Evangeline Augusta

*+*+* General Information *+*+*
Full Name: Evangeline Augusta
Nicknames: Eva
Reason for Nickname: Shortening of her name
Gender: Female
Age: 17+
Ethnicity: Australian and English
Spoken Languages: English but knows a little bit of Spanish due to school.
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Mother, father and little sister
Occupation: Works part time as a cashier

*+*+* Personality *+*+*
Personality: Evangeline is a very mellow, calm person who loves to have fun. Very friendly and open minded, it is hard for her not to get along with those around her. However, at the same time, what most don't realise, is that she's actually very shy.
Hobbies: Swimming, running and writing poems
Likes: Anything athletic, camping, trying new things, fruit flavoured sweets
Dislikes: Being left alone with strangers, having to make new friends on a whim, bitter foods and drinks
Fears: Small spaces- which contradicts her love for camping (She needs a big tent)

*+*+* Appearance/Health *+*+*
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Hazel
Height: 5'4
Body Type: Slim, curvy and fit
Skin Tone: Tanned
Notable scars/marks: Has scarred knees from falling over a lot over the years
Accessories: Bangles, earrings and an anklet.
General Health: Great
Physical Illnesses: None
Mental Illnesses: Social Anxiety
Takes Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Drinks: Only on occasion.

Bio: Evangeline was born in England and raised in Australia. From a young age, she had a knack for sports and excelled in any sport related events. This brought on some high expectations from her parents, who just wanted her to do well in life. Throwing her into competitions brought a lot of attention to Eva as a kid and eventually, she started to develop anxiety. Constantly having strangers around her, speaking to her as if they had known her all her life or judging her to try bring her down so she wouldn't win. It took a toll on her and after a while, her parents came to realise the damage they were causing so they have since backed off.

~ "If I win the race? You mean when I win the race."
~ "Lets go camping, get away from it all."
~ "I don't think I'm comfortable with that. I won't know anyone there."

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