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ManOfTheYear's Blog

Antoine LaConte (Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo)

Name: Antoine LaConte

Age: Late 20s

Height: 6'1

Hair Color: Dark Brown/Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Physique: Ripped

Ethnicity/Race: Italian, Arabian

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Very sexual, cocky, sarcastic, selfish, withdrawn

Occupation: Male Escort

Additional Information:
Antoine LaConte is a very popular Escort that is known everywhere he goes. He is a very selfish man who will always do things that will benefit him. He is very cocky as well as sarcastic, knowing that he is a seductive and attractive man who gets whatever he wants. He is a very good lover, and when a woman or man pays for his services, they are never left unsatisfied. Though he never allows himself to form personal connections with his clients, once the client's night of pleasure is over he withdraws and remains cold until his services are once again requested.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 2nd 2024 03:14

Carlos Oliveira (Resident Evil movies)

[Disclaimer: I only use Wes Anderson's portrayal of Carlos Oliveira, played by Oded Fehr.]

Name: Carlos Oliveira

Age: Early 30s

Height: 6'1

Ethnicity/Race: Mexican American

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Physique: Muscular, Slim Ripped

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Former Umbrella Corp. soldier, Leader of Alice's rebellion against Umbrella

Additional Information:
Carlos Oliveira was once an armed guard for Umbrella for some years before the T-Virus outbreak. On the night of said outbreak, he and two of his comrades were sent into Raccoon City to evacuate any survivors that weren't infected. Throughout the night, his two comrades were killed by the infected and he was left a lone survivor. After the horrific incident, he now works to destroy Umbrella and bring some peace of mind that the corrupt company destroys. He has no children nor significant others.
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1 | 0 Comments | May 2nd 2024 02:57

Ardeth Bay (The Mummy, The Mummy Returns)

Name: Ardeth Bay

Age: Mid 20s

Ethnicity/Race: Egyptian, Arab

Height: 6'1

Physique: Muscular

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Leader of the twelve tribes of Medjai

Tattoos: Ancient, tribal symbols upon forehead, cheeks, hands, forearms and chest

Additional Information:
Ardeth Bay is the High Chieftain of the Twelve Tribes of the Medjai people, a people sworn to keep evil from destroying humanity and the world. He is a fierce warrior who is extremely loyal to those whom he deems his friend. He is selfless, and would easily give his life to protect his friends, people and family. He is also merciless, he would not hesitate to strike down any who dare threaten peace or those he cares for. He has no children nor significant other.
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1 | 0 Comments | May 2nd 2024 02:17


These are the rules I go by. There will be absolutely no exceptions to nor tolerance of these topics.

-Pedophilia is a big nah: If you are a minor that tries to add me then I'll block you, and if you rp with minors as an adult, that's a report homie.

-Zoophilia: Absolutely f***ing not, you will be blocked and reported on sight

-Necrophilia: ....Do I really needa explain? Hell to the no.

-Abuse: I don't like writing abuse, as in the act of it. I'm not saying you can't have trauma or your character has a background of being abused being a nah, but I refuse to make my characters be abusers.

-Sexism: My characters will never partake in a purposefully sexist act or behavior. If you are into that or behave that way, that's a nah from me, fam.

-Racism: Hell nah, I do not tolerate it. There will be absolutely no racism from my characters, and I ask that your characters also treat mine with respect regarding their ethnicity and race.

-Writing Lengths: I prefer for my writing partners to be able to at least give me a para, and I allow up to a novella (preferably not since I struggle with novella writing my self and don't wish to disappoint my writing partners). I do not enjoy one liners or semis.

-Personal life: I have a life outside of this website, as many on this site have stated. I work 50 hours a week and thus I will not be as active as some others, but I will do my damnedest to give you a reply at least once a day. I will be most active on weekends, and on my end there is no rush to reply to our stories :)

-Boundaries: I would request that we state boundaries and what not so we won't make one another uncomfortable. I also don't mind giving out my name, but I don't get too personal unless we click, you feel me? So please don't get all up in my business unless we mutually bond and become friends.

If you have any questions feel free to ask below or in the dms
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1 | 0 Comments | May 2nd 2024 01:10