Hilda Iani Richemont

Age: 19-30
Sex: female
Orientation: straight

Height: 4ft 9
Weight: 97lbs

Hair: hilda’s hair flows down to just before her behind, she’ll often have the strands on each side braided around to form a sort of crown, whilst the hair at the back is braided to keep it from being too far down her back.

Item of clothing: she’ll be mostly seen wearing a slim fitted dress and a lot of jewelry, her father takes pride in his only daughter, he wants what he thinks is best for her, that being a husband.

Skin color: she is a soft pale white, her cheeks are a healthy pink, with a few freckles along her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

Eye color: she has one hazel eye (left) and one crystal blue eye (right)

She loves to read books and poems about gentle giant knights who take care of princess’s, she hopes that a gentle giant would be there for her one day.
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9 | Mar 11th 2021 04:17