Horror Oc

What the police call him: Heartbreaker
Actual name: Jack Morrisy
Reason or meaning of name: He steals the hearts of his victims
Age: 17- 26
Gender (If applicable): Male
Weight: 126 lb
Height: 6’1


Body build: Muscular but can dress feminine to trick people
Overall attractiveness: He likes to think he is good-looking
Jewelry or accessories: Wears black gloves cause burns on his hands
Tattoo(s): He has a tattoo of a heart on his chest
Scar(s): Burns on his hands and a scar on his arm
Usual clothing:Hoodies and jeans
Hair colour: grey
Hair length (Short, medium, long etc.): Medium
Eye colour: One eye is Ice Blue and the other is Grass green
Skin tone: He is pretty pale

*About them*

Mood character is most often in:
Sense of humour: As Dark as the night
Priorities: Murder, surgery and his lover
Characters soft spot: Cats and cat items
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Yes
Characters darkest secret: He is the reason why his family is dead, and has a past dealing with the Mafia
Likes: Rain, Cats, and cooking
Dislikes: Being yelled at, Thunder, and Dogs

How they kill: Violently but has been know to let his victims get away only to get them on another day
Weapon(s) of choice: In his jacket he keeps ten knives
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Talent(s): Can Sing even though he can’t make music


Colour: Sunset orange
Least favorite colour: purple
Music: Classical


Hobbies: Making origami and murdering his lovers if they cheat or anger him
Extremely skilled at: Cooking, writing, and Video games
Extremely unskilled at: People, swimming, and Making music
Nervous ticks: He will bite his lip when nervous or scratch his arms
Smokes: Sometimes
Drinks: When on dates
Heart this
11 | Apr 25th 2020 17:07