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Jane Stanley

*+*+* General Information *+*+*
Full Name: Jane Stanley
Nicknames: Janey, Jay
Reason for Nickname: Just nicknames family and friends gave her
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Ethnicity: Australian
Spoken Languages: English
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Mother, Father, Older brother
*+*+* Personality *+*+*
Personality: Jane is quite friendly and easy going, not really the sort to take things too seriously. She's adventurous and loves trying new things and meeting new people. Independent but knows when to ask for help. She's not one to tolerate bullying and tends to know when she's taking her own teasing too far.
Hobbies: Modelling, gardening
Likes: Fashion, makeup, nature, art, most forms of music
Dislikes: Bullies, strong perfumes, acne,
Fears: Spiders, closed in spaces and her uncle (he never did anything to her specifically but she feels that if she was ever left alone with him, he would have)

*+*+* Appearance/Health *+*+*
Hair Colour: Ginger
Eye Colour: Grey
Height: 5'6
Body Type: Slim, slightly curvy, average bust
Skin Tone: Pale
Notable scars/marks: None
Accessories: Earrings, bracelets, rings, whatever she feels like really
General Health: Great
Physical Illnesses: None
Mental Illnesses: None
Takes Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Drinks: On occasion

Bio: Jane grew up in a simple town, raised by her mother and father. Her older brother was, as brothers usually are, mean to her growing up but as they've gotten older, they've learned to get along.

When she was about 10, her uncle moved into their house after a messy divorce. He would often try prompt her into sitting close to him, talk to him in private and have 'sleep overs' in his room but she usually declined, feeling uncomfortable but never mentioning it to her parents as 'he was sad and just needed someone to love him for a bit'.

So she lived in her own home, walking on eggshells until she was a teenager. In high school she would try spend most weekends are friends houses, playing with makeup, talking about boys and so on. This sparked her interest in becoming a beautician over time and upon gaining access to a college nearby, she moved into an apartment not far from campus to get away from the house.
Her parents have asked her why she didn't just stay home and commute, but she used the excuse of 'not wanting to bring boys into her parents home'.

Regardless of how she felt growing up with her uncle around, Jane has always been proud of her appearance and never really tried to hide herself away. So, whenever she wasn't working on her course, she would volunteer to other art courses, modelling for the photographers, posing for tbe artists and critiquing the singers and writers.

~ "I don't like being alone- so I surround myself with everyone and everything."
~ "Trust me, I'm not shy. How many layers you want off?"
~ "Ooohhh can I do your makeup? I'm training to be a professional you know!"

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Heart this
2 | 0 Comments | May 30th 2024 01:44

Juliette Archer

*+*+* General Information *+*+*
Full Name: Juliette Archer
Nicknames: Julie, Jewels
Reason for Nickname: Shortenings of her name
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Ethnicity: European
Spoken Languages: English
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Father and Auntie
Occupation: Beautician

*+*+* Personality *+*+*
Personality: Juliette is a fun loving, energetic woman who loves trying new things. Getting to know new people is a must for her everywhere she goes and she always shows people kindness, no matter who they are. It is very rare for her to act rude or cruel to anyone. She's adventurous and a risk taker but also has an almost innocent view of the world. This isn't to be taken as her being naive however, as she does understand that the world can be dark and unforgiving. She just chooses to live life through looking at the brighter side of things. Something doesn't work out? That's okay, she'll try something else.
Hobbies: Jewellery making
Likes: Jewellery, tattoos, warm weather, trying new things, making friends, going on long car rides, buying new clothes.
Dislikes: Mean people, not being free to do what she wants, seeing others in pain.
Fears: The dark

*+*+* Appearance/Health *+*+*
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 5'4
Body Type: Slim and curvy
Skin Tone: Peach
Notable scars/marks: Two full sleeve tattoos of butterfly wings, chest tattoo, hip tattoo and two small quotes on her stomach and neck.
Accessories: Earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces. Pretty much whatever she feels like at the time.
General Health: Good
Physical Illnesses: None
Mental Illnesses: None
Takes Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Drinks: Yes

Bio: Juliette was brought up by her father and auntie as her mother died during child birth. With her guardians both being scientists, Juliette was expected to take her education very seriously so she could pass all her classes and start on her journey to becoming a scientist like them. This caused her to start rebelling as a teenager, staying out late, going to parties, dating, etc. After a while, it became clear that she had no intentions on being forced into anything so her father mostly let it go, but of course, still invites her into his lap often in order to try encourage her into seeking further education. Even now, as a 23 year old woman, her family still asks her to swing by in order to witness their work and 'become inspired' to do greater things.

