
A chance to be back to civilization. She hasn't been among people for a few years now, her travel to reach that rocky desert wasn't an easy or short one. Once she is offered to stay to recover, she accepts. She leaves the little dragon in her room to rest, while she enters the bathroom. She remains in there for quite a while.
When done, she wears only a robe. Her body is quite prosperous, even if not as much as the lady of the house. Overall, regardless her life, she maintained her feminine traits, never hiding the fact she is a woman, even with her style of clothing.
She checks her room to see how is the little dragon, then starts wandering the place. She heard lots of voices and wonders if she'll meet other hunters.
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1 | May 18th 2024 04:22
NoctisRain «I was joking. Some people think that the only right time to drink is in the night. I was making irony over that.» He drinks even in the early morning, he doesn't give himself any restriction.
«You want to save a dragon, that tells enough.»
He nods, to confirm. He doesn't intend to speed up, she can as well make herself comfortable, he will even be late. XD
He carefully selects an elegant and pretty outfit, accessories and decorations, wears makeup, uses his shifter powers to change his appearance in a way that matches with the outfit and even put nail paint. But he also hides plenty of weapons under his clothes, like any good hunter.
Eventually, he shows up by the entrance, looking like a pretty prince about to head to a ball to choose his bride.
Irya "Who is that foolish to think so?" She raises her brow. "Someone who doesn't do this kind of job, or how would they keep moving on without alcohol.
My intentions are not against you nor any creature, but they are entirely focused on my own self and that small being right now."
And she is the opposite, but in the wait she went to drink so she doesn't look that annoyed by the delay. "Is that Guyun style?" She keeps her arms crossed. Her long sword tight in her hand, her infinite backpack ready and the wrapped sheet tied between her chest and shoulder with shitling snek.
NoctisRain «People who don't drink, probably.» People who need to be lucid during the day!!
«I will never understand people who don't drink alcohol.» He can understand vegans, lactose intolerant people but not people who don't drink.
«That's clear, that's also why you are here regardless I don't know everything that goes through your mind, lady hunter.»
He glances at her. «I don't know Guyun style yet. It's simply a casual outfit, I don't want to catch attention.» Of course he wants, he sure hopes to fuck tonight. XD
«Mom is coming to teleport us.» And indeed, after a couple of minutes, Suanni arrives and teleports them outside the gates of Guyun, they are civilised tourists!!
Irya "If they don't moisturize, they are not going to live long." She definitely drinks more alcohol than water.
She thinks he is betting on her but he is not wrong doing so in her case. She is quite sensitive, instill, even if she makes her own rules.
"That's what you consider an outfit that won't drag attention?" They have one thing in common, probably, they like being watched and admired, that's also why her chest is always quite uncovered and her style is sexy. XD
"Hm." She waits for her to arrive and once they teleport, she looks at the gates. "This place changed...more than I considered possible." She says thoughtfully.
NoctisRain He is kinda betting his own life on that, since racist hunters wouldn't hesitate to kill him, once realising that he is not an auriold at all.
«Yes, it's not a catchy outfit, I have many more that would truly drag attention, if I wanted to. This is just one that makes me look particularly refined and handsome, ain't it?» He grins at her.
He looks around as they arrive. «Did it change in better or worse? I have never been here before, so I can't tell. I like the architecture, it's quite different from what I'm used to see.» He approaches the guards at the gate to show them his ID badge. He is a citizen of the Liofrost at all effects.