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LobotomyKittie's Blog

The Most Brutal Bassist

Name: Jezebel Slayston

Gender/Pronouns: Female; She/Her

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual

Age: 28

Birthdate: February 28

Height: 5’7”

Build: Jezebel is rather average in her built, if not a little muscular. Her muscles are most prominent in her biceps, thighs, and abdomen. 

Skin Tone: A mildly tan complexion with a warm undertone.

Hair: Jezebel has jet black, 2C curly hair. It is usually tied back in a high ponytail, with the rest gelled down. When she was younger, her hair was cut into a death hawk, though was later swapped out for thick, knotless braids.

Eyes: Almond shape with hazel irises.

Identifying Marks: A highly detailed mouth that stretches up into a messy, cybersigilism type design onto her torso is tattooed onto her stomach. She has light scarring on her face from old piercings.

Personality: Jezebel is spunky and easily excited. She is highly enthusiastic and passionate about music, often times finding it to be the only thing she wants to talk about. Her favorite instrument is the bass guitar, though she is also enthusiastic about drums, electric guitar and, oddly enough, the violin. Jezebel is often times seen as the life of the party, kicking things off with loud music, alcohol and snacks to keep any party the band has going. She always regrets it the next day, however, needing to rest from overexertion. Despite her goofy and fun loving nature, Jezebel can quickly become serious, refusing to take bullsh*t from those who try to treat the band poorly. She truly cares for her bandmates, seeing them as her family despite her reluctance to admit it. She wouldn’t know what to do with herself if the band ever broke up, she couldn’t imagine going back to her old life.

Best Quality: Jezebel has taken her passion for music to the extreme, aiming to be the best bass player ever heard. She wants to be known as something great, and it seems so far she has nearly succeeded. Sadly, she is still publicly outclassed by Murderface, though that is only due to the fact that he plays the bass riffs she and Skwisgaar create rather than playing anything himself. 

Worst Quality: Jezebel is unintentionally quick to judge others, and rather careless with her money. She tries her best to better herself with both aspects, wanting to improve them, yet she still has a bit before she reaches complete perfection. 

Fears: Death, Assassination. 

Skills/Hobbies: Music production, singing, taxidermy.

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0 | 1 Comment | May 27th 2024 23:44

Character Reference Commissions

Due to me being an artist, and also needing money, I’ve decided to open commissions! ^^ I am willing to draw a reference for any of your characters that need visual designs! Here is my pricing, examples of my artwork are in my gallery! Only accepting USD, all payments are accepted through CashApp and Ko-fi as of now!

Sketch Example:
Sketches: Headshot - $10 Half Body- $15 Full Body- $20

Lineart Example:
Lineart: Headshot- $15 Half Body- $20 Full Body- $25

Flat Color Example:
Flat Colors: Headshot- $15 Half body- $25 Full Body- $30

Chibi: Sketches- $10 Lineart- $15 Flat Colors- $20

Just like all other artists, I have terms on how I run my business. These terms include:

I will accept half of the payment upfront, and the rest once the commission is finished.

I will not draw anything NSFW nor full nudity. Shirtless is fine if scarring needs to be shown off.

Furries and anthro characters are more than welcome!!

I cannot draw older characters, very long facial hair, mecha suits, or armor.

I have the right to deny any commission that I believe I cannot do, or that makes me uncomfortable! Please respect that!

I have Autism Spectrum Disorder, so please convey your wants as directly and clearly as possible!!

Come to me with a highly in depth written description of your character, the pose you want, and any specific things you would like! References are highly appreciated!!

That’s basically everything!! My statuses will indicate when commissions are open. If commissions are not open when you request one, you will be one of the first to get a slot when they are opened.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 16th 2024 04:00

A Silent Wonder

Name: Venus Nachtnebel

Gender/Pronouns: Female; She/Her

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Pansexual

Age: 24

Birthdate: April 21st

Height: 5’8”-6’3 with her tallest platforms on

Nationality: German

Build: Venus is rather thin and tall, her body resembling a triangular body shape. Her shoulders are thin, while her hips flare out a bit and have more definition in them. Her hip dips are apparent, and her limbs are rather thin and long. 