~ "Maybe you're just not looking at it the right way... Not every bad situation is a dead end."
~ "I know! You need a new wardrobe. Let's go shopping."
~ "I'm not that scared of the dark... But maybe we can keep one light on?"

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Heart this
3 | 0 Comments | Jul 27th 2023 00:51

Stella Saffman

*+*+* General Information *+*+*
Full Name: Stella Saffman
Nicknames: Stella-Bella, Ella
Reason for Nickname: Her father calls her Stella-Bella, has ever since she was a baby, friends call her Ella but she isn't that big of a fan of the nickname
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Ethnicity: Italian-Australian
Spoken Languages: English, very little Italian
Species: Human
Sexuality: Straight
Family: Esther (Mother- Deceased), Julian (Father- Alive), Juliet (Sister, 17)
Occupation: High school student (Final year), apprentice chef

*+*+* Personality *+*+*
Personality: Stella, is a sweet, fun loving, smart girl who used to love spending time with others, going to parties and making new friends. Now, she is still all of that, however, she hides it all by being cold, not trusting others and acts as if she is uninterested in making friends, let alone getting involved with others. She is still the loving girl inside, but can't bring herself to be that way in front of others anymore.
Hobbies: Baking, cooking, trying new restaurants
Likes: Food, spending time with her friends, reading, going on long walks, horror movies even though they scare her
Dislikes: Coffee, bullies, being bothered by others, being pestered by her younger sister
Fears: Absolutely terrified of spiders and thunder

*+*+* Appearance/Health *+*+*
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Grey/Blue
Height: 5'4 (162cm)
Body Type: Slim, curvy, average/large bust, fit
Skin Tone: Ever so slightly tanned peach
Notable scars/marks: Burn scars on hands and wrists, small cut scars on her fingers
Accessories: Doesn't really wear any due to her job but wears simple hoop earrings on the daily.
General Health: Pretty good
Physical Illnesses: None
Mental Illnesses: Mild depression
Takes Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Drinks: Only when being social

Bio: Stella was a happy go lucky girl for majority of her life, never really asking for much as they always had everything they needed. Her father, being a surgeon and her mother having been a pharmacist, they had enough income in the house to do whatever was needed to keep everyone happy.

One day, when she was 16, Stella, her sister Juliet and their mother were heading into the mall when someone, speeding through the car park, ran them down.
Stella only sustained some cuts and bruises, her sister, a broken arm but their mother had taken the brunt of the impact. Ambulance rushed her to the hospital as quickly as they could but she died shortly after they began to operate.

At school, naturally they received a lot of attention, people feeling sorry for them and what not. Juliet took that as a chance to get in with the popular crowd, while Stella took a step back from it all and stopped talking to people.
Now that everything is back to normal at school, her sister is one of the popular girls, adored by all, while Stella has stayed away and lost interest in dealing with other peoples sh*t.

In the midst of their father's grief, he became more protective over his daughters, insisting that they cannot go to parties, they cannot date and they most certainly not move out of the house until he was 100% certain that they wouldn't end up on the streets somewhere, selling their bodies just to get by.

*Depending on plot, the rule will be changed to 'the younger sister can't do any of the above unless the older sister is doing it all as well.'

~ "Buzz off, I'm not interested in going to the party with you."
~ "Just sit down before you set this whole place on fire. I'll cook dinner, so just stay out of the way.
~ "I'm not always a buzz kill... surely you know that by now."

