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Yuuto the Kitsune

— Name: Yuuto Ryobu
— Aliases/Titles: “The Pale Whirlwind”
— Powers/Abilities: Yuuto’s powers entail wind and illusions. While neither are particularly strong, he’s mastered the art using their minimal outputs to his advantage. His winds only affect his immediately vicinity, but he can channel it through him, allowing him to attain incredible, blink-and-you’ll-miss-him speed, hence his title. His illusions are faint, only small things like glimmers, minuscule phenomena like dirt being kicked up, or faint sounds, but he’ll use these to keep opponents off balance and double-guessing where he might strike from. His kitsune heratige allows him to shapeshift his form in certain subtle manners, as well as transform into a fox.
— Skills: Yuuto has no particular skills aside from swordsmanship to brag about, but that doesn’t make him unskilled. Quite the contrary, his overconfidence has propelled him to become a Jack-of-all-trades. He knows how to cook, draw, sing, fish, and various other life and non-essential skills. If not for his aversion to work, he might be able to attain higher levels of proficiency on a number of matters.
— Weapons: Yuuto only uses a katana blade when needed. He’s just that confident in his blade work.
— Weakness: Yuuto’s his own worst enemy. His childish impulsivity and laziness prevent him from attaining greater power, and his overconfidence tend to be his own downfall as much as it can be his greatest strength.
— Personality: Yuuto’s personality is defined by his overconfidence in himself. He believes that he can pretty much handle anything, and this in turn leads him to be reckless with both his skills and powers. If he can’t get something done, his first instinct is to usually put the blame on anything else but himself. His childish demeanor tends to get him into trouble, and he’ll do pretty much anything to get out of work or get rich. When adversity strikes, despite his confidence, he’s usually the first to panic, but yet also tends to be the last one to run once he regains confidence in himself.
— Sexuality: Bi-curious
— Birthday: July 7th


• Endurance: 5/10
• Speed: 10/10
• Physical Strength: 5/10
• Magical Strength: 3/10
• Intelligence: 7/10
• Athletic Ability: 7/10
• Close Quarters Combat: 9/10
• Ranged Combat: 1/10
• Perception: 5/10
• Charm: 5/10
• Overconfidence: 9/10
• Childishness: 8/10
• Aversion to Work: 10/10
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2 | 0 Comments | Mar 27th 2024 00:34


— Name: Jirizil, Vassal to House Vindicar
— Aliases/Titles: “Butcher of Amnibrosa”
— Powers/Abilities: Despite being a pure goblin, Jirizil was born with the potential for strength, and she took that gift and ratcheted it up to eleven. Her body is not just unnaturally strong and durable for a goblin, it’s unnaturally strong and durable for most races of human and monster. She can trade blows with creatures well above her weight class, wield the heaviest weapons with ease, and survive hits which would kill even the most armored soldiers.
She can further augment her state through her single magic. When in a certain state of mind or just in the midst of battle, she can summon spirits of her ancestors alongside her to protect herself and her comrades.
— Skills: Being trained by Amadeus, Jirizil is a master combatant, though being a relatively younger, brasher fighter, she tends to use power over technique. Still, her skill is nothing to scoff at. She’s extremely athletic, surprisingly acrobatic, and really swift. Outside of her physical combat abilities, she’s trying to figure out what else she can be.
— Weapons: Axes. Jirizil loves axes. Big axes, small axes, double or single blade. Whatever she can grab, she will swing. Her preferred axes are battle axes and great axes.
— Weakness: Jirizil’s recklessness does more harm to herself than good sometimes. She rarely thinks through a plan, and acts purely on instinct. She also prefers to smash first, ask questions later.
— Personality: Jirizil embodies the notion of chaotic good, bordering on chaotic neutral. She’s very brash, reckless, and bold, but also fights for the good of others, even when it’s inconvenient. However as often as she’s looking out for others, she’s also always looking for another fight, and has a deep, almost insatiable battle lust. Her desire for fighting comes from both her innate nature as a goblin, and a desire to prove herself the strongest and the worthy to her father.
The strongest traits of Jirizil’s though, is her sense of loyalty and optimism. Once Jirizil swears to someone, she will stick by her word like glue. Her ultimate loyalty is to Amadeus. And no matter what the circumstances, she’s rarely seen without her trademark fanged smile.
— Sexuality: Bi-curious
— Birthday: April 18th


• Endurance: 10/10
• Speed: 8/10
• Physical Strength: 10/10
• Magical Strength: 1/10
• Intelligence: 4/10
• Athletic Ability: 6/10
• Close Quarters Combat: 10/10
• Ranged Combat: 1/10
• Perception: 4/10
• Charm: 5/10
• Battlelust: 8/10
• Chaotic Energy: 7/10
• Appetite: 10/10
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3 | 0 Comments | May 5th 2022 20:46