Skin Tone: A deep, cool brown that almost looks purple in some lighting. 

Hair: Her hair is long and straight, unless she feels like wearing her natural hair. Her hair is layered, yet looks more spiky than voluminous, with sharp V-bangs resting over her forehead. Her hair is dyed a gentle midnight blue, breathing color into her otherwise greyscale appearance.

Eyes: Venus’s eyes are sharp and slanted, in part due to her blasian heritage. Her irises are a stark contrast to the rest of her appearance, being a very light grey, which almost looks white. She uses her makeup to bring all attention to her eyes, secretly enjoying the scary look to them.

Identifying Marks: NA

Personality: Venus is very quiet and non-reactive, in part due to her ASD diagnosis. She often keeps to herself, and hides her emotions behind a neutral face, not that her emotions are that strong anyway. The most reaction somebody may get out of her is her widening her eyes for a mere second, or ever so slightly furrowing her brows. People often say she gives off a creepy demeanor, with her Gothic attire, selective mutism, and tendency to stare, which resembles the Kubrick stare according to some. Venus rarely speaks, only ever speaking at her own home with people she knows and cares for. Often times she brings a notebook or her phone with her, and types out what she wants to say. She doesn't mean to make people uncomfortable or scared, and it truthfully makes her feel a bit bad that her demeanor is seen as scary, however she really can't help it, and can't find a way around it. Venus has a special interest in entomology, having become one before she moved from Germany to the UK for a better job opportunity. She has many creepy crawlies, including vinegaroons, camel spiders, tarantulas, beetles, scorpions and more, all which she adores with her whole heart. They are her pride and joy.

Best Quality: Venus is incredibly smart, both intellectually and creatively. She can work a soundboard easily, being highly knowledgeable about music and audio. She can also come up with songs quickly, often refining lyrics for the band and titling the songs. She also sings demos in her free time before anybody else does, just to lay out how the songs should sound.

Worst Quality: Venus is not very emotionally intelligent. She can recognize emotions, but has no idea how to help the people who feel them. She grows very upset very quickly when any anger is directed at her, often times leading to panic attacks and either autistic meltdowns, or autistic shutdowns. She also has an unnaturally high pain tolerance, which leads to her struggling to realize when she’s being physically hurt until the pain is far too intense. 

Fears: Social situations, severe stress, live performances.

Skills/Hobbies: Entomology, music production, sculpting.

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1 | 0 Comments | May 8th 2024 01:48

The Bloodied Drow

Name: Thalyanna Vasilus

Aliases: Meliara Xa’rienn

Gender/Pronouns: Female; She/Her

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual

Age: 205

Birthdate: December 30th

Class: Ranger

Height: 4’11”

Race: Seldarine Drow

Build: Thalyanna is short, curvy and slightly chubby, most of her weight going to her hips and thighs. Her body is a prevalent pear shape, though she still has rather broad shoulders. Her muscles are lightly apparent, though they pack a punch. 

Skin Tone: A cool purple that appears more grey. Her cheeks are flush with a soft pink, breathing some life into her face.

Hair: Her hair is short and curly, her bangs bluntly cut. It is a bright white with more grey shades nearing her roots. Her eyebrows, however, are deep black in comparison.

Eyes: Thalyanna’s eyes are upturned, creating a sharp look to them when paired with her rather large irises. She has heterochromia, which often leads to confusion on what type of drow she is. One eye is ruby red, and the other is a rich purple both with a deeper shade on the outer ring of her iris. She has noticeable eyebags, though they are not ones born from fatigue, they have simply been there since she was born.

Identifying Marks: Scars around her face, most noticeably one along the bridge of her nose that splits into two: one on the apple of her cheek and one near the hinge of her jaw. She has a burn mark on her neck, where a tattoo of a rose with eyes in the center can be seen. 

Personality: Thalyanna has the appearance of being a stoic person, though emotion can overtake her extremely quickly. She tries to appear calm, disinterested in everybody, and in control of her emotions, and while she usually is, they happen to take over when things get rough. Anger is her most powerful one, sheer rage always bubbling inside her deep down and begging to be let out. This is usually most notable when she is in battle, as she seems to lose herself when fighting certain creatures. She has a huge disdain for fellow drow, specifically Lolth Sworn drow, immediately taking a defensive stance against them when met with one. She can be quite caring once given the time to open up, but nobody has been shown that side to her in 70 years. 

