A Tragic Bard

Name: Bellvia Hèrenay

Aliases: N/A

Gender/Pronouns: Demigirl; They/She

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual

Age: 25

Birthdate: February 1st

Class: Bard

Height: 5’5”

Race: Mephistopheles Tiefling

Build: Bellvia is very small in all areas aside from her broader shoulders. Her hip dips are apparent, and her limbs are thin and long.

Skin Tone: A soft blue shade, similar to a cornflower. Her hands are a noticeably darker shade of blue, as well as the end of her tail.

Hair: Long and curly, dark blue at the top and a faint purple at the bottom. A few strands are tied back over the rest of the hair, and a few small braids are sprinkled throughout her hair.

Eyes: Irises are a golden hue, which almost glows while surrounded by the deep black scleras.

Identifying Marks: Scars around her shoulders and neck, a dark black strip tattooed from her bottom lip down to her chin, and a religious symbol tattooed on the back of her hand.

Appearance: Bellvia is a thin bodied blue tiefling with golden eyes and dark locks of curly hair. Her body is very small, aside from her broad shoulders, and she wears a long black dress that stops right above her feet, adored with a white, frilly Peter Pan collar and white ruffled trimming around the long bell sleeves and hem of her dress. Her tail is adorned with silver cuffs and rings littered with gems that match the colors of her Lyre. Her septum is pierced with a 10g ring, and her upper lip displays her angel fang piercings. Behind her lips hides oddly blunt teeth for a tiefling. Her two largest fangs are missing, and all others are crudely filed down to look like the teeth of an herbivore. Aside from that, the rest of her teeth are normal.

Personality: Bellvia is very quiet yet kind. She does not speak with an identifiable tone or accent, though some words occasionally have a faint Scandinavian inflection to them. Her manner of speaking is very slow, and her voice is oddly echoey, almost like she is speaking in a temple. She does not show much emotion in her face, and her eyes rarely seem to blink. Some liken her to a doll, or somebody in a catatonic state, despite her ability to speak without issue. Her eyes almost always seem to be lifeless, no shine to them or glimmer of something within, though she does still feel things. They prefer to keep their emotions deep inside, self-appointing herself as the one who must remain calm for others around her. Deep inside, she is plagued with severe trauma and mental anguish, though it is only ever heard about in the songs she writes. Songs of pain, of suffering, of the slaughter of innocent beings and more power being brought to the cruel and those undeserving. Everything is written in a manner of rhyme, much like how she speaks.

Current Goal: Rid themself of the tadpole, and get a past acquaintance off of her trail. 

Best Quality: Her ability to stay neutral on a situation, and calm in the face of danger. They can slaughter without issue. 

Worst Quality: Her random spurts of not wishing to speak to people, and wandering off deep into the woods. Deep down, she is highly paranoid, though she tries not to let it affect their judgement.

Fears: Lambs and being taken control of again.

Skills: She is very knowledgeable of medical procedures and the anatomy of many creatures, both humanoid and beast. She can heal efficiently, and patch up any injury quickly with anything she has on hand.

Alignment: True Neutral
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