✞ Ulyana

"A wolf is a wolf, even in a cage,
even dressed in silk. "

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Full Name: Ulyana Volkova
Alias: Hecate
Nationality: Unknown, but she's of Slavic descent

Age: 24
Date of Birth: November 4th

Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Half human, half daeva.

A daeva is an ancient demonic creature of shadow, a special type of demon, that can be summoned by other demons. While they are invisible, daevas appear as humanoid shadows. They are known to turn on those who controlled them once that control is lost. Due to Ulyiana being a hybrid, she possesses a human body, but she has the ability to turn into a shadow at her convenience.

ii. Physical Appearance

Height: 1'71 m / 5'61''
Weight: 55 kg / 121 lbs

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1 | Dec 17th 2023 13:03