it to transport cargo such as coal, iron ore, and tungsten from China. Chiyako spent most of her time captaining the Asuka-maru personally, becoming adept at navigation and all aspects of sailing. She was known for being a stern enforcer of order on board her ship, intolerant of any drunken crew members on duty.

After her father died, the other shareholders decided they want the company for themselves. As the children of the previous owner, Chiyako and her two siblings were all given a large cheque with enough money for them to live the rest of their life in luxury. Chiyako’s love for sailing and past records eventually brought her to enrolled for Naval Academy and being commissioned, before she was assigned to the cruiser warship Atago as an officer on board.
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