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KIWII's Blog


Lui diciamo che non odia i bambini, il fatto è che loro gli stanno alla larga.
Al momento nel palazzo dell'Arciduca tutto sembra spento, nessuno che gioca o si allena in giardino, silenzio tombale...
Lui quasi non riesce a dormire in tutto quel silenzio, al momento sta camminando per il giardino e ha appena incontrato Chu.
È stato sconvolgente per il bambino, può capirlo solo per il senso di vuoto che lui ha sempre provato nei riguardi della madre. Ora stanno parlando...
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1 | 14 Comments | Oct 9th 2017 11:34


Yichuan is searching for them all so he goes at the palace of the Archduke to find them.
At the moment he is at the gate waiting to enter.
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1 | 21 Comments | Oct 6th 2017 16:52


Yichuan remained a bit shocked when received Persida's invitation to go to the West, he likes holidays and decides to go with his boyfriend.

Kang-Dae is still there with the hope that he can help Dean, he will not come back home without think that he did something to help him. He remains ed there infront of Dean's home waiting him.

Yichuan arrives at the beach with a swimming suit, °Hi guys°
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3 | 49 Comments | Sep 20th 2017 12:20


He is again in the North, he will not admit that neither under torture but he doesn't dislike the North too much.
He is into a bar, eating a croissant and drinking a coffee with milk.
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2 | 32 Comments | Sep 12th 2017 12:58

Meeting with Meredith

Yichuan finally decided that was time to meet Meredith again, he was always so busy or so confused if do it or not that passed more than 200 and he did't contact her.
Neither to ask her if she is good, he tought that her feel the same about him, they did't passed a lot of time together and they can't say that was the best period of their lives... He decided to send her a message especially because she is the only alive member of his family and maybe the only one that can know.
The message wasn't too long, there was written the place where meet, who is the sender and the time to meet.
Meredith to receive that message was a bit shocked, she obviously remember Yichuan but she thought he was died or something like this.
The Captain went at the place earlier because of how much he was concern.
What if she didn't come? And if she come and say that she didn't write because she hates me?
When she came, earlier too he immediately approached her and bowed, °Mrs Riddle... Passed a lot of time°
She looked at him and bowed, °Nice to see you Yichuan, call me mom... °
He nodded at her words and accompanied her at the table helping her to sit on the chair and then he sitted in front of her. Their silence? Maybe the most common reaction of two people that met the last time near the poisoned corpse of a man that each other hated.
Y: °I know that my father was only an husband for you and me only a problematic guy, a better company respect my dad.
Maybe I hadn't to contact you I am sure that you don't want to remember... But for me you wasn't only a woman that my father married and had to stay with me for a year. You are the only I had in my entire life... °
M: She remained silent for a bit °You had to instead, because you weren't only a problematic guy for me, was happy and at the same sad have you with me. When your father died I was so worried about what could happen to me and I didn't think about you... °
Y: °I didn't say that you did something that you didn't in realty, I didn't search you before only because I was worried that this could be their method to find you°
M: °I trust you and now we can restart from the beginning, how are you? What about your life?°
Y: °I am fine I inerithed all his manors and money but at 21 years old, I grew up into the Temple of Mijhatev and then I joined the army. You are talking with the Captain of the elite soldiers Yichuan Zhendong. What about you?°
M: °I didn't do a lot of things, I returned back to home. And what about the guy that didn't want to follow his father's career? You became a soldier like him °
Y: He snorts °I am not like him but seems that in the East the people knew only the fear so I made them to fear me to be free. He killed innocent people but I didn't°
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 8th 2017 16:05