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Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | Jul 24th 2023 09:02

Evangeline Augusta

*+*+* General Information *+*+*
Full Name: Evangeline Augusta
Nicknames: Eva
Reason for Nickname: Shortening of her name
Gender: Female
Age: 17+
Ethnicity: Australian and English
Spoken Languages: English but knows a little bit of Spanish due to school.
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Mother, father and little sister
Occupation: Works part time as a cashier

*+*+* Personality *+*+*
Personality: Evangeline is a very mellow, calm person who loves to have fun. Very friendly and open minded, it is hard for her not to get along with those around her. However, at the same time, what most don't realise, is that she's actually very shy.
Hobbies: Swimming, running and writing poems
Likes: Anything athletic, camping, trying new things, fruit flavoured sweets
Dislikes: Being left alone with strangers, having to make new friends on a whim, bitter foods and drinks
Fears: Small spaces- which contradicts her love for camping (She needs a big tent)

*+*+* Appearance/Health *+*+*
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Hazel
Height: 5'4
Body Type: Slim, curvy and fit
Skin Tone: Tanned
Notable scars/marks: Has scarred knees from falling over a lot over the years
Accessories: Bangles, earrings and an anklet.
General Health: Great
Physical Illnesses: None
Mental Illnesses: Social Anxiety
Takes Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Drinks: Only on occasion.

Bio: Evangeline was born in England and raised in Australia. From a young age, she had a knack for sports and excelled in any sport related events. This brought on some high expectations from her parents, who just wanted her to do well in life. Throwing her into competitions brought a lot of attention to Eva as a kid and eventually, she started to develop anxiety. Constantly having strangers around her, speaking to her as if they had known her all her life or judging her to try bring her down so she wouldn't win. It took a toll on her and after a while, her parents came to realise the damage they were causing so they have since backed off.

~ "If I win the race? You mean when I win the race."
~ "Lets go camping, get away from it all."
~ "I don't think I'm comfortable with that. I won't know anyone there."

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Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | Jul 24th 2023 09:02

Beatrix Adler

*+*+* General Information *+*+*
Full Name: Beatrix Adler
Nicknames: Trixie
Reason for Nickname: It is her preferred name
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Ethnicity: German
Spoken Languages: English, hints of German
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Mother, Father and Grandmother
Occupation: Currently a hand model, wants to be a supermodel

*+*+* Personality *+*+*
Personality: Beatrix is a soft spoken, kind woman who isn't as confident as most would assume. She doesn't like confrontation and trying new things can be rather scary for her but this doesn't stop her from going for it anyway. While being a rather reserved person, Trixie also has quite the temper on her. It takes a while to bring her to that point, but she is quite fierce when she is pushed over the edge.
Hobbies: Photography, sight seeing.
Likes: Attention, even if she is a little shy, cute animals, taking photos and having photos taken of her, hiking, spending time with friends
Dislikes: Being put on the spot, being yelled at, being referred to as 'Beatrix' instead of 'Trixie', not having the confidence to take what she wants.
Fears: Failure and needles.

*+*+* Appearance/Health *+*+*
Hair Colour: Platinum blonde
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 5'5
Body Type: Slim and curvy
Skin Tone: Pale peach
Notable scars/marks: Has a scar on the back of her head and elbow from fainting during a blood test.
Accessories: Whatever goes with her outfit, always has earrings in.
General Health: Great
Physical Illnesses: None
Mental Illnesses: None
Takes Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Drinks: On occasion

Bio: Beatrix was born in Germany six months before her family packed up and moved away due to her father finding a better job in another country. She was primarily raised by her mother and grandmother as her father was often working too much to spend time with her as a child. As her family was mostly fluent in English, that was the language she was taught as it would help her get by in an English speaking country. Her grandmother however has never been very good at speaking English so she learned to speak some German in order to communicate with her granny easier.

~ "I don't want to be a hand model anymore. I am destined for more. I know it."
~ "I refuse to partake in any x rated films.'
~ "Sometimes I'm not convinced I'm made for this..."

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Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | Jul 24th 2023 09:00