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Irya's Blog

After the nightmare

She is stil stunned, overwhelmed by the several memories they came across. She wants to be strong, wear the usual untouchable mask but not even she can this time.
Since she didn't come without a warning the day before, Zhongli sends someone to take her to the palace and she finally goes.
She meets the King who congratulates with her and finally gives her a chest. She doesn't understand first, thinking it is just a treasure in money. As she opens it, inside a bright light that gets slowly absorbed by her body. After that, she feels strangely good and her sight returns to normal. She looks at herself, still confused.
"Congratulations, you are the first knight of the new generation to get your cloth. This special armour will protect you both by hits and magic. A normal weapon can nothing against it. The moment you'll need it, you'll just have to summon it." Zhongli explains. "I just hope we can continue our cooperation to keep this kingdom and others safe, lady Sturm."

She eventually leaves after receiving a few more explanations and warnings from Zhongli. She doesn't know what to do, she feels bad and doesn't even want to face anyone, feeling embarassed.
She heads home, being lucky enough to not find anyone on the way. She closes the door of her room and begins to pack her things into her backpack but Ryun notices and approaches her, rubbing his head against her arm. He doesn't seem very active and cheerful, due to the whole mood around the house, affecting him. "Ryun...stay here...I will be back soon..." She strokes his head.

She leaves the house, for now finding a spot on top of the walls to be alone and think. She sits on the edge, looking away towards the endless wilderness around.
She remains there for quite some time. In the meantime, at home, Ryun looks really weak and struggling.
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1 | 2 Comments | 5 hours ago

The Queen

She has been delayed the previous evening due to an appointment at the hospital. Qi had a serious talk with her, regarding the problem, mainly the causes, but she was not helpful nor willing to tell him the truth. In any case, he gave her more medications and instructions, to deal with the problem. She'll be fine in about a week of medications, but Qi insists on visiting her again in the end just in case.

After the medicines, she collapses in bed very fast. Usually she has a light sleep, but with them, no problem at all. XD
She wakes up in the morning and gets ready. She ties her hair in a ponytail, wears a full leather attire, a belt with several weapons, armoured forearm covers and boots. When she is about to leave, Ryun approaches, wanting to go with her, but she leaves him in the room with Boothill.
With all ready, she heads to the military camp to see her team.
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1 | 37 Comments | Jun 11th 2024 02:58


She wakes up in the very early morning in the hospital, still confused by the dream but feeling much better. She leaves her bed without even asking any doctor and aims to leave, but she is caught in time by one who at least insists on giving her the rest of the medications she should take.
She heads back home, keeping silent due to the time. She reaches her room, finding it strange it is already unlocked. She analyzes the surroundings and moves her ear against the door to hear any sound coming from inside. Done that, she slowly opens the door, keeping a hand on her belt to draw a dagger if necessary.
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1 | 79 Comments | Jun 3rd 2024 16:37


Surprisingly enough for a type like her, she is reading often. She doesn't love it but wants to find as many informations as she can about Love and Fertility elements. She started to notice changes in the little dragon since when they moved to Guyun, he got a little more active and playful, but she still keeps him locked in her room when she is away.
She has taken various books from a library and is now searching each of them sat on a short wall.
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1 | 35 Comments | May 23rd 2024 15:44


A chance to be back to civilization. She hasn't been among people for a few years now, her travel to reach that rocky desert wasn't an easy or short one. Once she is offered to stay to recover, she accepts. She leaves the little dragon in her room to rest, while she enters the bathroom. She remains in there for quite a while.
When done, she wears only a robe. Her body is quite prosperous, even if not as much as the lady of the house. Overall, regardless her life, she maintained her feminine traits, never hiding the fact she is a woman, even with her style of clothing.
She checks her room to see how is the little dragon, then starts wandering the place. She heard lots of voices and wonders if she'll meet other hunters.
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1 | 33 Comments | May 18th 2024 04:22