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arachnne's Blog

✞  Alenka

"I am the knife which will
slaughter heaven."

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Full Name: Alenka Wozniak
Alias: Janjetina (lamb in Croatian)
Nationality: Croatian

Age: 20
Date of Birth: Unknown

Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Uncertain
Species: Human

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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 28th 2023 09:38

✞ Ulyana

"A wolf is a wolf, even in a cage,
even dressed in silk. "

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Full Name: Ulyana Volkova
Alias: Hecate
Nationality: Unknown, but she's of Slavic descent

Age: 24
Date of Birth: November 4th

Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Half human, half daeva.

A daeva is an ancient demonic creature of shadow, a special type of demon, that can be summoned by other demons. While they are invisible, daevas appear as humanoid shadows. They are known to turn on those who controlled them once that control is lost. Due to Ulyiana being a hybrid, she possesses a human body, but she has the ability to turn into a shadow at her convenience.

ii. Physical Appearance

Height: 1'71 m / 5'61''
Weight: 55 kg / 121 lbs

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1 | 0 Comments | Dec 17th 2023 13:03

✞ Helga

"We begin in the dark
and birth is the death of us."

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Full Name: Helga Arnheim
Alias: Death's Bride
Nationality: German

Age: 22
Date of Birth: October 15th

Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Uncertain
Species: Demigoddess, daughter of a Keres and a human man.

In Greek mythology, the Keres were goddesses who personified cruel and violent death, including death in battle, by accident, murder or ravaging disease. These malevolent spirits were cravers of blood and feasted upon it after ripping a soul free from its mortally wounded body. They were described as dark beings with gnashing teeth and claws and with a thirst for human blood, and they would appear to people who were dying and would be present at the time of death, but they could not kill anyone and could not control who died at what time.

Occupation: Necromancer.

A necromancer is a person who practices necromancy, a discipline of black magic used to communicate with the dead to foretell the future. They are also known for their extensive knowledge of human anatomy and their studies of dead bodies, often desecrating graves as to obtain them.

ii. Physical Appearance

Height: 1,69 m / 5'54''
Weight: 54 kg / 119 lbs

Svelte and elegant, her appearance resembles one of a divine being, as if she was made of mist and could vanish with the zephyr. The paleness and rather ivory undertone of her skin is very distinctive and creates a striking contrast to her sharp features. Her long, pale white colored hair cascades down her back to her calfs, making her seem even more ghostly. Her eyes, hypnotic and slightly upturned, burn a peculiar shade, a mix between muted yellow and grey, framed by thick and dark eyelashes, her thin brows harmonizing perfectly with the rest of her features. She has a petite, dainty nose, upturned and proportionate. Her full, plump lips are always painted black, almost resembling a moonless night. Heart-shaped face and a small skull, her cheekbones are very prominent and her jawline sharp. She's usually dressed in black clothes, accentuating her skin tone, corsets, skirts and silk always present on her garments.

iii. Personality

Some keywords to describe Helga would be phlegmatic, enigmatic and secretive, her feelings and intentions always hidden and kept away from others. She's a rather bitter and nihilistic woman, however, she's learnt how to be superficially charming as to trick and get whatever she wants from people, sometimes appearing coquettish and empathetic. Sharp-tongued and sardonic, she has a twisted sense of humor that goes along perfectly with her personality. Though she doesn't enjoy interaction with others and prefers solitude, her occupation has forced her not to be reclusive.

She's articulate and astute, resembling a sly fox, her intelligence reflecting on her every word. Rather vain, she shows undue pride in her abilities and achievements. Due to her occupation being related to occultism, her beliefs fall outside the scope of organized religion, believing that being religious and having faith is something typical of weak-minded people.

iv. Miscellaneous Information

She owns a pet crow named Letum.

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Heart this
3 | 1 Comment | Dec 13th 2023 12:07

✞ Nevenka

"God loves you,
but not enough to save you."

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Full Name: Nevenka Leóntiev (in russian: Нэбэнка Лео́нтьев)
Alias: Angel of Death, Lamb of God
Nationality: Russian.

Age: 20
Date of Birth: September 29th. This date marks the veneration of all three archagel's recognized by christianity: Saint Gabriel, Saint Michael and Saint Raphael.

Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Uncertain
Species: Half human, half archangel.

