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KIWII's Blog

Yichuan is born

It isn't a nice thing if you consider that at the same time his mother died. Kang is 15 years old when his younger brother is born and know what happened at his mother destroyed him a little.
But he didn't hate Yichuan, he is only a child, he is angry with the father because he didn't trust she died that way. He is full of hate and maybe he didn't think at consequences.

The funeral of the mother was short and his father didn't go, Yichuan isn't there too because he is too young to go out.

At the moment his father is at the royal Palace of the North and he is going there. He is only 15 and full of hate, this didn't help to make him think correctly.
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2 | 38 Comments | Dec 24th 2017 05:59


Yichuan was organized ti have lunch with Meredith but at the end said to postpone the meeting. He is at the moment in the North.
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2 | 9 Comments | Nov 21st 2017 16:48


Lui ha sentito del fatto che Carlie ha partorito così ha deciso di portare i suoi omaggi a Sao e a Carlie.
Lui va a casa di Sao e bussa.
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1 | 4 Comments | Nov 4th 2017 10:16


Lui è al palazzo imperiale per fare visita a sua nipote, (Su qualche tizia femmina vanvera che ha avuto Wung con la sorella).
Ha portato anche Kang con lui questa volta, era da tanto che non rimetteva piede lì dentro e in realtà anche dopo tanto tempo, gli fa ancora male ricordare la principessa.
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1 | 10 Comments | Oct 21st 2017 16:32


Lui si trova al palazzo Reale perché è stato chiamato per giustificare le azioni dei suoi uomini.
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1 | 17 Comments | Oct 17th 2017 10:11