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The_first_man's Blog

The snow prince

✹ B A S I C S ✹
【First name】
» The house of the Sky
【Birth place】
» The kingdom of Aurora
【Current location 】
» The kingdom of Aurora
» Male
【Known as】
» The gentle prince
【Known for】
» for spending his day making snacks for the servants
✹ P H Y S I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N ✹
【Skin type】
» Pale
【Hair length】
» short
【Hair color】
» white
【Hair style】
» messy
【Eye color】
✹ A T T I R E ✹
【General outfit】
» The outfit of a prince
» A dagger in his boot but He prefers to use his bow
【Extra accessories】
»A small bag where he carries all sorts of things
✹ C H A R A C T E R ' S V O I C E ✹
【Languages Spoken】
» English
✹ A B I L I T I E S ✹
» running: 5/10
» knitting : 6/10
» cooking : 2/10
» baking : 8/10
» diplomacy : 9/10
» sword fighting : 3/10
» archery: 7/10
✹ P E R S O N A L I T Y✹
» losing everyone
» Bees
» To unite all the kingdoms
» find true love
» His friends
» Peace
» Bullying
» the Vikings
✹ F A V O R I T E S ✹
» purple
» sweet tarts
» possums
» Winter
» A bow an arrow
» Hot chocolate or Tea
✹R E L A T I O N S H I P S✹
» your character
»King Luther Webb
»Queen Star Webb
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4 | 0 Comments | Jun 13th 2023 12:35

Knight oc

First Name: Victor
Middle Name: Chris
Last Name: Webb
Nickname: Wolf of Aurora

Age: 26
DOB: Quintilis, 8, 26 BCE
POB: Caesarea

Gender: Male
Rank: Captain of the guard

Job: Knight
Place they work: Kingdom of Aurora

Appearance: in the photo but his eyes do turn a shade of red when angered because every high ranked knight in Aurora has the blood of a wolf god in them
Personality: easily angered when annoyed. A warrior that has worked alone for most of his time in service. But tries his best to be calm

Weapons: long sword and a shield and Ice magic
Biggest Fear: The open water

Sexuality: bisexual
Relationship Status: single

Family Member: None that he can remember as his earliest memory was being in the orphanage

Dressing Style: He will be in his knight armor or in clothing fit of a royal

History: (revealed in the roleplay)
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11 | 0 Comments | Feb 27th 2022 14:31

Edward Roberts

Nickname: Eddy
Actual name: Edwards Roberts
Religion: Atheist
Date of birth: June 7
Age: 19
Gender (If applicable): Male
Species: Human
Birthplace: North Carolina


Mother: Jessie Roberts
Father: Keagan Roberts
Relationship status: Single
Opinion of other people in general: He likes to believe in the good of everyone
Does the character hid their true opinions and emotions from others?: He will hide his own sadness to help others


Age they appear: 20
Body build: Skinny
Glasses or contacts (If applicable): He wears glasses
Overall attractiveness: He rates himself a six out of ten
Favourite outfit (If applicable): He has a black dress suit with a gold pin on it.
Jewellery or accessories: He has a pocket watch and wears a red ruby ring
Tattoo(s): None
Scar(s): He has a scar on the back of his hand and one on his cheek
Posture: He stands straight
Usual clothing: He like to wear dress shirts and suit pants
Hair colour: Black
Hair length (Short, medium, long etc.): short
Eye colour: Red eyes
Height: 6’0
Weight: 172lb
Skin tone: He is a healthy tan

*About them*

Mood character is most often in: He is normally in a happy mood
Sense of humour: innocent
Characters greatest joy in life:Meeting new people
Why?: He has always been friendly
Characters greatest fear: Thunder
Why?: It is loud!
What single event would ruin this person's life?: A inappropriate rumor being spread about them
Character is most at ease when: He is with friends
Angry when: Someone he cares about is getting hurt
Depressed when: He is being yelled at
Life goal: To make everyone happy
Characters soft spot: Animals
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: When he sees one he goes into a squeaky mode
Characters darkest secret: He like to eat extra dessert when no one is looking
Likes: Animals, nice people, cake and
Dislikes: Mean people, Thieves, and conflict
Weapon(s) of choice: He carries a remington model 1858 in his jacket
Sexual orientation: Bi (No lean)
Positive traits: They are trusting and positive
Negative traits: They trust everyone who is nice and isn’t very strong
Talent(s): Can remember any song and sing it back after only one listen


