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What happened if an elite guard come to the Special squad hq saying that he knows what they hide? An eastern, Yichuan Zhendong and that he has to go out?

But start from the beginning, Yichuan passed a lot of time in the North the last times.
He didn't go out a lot but when he did only to see his boyfriend Donald.
He didn't say who he is only that is safe for him to see him.

The elite guard knocks on the door of the hq.
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3 | 52 Comments | Sep 6th 2017 15:15


Lui come ogni mattina, dopo colazione, sta svanverando per le vie del centro, non c'è molta gente in giro, incredibilmente nessuno gli blocca il passaggio.
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2 | 46 Comments | Sep 3rd 2017 17:01

General Zhendong bye

Chuan-Fey Zhendong was one of the four generals before Feng but no one can say that he was better than his successor...

His first wife's name was Miya, Yichuan's mother, she was a noble and beautiful girl forced to marry him with the only matter of an heir, their first child was a girl, Chuan killer her and the other girls she had.
Finally she died when Yichuan born, he didn't meet his mother and no one told him about her or what happened to his older sisters.

Yichuan was a shy boy, he didn't manage to become like his father he wanted only to be respected for what he was. He didn't like the people who fears him so he was friendly also with the servants, he knew all their names, the only people who took care of him so far. Too different from him, too similar to his died mother.

How this happened? His male son...
There was only a solution, the hate, he thought that Yichuan would thank him for fixed him in time.

A morning, he wake up late, strange thing, his friends wake up him always earlier but he stands up and goes to the dining room, there are no one... And also there is no food. He wait for a bit in the dining room and then starts to check the other room, kitchen no one, salon no one, his father's room no one. Finally he hears a scream, he takes a Blade (The only toys that Chuan bought to him, weapons) and tries to find who was screaming, from the dungeons, someone from the dungeons...

Another scream, he decides to walk inside, this manor's dungeons are composer of an only big room without windows but with candles in the walls. In the Middle of the room there are his father and some soldier, the servants in the ground, alive but with livids. Chuan glances at him when he enters and goes to take and tie him, he makes him to see all their deaths. After angry with him for his reaction he closes him inside with them for two days to look at their corpses. After this two days he frees him, in the manor new servants, all like if nothing happened the only difference was that his father started to punch him.

Passed some months, he didn't react like if father thought and he decides to take a new wife, is Meredith's turn, Yichuan didn't know how the father was with his mother but seeing how he behaved with his second wife he could know. He raped her, punched her and more... She was good with him and they started to care of each other, the only mother that Yichuan had and the only parent of take care of him.
Before the first year of wedding passed Chuan become all the days more presumptuous he wanted a son from Meredith, and more violent.

And one night all finished,
In one room Meredith telling a story to make Yichuan sleep and in the other Chuan sleeping, the servants all in their rooms. Someone enters in Chuan's room and poisons him, After since one hour Meredith return to her room and remained totally petrified, Chuan is dead he didn't breathe.
After a minute Yichuan arrives, Meredith forget her ring in his room, when he sees her remained a bit shocked, he whispers to her, °Is all ok?° She didn't answer but points Chuan in the bed. He approaches him and raises an eyebrow ti see that he is dead then he smiles at Meredith and hugs her, °Finally, finally happened! He is dead, DEAD... The best gift for me and for you.° He jumps but then glances better at Meredith, he approaches the corpse of the father and looks if he has wounds, nothing, he punches him °What you deserved!° then he spits on his face.

He approaches Meredith and takes her hand, °You can't stay here° he bring her out of the house in a place where She could teleport away, °You have to go or they will kill you thinking you killed him, I will not say that you did but there is no future for you here... I will be good.°
All the people think that was Meredith to poison him also if Yichuan said that she was with him all the night and that he doesn't know where she went. Also if neither Meredith and Yichuan know who did it, Sao Yung, they know that the right thing is that happened. (Yichuan would know who did It only to send It his thank and a fruits' basket.)
The other generals were annoyed from General Zhendong and decides to send Sao to kill him, he used poison to make all think that Meredith did It. Yichuan was too young to become a general and Feng took the charge.

Yichuan's life after his father's death was amazing, he started to live at the temple of Mijhatev, the Priestesses (All beautiful women) took care of him since at 21 years old he inherited all his father's manor's and money. Also before to take all the things of the father he didn't live in poverty, the Mijhatev Priestesses aren't like the Jeisin's ones, they live in prosperity.

At the End he decides to join the army, he starts like a recruit, like someone else that haven't anche important father, at all he hated him... He became a captain of the elite soldiers without any help and for this reason he didn't bear who abuse his power to mistreat who haven't other choice.
He is uses infact to go to the military fields and manage the things, "some" trained the first times lose their heads.
He thinks that the East can be better, there is the reason if he is against the Emperor Wung.

The only things that he regrets:
His father taught him to hate and to kill without regret and this conditioned his entire life;
He didn't kill his father himself.
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3 | 18 Comments | Sep 3rd 2017 15:06


Te-Jin si è fatta conoscere tra gli Assassini, dopo quella lettera in cui ha scritto una poesia a Sao Yung

Il tuo sorriso è come l'inverno nell'Est (Inesistente)
I tuoi occhi mi ricordano l'arcobaleno
Il tuo viso equivale ad un tramonto sull'Ovest
Sei la fine è l'inizio di quello in cui credo
Sei il Capitano del mio cuore
Siete la fonte di maggiore ispirazione nella mia vita.
Con il cuore in mano

Khan-Rei è davvero perplesso dalla faccenda ma sapere di quella lettera lo ha davvero distrutto dalle risate, per una mezz'ora non riusciva più a smettere di ridere. Si tutti praticamente hanno letto quella lettera.
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1 | 10 Comments | Jul 19th 2017 06:04


Diciamo che Khan-Rei è un assassino, quindi che è passato qualche anno, uno degli altri assassini scopre il fatto che viene dai clan, va immediatamente da Sao portando un oggetto che ha rubato a Khan-Rei, bussa alla porta e dopo essere invitato entra nella stanza, °Lord Yung ho un'informazione importante da comunicarle,° parla con la testa abbassa e facendo un inchino appena entrato.
°Ho scoperto indizi che mi fanno pensare che tra gli assassini ci sia un infedele, un membro dei clan.°
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1 | 34 Comments | Jul 12th 2017 17:10