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Roleplayer2000's Blog

Jenny Kim

Jenny was born in Seoul, South Korea.
Chest size: 36 B

She moved to the United States with her Mom and Dad when she was 10, at first she didn’t have any friends and had to deal with a few racist remarks.

When she was 15 she had made a few friends and was doing well in her classes, she had a few of her male classmates crushing on her, but Jenny was too focused on her studies and her own life for that.

At 18 she now isn’t too fussed about her studies as she is planning on going to college, but she wants to perhaps find a nice guy who will treat her right and perhaps make sure she’s happy
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38 | 1 Comment | Jun 21st 2021 04:32


Brittany Eleanor Miles
Age: 24-54 (depending on the plot)
Height: 5’6
Personality: fun, easy going, loving and caring
Likes: kind people, her son (will either be 3 or 33 depending on the plot)
Dislikes: people staring at her chest, people calling her fake because of her chest size.
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29 | 0 Comments | May 31st 2021 19:11

Hilda Iani Richemont

Age: 19-30
Sex: female
Orientation: straight

Height: 4ft 9
Weight: 97lbs

Hair: hilda’s hair flows down to just before her behind, she’ll often have the strands on each side braided around to form a sort of crown, whilst the hair at the back is braided to keep it from being too far down her back.

Item of clothing: she’ll be mostly seen wearing a slim fitted dress and a lot of jewelry, her father takes pride in his only daughter, he wants what he thinks is best for her, that being a husband.

Skin color: she is a soft pale white, her cheeks are a healthy pink, with a few freckles along her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

Eye color: she has one hazel eye (left) and one crystal blue eye (right)

She loves to read books and poems about gentle giant knights who take care of princess’s, she hopes that a gentle giant would be there for her one day.
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9 | 0 Comments | Mar 11th 2021 04:17

Allison knightly

Allison, was born and put up for adoption, she never knew her real parents and she doesn’t want to find out, after 7 years of living in an orphanage, she was adopted by two men, these men became her fathers and have cared for her ever since, Joshua knightly and Roland Stevenson had always wanted a child, but seeing as they are both male they couldn’t quite give birth to one.

Allison grew up a relatively normal girl after being adopted, although it wasn’t up until she became 15 that she started to become a little mischievous, she picked up smoking after she dated a skater boy who was 18 at the time, he didn’t know Allison was only 15 until she told him, once she told him he broke it off with her and never spoke to her since.

Allison is quite short for a 19 year old, standing at 4ft9 and weighing 96lbs with d cups, she is prone to dyeing her hair color every now and again, although her natural hair is a beautiful blonde, she has a sleeve tattoo and is wanting to have more.
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24 | 0 Comments | Mar 2nd 2021 14:09


Based off my character from Red Dead online.

His name is Ethan.... he was born in England 1879 he is 20 years old and is currently residing in camps around new Hanover USA

He is known to be quiet to most people, only speaking to a select few when he deems them people he can trust, the only time he will talk to people he doesn’t trust is when they threaten him.

He used to have bandages over his eyes due to a cult member slicing his face with a knife, after some time to heal, his eyesight is much better now and he has had to use chemicals to change the color of his hair, he is thriving much better than before and has several people who back him up
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5 | 0 Comments | Jan 26th 2021 23:10