Home town: London
Type of childhood: He had a rich kid childhood, He was lonely for the longest time
Pets: He had a horse, a dog and three cats
Most important memory: His first horse
Why?: He bought the horse and raised it until someone stole her
Dream job: He always wanted to be a sheriff
Education: He graduated college


Pets:He owns a Raccoon who likes to sit on his shoulder
Religion: He believes there is something out there


Colour: Blue
Least favourite colour: Red, it looks to angry
Music: He loves to listen to classical
Food: Cake
Most prized possession: Teddy bear and watch


Hobbies: Singing and sowing
Musical instrument: Piano
Plays sport: He played football when he was younger
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Watching the rain fall
Extremely skilled at: Baking and making clothes
Extremely unskilled at: Being mean and cooking meals that aren’t bakeries
Nervous ticks: chews on his lip
Smokes: Yes
Drinks: Sometimes


Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist
Extrovert or introvert?: Extrovert
Cautious or outgoing?: Outgoing

*Self perception*

How does the character see themselves?
One word to describe them self: Happy
What does the character consider their best physical characteristic: Their smile
What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic: Their strength
How does the character think others perceive them: As a marshmallow
What would the character most like to change about them self: His trusting nature
Heart this
5 | 0 Comments | Apr 29th 2020 07:22

Horror Oc

What the police call him: Heartbreaker
Actual name: Jack Morrisy
Reason or meaning of name: He steals the hearts of his victims
Age: 17- 26
Gender (If applicable): Male
Weight: 126 lb
Height: 6’1


Body build: Muscular but can dress feminine to trick people
Overall attractiveness: He likes to think he is good-looking
Jewelry or accessories: Wears black gloves cause burns on his hands
Tattoo(s): He has a tattoo of a heart on his chest
Scar(s): Burns on his hands and a scar on his arm
Usual clothing:Hoodies and jeans
Hair colour: grey
Hair length (Short, medium, long etc.): Medium
Eye colour: One eye is Ice Blue and the other is Grass green
Skin tone: He is pretty pale

*About them*

Mood character is most often in:
Sense of humour: As Dark as the night
Priorities: Murder, surgery and his lover
Characters soft spot: Cats and cat items
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Yes
Characters darkest secret: He is the reason why his family is dead, and has a past dealing with the Mafia
Likes: Rain, Cats, and cooking
Dislikes: Being yelled at, Thunder, and Dogs

How they kill: Violently but has been know to let his victims get away only to get them on another day
Weapon(s) of choice: In his jacket he keeps ten knives
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Talent(s): Can Sing even though he can’t make music


Colour: Sunset orange
Least favorite colour: purple
Music: Classical


Hobbies: Making origami and murdering his lovers if they cheat or anger him
Extremely skilled at: Cooking, writing, and Video games
Extremely unskilled at: People, swimming, and Making music
Nervous ticks: He will bite his lip when nervous or scratch his arms
Smokes: Sometimes
Drinks: When on dates
Heart this
11 | 0 Comments | Apr 25th 2020 17:07

Scp staff


Secure. Contain. Protect.

General Information

First name


Middle Name


Last Name


Staff title

[Mobile Task Force Operative]



Security Clearence Level

[Clearance level 4]







Country of origin

[He is from REDACTED near Europe]


Hair colour


Eye colour



[He is muscular but doesnt have a six pack]




[128 lb]


[He is missing a finger from Scp)];@]


[He is a bubbly person, easily excited. But he will snap easily if you are acting stupid or are a nuisance]


[About normal intelligence he passed high school with all A's but had B's in college]


[Rubbing his hands together, cracking his neck, and biting his nails]


Father - [jack Jackson- KIA]

Mother - [REDACTED- MIA]
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8 | 0 Comments | Aug 22nd 2019 04:02