Coming from the Greek meaning “chief angel,” archangels are the second-lowest rank of angel in the Christian hierarchy of angels. Their divine responsibilities are to protect, guide and inspire humanity, also acting as a bridge for humans to receive wisdom and divine inspiration. They have a key role in maintaining harmony, peace, and balance, possessing the abilities to speak in dreams, present signs or even send visions to people.

ii. Physical Appearance

Height: 1,66 m / 5'44''
Weight: 51 kg / 112 lbs

Nevenka's appearance is seraphic and frail, her features delicate and highly feminine, almost resembling those of a doll. Her skin is pale and has a very light pink undertone to it, which becomes more noticeable when exposed to the harshness of cold temperatures. Golden, wavy locks, soft as silk, fall graciously down her back to her hips, long hair becoming a halo of light when the sun hits it directly. Despite her angelic semblance, her eyes burn a strong dark brown color, thick and rather dark eyelashes framing them. She has a small, pointy nose that harmonizes with the rest of her features. Her lips are petite, heart shaped, rather full and a dark shade of coral pink. She has a round-shaped face, soft cheekbones due to her full cheeks and a small skull. Tall and svelte, with bony and long limbs, her movements are always feathery and elegant.

iii. Personality

Nevenka's psyche is a stark contrast to her physical appearance, the illusion that she is an almost celestial being vanishing at the very moment you look into her ill willed eyes. Introverted and hermetic, she does not enjoy the company of others, rather despising it. She appears cold and bloodless, but what really boils under her skin can only be described as pure, unadulterated resentment and thirst for vengeance, her hatred towards humans and those who have made her life miserable being almost primitive.

She's observant and devious, doesn't conceive people like one would normally do, only focusing on their weaknesses to know when to pounce like a predator. Bloodthirsty, she has tasted blood, has covered her hands with it, the warmth of the burgundy liquid a crude reminder that she's still alive even if death has tried reaching for her hand before. Decadent and morally corrupt, the conceptions of what's good and evil are completely erased from her mind.

iv. Background/Story

Born into a Christian cult and believed to be a messenger of God by its members, Nevenka has always been a martyr. She had to undergo all sorts of unthinkable tortures: they used to cut and burn her hair, beat her until her ribs were broken and coughed up blood and hammer nails into her hands and feet to recreate what Christ had to go through and make her feel it in her flesh. Helpless in the face of her abuse, she had no choice but to accept it and endure the pain.

One day, while they were performing a ritual which consisted of extracting and drinking her blood to purify their souls, something in her mind snapped, all the pent-up ire enveloping her entire body, burning flames licking her skin. She took hold of the dagger they were using to tear her skin and obtain the warm liquid and stabbed one of the men in front of her, flesh making way for the weapon's razor-sharp blade. The other men screamed in terror, but there was no turning back, the monster they had created was now free and needed more blood to quench its thirst.

Since then, and now being aware of her capacity, she lives as a fugitive, often returning to the place where the cult is settled to murder again and live up to the alias she received: Angel of Death.

v. Miscellaneous Information

She has a stereotypy whereby she usually joins her hands in a praying position, a result of her past where she had to spend endless hours praying.

She suffers from migraines with aura.

She has the ability to appear in people's dreams and can experiment bilocation, a mystical phenomenon in which the material body seems to be simultaneously present in two distinct places at the same time.

Theme Song:

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Heart this
4 | 0 Comments | Nov 29th 2023 09:30

✞ Geneva

Full Name: Geneva Heiderscheid
Age: 21 years old
Sex: Female
Species: Plot dependent

Height: 1,68 m / 5'51''
Weight: 52 kg / 114 lb

Geneva's general appearance is described as alluring and highly feminine, her physique reflecting her youth in a sophisticated way. She appears frail, delicate as the touch of a feather, with pale ivory toned skin, soft to the touch. Her long, slightly wavy hair that hasn't been cut in years falls down to her hips, raw umber locks framing her features. Her eyes are sharp and almond shaped, her irises a beautiful hue of cool blue, with long, dark eyelashes. Her eyebrows are thick and straight, low set. She has a small and dainty nose, slightly arched. Her lips are one of her most outstanding facial features; plump, luscious, glossy and painted a dark shade of pink. Her face is diamond-shaped, with sharp cheekbones and a notorious jawline. She has a svelte and lithe figure, with pronounced collarbones and narrow shoulders, along with a small chest and quite long legs. Her movements are always gracious, airy and precise, as if she was dancing with the wind.

Personality Traits
Observant | Prim
Obedient | Hesitant
Pure | Intelligent
Demure | Articulate
Dependent | Gullible

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6 | 0 Comments | Nov 19th 2023 09:50