Carlos Oliveira (Resident Evil movies)

[Disclaimer: I only use Wes Anderson's portrayal of Carlos Oliveira, played by Oded Fehr.]

Name: Carlos Oliveira

Age: Early 30s

Height: 6'1

Ethnicity/Race: Mexican American

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Physique: Muscular, Slim Ripped

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Former Umbrella Corp. soldier, Leader of Alice's rebellion against Umbrella

Additional Information:
Carlos Oliveira was once an armed guard for Umbrella for some years before the T-Virus outbreak. On the night of said outbreak, he and two of his comrades were sent into Raccoon City to evacuate any survivors that weren't infected. Throughout the night, his two comrades were killed by the infected and he was left a lone survivor. After the horrific incident, he now works to destroy Umbrella and bring some peace of mind that the corrupt company destroys. He has no children nor significant others.
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1 | May 2nd 2024 02:57