Current Goal: Be rid of the tadpole; Find the ones who destroyed her original self and make them all pay.

Best Quality: Her fighting has been described as majestic by some, having become a skill she is quite proud of. She can slaughter quickly without feeling a thing. 

Worst Quality: Her sudden outbursts of emotion make many dislike her. She can be quite cold to many, and quite angry when days grow rough. She doesn’t seem to mean this, however, ultimately apologizing once her mind is clear.

Fears: Lolth-Sworn Drow, the UnderDark, and heights.

Skills/Hobbies: Thalyanna does not wish to let any part of a person go to waste once they have died, often taking blood and using it to create cosmetics. She will stay up late into the night, toiling away on studying the blood for any health risks, and creating lipsticks and eyeshadows with the safe vials she has acquired.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 26th 2024 23:56

A Tragic Bard

Name: Bellvia Hèrenay

Aliases: N/A

Gender/Pronouns: Demigirl; They/She

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual

Age: 25

Birthdate: February 1st

Class: Bard

Height: 5’5”

Race: Mephistopheles Tiefling

Build: Bellvia is very small in all areas aside from her broader shoulders. Her hip dips are apparent, and her limbs are thin and long.

Skin Tone: A soft blue shade, similar to a cornflower. Her hands are a noticeably darker shade of blue, as well as the end of her tail.

Hair: Long and curly, dark blue at the top and a faint purple at the bottom. A few strands are tied back over the rest of the hair, and a few small braids are sprinkled throughout her hair.

Eyes: Irises are a golden hue, which almost glows while surrounded by the deep black scleras.

Identifying Marks: Scars around her shoulders and neck, a dark black strip tattooed from her bottom lip down to her chin, and a religious symbol tattooed on the back of her hand.

Appearance: Bellvia is a thin bodied blue tiefling with golden eyes and dark locks of curly hair. Her body is very small, aside from her broad shoulders, and she wears a long black dress that stops right above her feet, adored with a white, frilly Peter Pan collar and white ruffled trimming around the long bell sleeves and hem of her dress. Her tail is adorned with silver cuffs and rings littered with gems that match the colors of her Lyre. Her septum is pierced with a 10g ring, and her upper lip displays her angel fang piercings. Behind her lips hides oddly blunt teeth for a tiefling. Her two largest fangs are missing, and all others are crudely filed down to look like the teeth of an herbivore. Aside from that, the rest of her teeth are normal.

Personality: Bellvia is very quiet yet kind. She does not speak with an identifiable tone or accent, though some words occasionally have a faint Scandinavian inflection to them. Her manner of speaking is very slow, and her voice is oddly echoey, almost like she is speaking in a temple. She does not show much emotion in her face, and her eyes rarely seem to blink. Some liken her to a doll, or somebody in a catatonic state, despite her ability to speak without issue. Her eyes almost always seem to be lifeless, no shine to them or glimmer of something within, though she does still feel things. They prefer to keep their emotions deep inside, self-appointing herself as the one who must remain calm for others around her. Deep inside, she is plagued with severe trauma and mental anguish, though it is only ever heard about in the songs she writes. Songs of pain, of suffering, of the slaughter of innocent beings and more power being brought to the cruel and those undeserving. Everything is written in a manner of rhyme, much like how she speaks.

Current Goal: Rid themself of the tadpole, and get a past acquaintance off of her trail. 

Best Quality: Her ability to stay neutral on a situation, and calm in the face of danger. They can slaughter without issue. 

Worst Quality: Her random spurts of not wishing to speak to people, and wandering off deep into the woods. Deep down, she is highly paranoid, though she tries not to let it affect their judgement.

Fears: Lambs and being taken control of again.

Skills: She is very knowledgeable of medical procedures and the anatomy of many creatures, both humanoid and beast. She can heal efficiently, and patch up any injury quickly with anything she has on hand.

Alignment: True Neutral
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 25th 2024 19:42