Reybella Sunsilver

— Name: Paladin Reybella Sunsilver
— Aliases/Titles: “Paladin Knight of the Elven Throne”
— Powers/Abilities: Reybella’s time as a Paladin has allowed her to perform and cast esoteric magic and spells, most which relate to radiance, healing, and enchantment. She can create walls of light or force, cure wounds, compel her opponents to focus on her and not her allies, and the like. She can even project her magical energy to boost and protect her allies, as well as channel it into unique effects.
— Skills: Reybella is a master of a particular brand of defensive combat, making her a powerful tank, and strong melee combatant. Her affiliation with elven high society allows her to easily fit in with the upper class and earn favor amongst the higher-ranking. Her training has put her in peak physical condition, and her body as well as her armor can take blows that would normally bring others to their knees. She even has medical knowledge and can perform rudimentary surgery when healing can’t cut it.
— Weapons: Reybella’s sole focus of weaponry is a sword and shield. Her sword and shield are decorated in religious and elvish symbols. Despite knowing the rudimentary basics of other weapons like bows and axes, she solely focuses on these two, and trains her style to it’s absolute purest.
— Weakness: Reybella’s exclusive focus on only sword and shield, and her defensive style can come back to bite her. When pressed to go on the offensive, her attacks can be relatively lackluster, and if forced to use different weapons, she becomes significantly less combat-efficient. She also only has a limited amount of spell knowledge, and once her resources of magic are used up, it will take a significant amount of time before she is able to use her magics again.
— Personality: Reybella is a bit of an oddball from both an elf and outsider perspective. On one hand, she does not hold the same superiority complex many elves do. She believes herself to be on the same footing as many other species so long as they prove themselves to be honest, capable people. On the other hand, having grown up in luxury, Reybella is really adverse to many adventuring regulars. Mudpits, cheap taverns, mead, and other commonalities to the common adventurer really grate on her and she finds it extremely difficult to adjust to it.
One factor of herself that most people don’t get is her strong interest in drow and her learnings in redemption. After discovering her origin, she has developed a hobby of studying drow society from a distance, researching and understanding their culture. She’s risked herself more than once to help drow defectors escape to regular society, and secretly . While she’s sworn an Oath to the Crown, in her heart, she follows an Oath to attempt to redeem and heal the cracks between drow and elves.
— Sexuality: Demisexual
— Birthday: January 26th


• Endurance: 8/10
• Speed: 3/10
• Physical Strength: 8/10
• Magical Strength: 5/10
• Intelligence: 6/10
• Athletic Ability: 8/10
• Close Quarters Combat: 9/10
• Ranged Combat: 4/10
• Perception: 6/10
• Charm: 7/10
• Mannerisms: 10/10
• Loyalty to Oath: 8/10
• Drow Curiosity: 9/10
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1 | 1 Comment | May 5th 2022 11:10

Sir Amadeus Vindicar

— Name: Lord/Sir Amadeus Vindicar
— Aliases/Titles: “Patriarch of House Vindicar”; “Knight-Captain of Hathax”
— Powers/Abilities: Amadeus has no magical abilities to speak of. The closest thing to a magical ability he has is his innate ability to spew fire from his mouth akin to his dragon ancestors, and his resistance to fire. However, he has a gift for swordsmanship, and a master of on-the-fly tactics. He utilizes multiple feats of skill in order to confuse, disorient, trip up, and overpower opponents in combat.
— Skills: Aside from his combat skills, Amadeus is surprisingly knowledgeable in history, arcana, and has a higher-than-average perception of things around him. He can be very charismatic, and his time in the military has made him physically fit despite his more lean frame compared to most Dragonborn. He’s proficient in a plethora of languages, and he’s capable of repairing weapons via his smithing training.
— Weapons: Amadeus uses a longsword, which has an ornate handle that makes it excellent for using as a decorative cane when the sword is sheathed. He also carries with him a bow, though he’s not as skilled in it’s usage as a sword.
— Weakness: Amadeus is still only a person after all, and despite being resistant to fire, it can still scorch him same as anyone else provided it’s hot enough. Other magics are also useful against him. Finally, his time in war has left his body scarred, with old injuries that make it difficult to keep his more unique swordsmanship skills going for long periods. At a certain point, he will be unable to continue with stylish dueling, and must resort to more basic attack tactics to give his body a rest, lest he open up old wounds.
— Personality: Amadeus comes off as a polite and proper individual and that’s not incorrect of him at a first glance. However, behind closed doors, he’s much more relaxed, carefree, and open. He enjoys flirting, and likes partaking in activities not befitting a noble, like bar-hopping, gambling, and adventuring.
He has trouble expressing his own feelings whenever they are negative. He tends to internalize his own struggles, despite actively helping others with their own. His witness and participation in “The Monster Wars” and “The Hali’thurd Uprising” has left him with survivors’ guilt and PTSD, but he tends to power through these emotions rather than show them.
Ultimately, Amadeus is a good-hearted person who just wants to make the world a better place, and doesn’t like seeing people struggle or letting people worry about his own personal struggles.
— Sexuality: Bisexual
— Birthday: November 11th


• Endurance: 5/10
• Speed: 7/10
• Physical Strength: 7/10
• Magical Strength: 1/10
• Intelligence: 6/10
• Athletic Ability: 6/10
• Close Quarters Combat: 9/10
• Ranged Combat: 2/10
• Perception: 8/10
• Charm: 9/10
• Linguistics: 8/10
• Theatricality: 6/10
• Diplomacy: 10/10
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7 | 0 Comments | May 4th 2022 18:58


“Listen, sometimes, you gotta bend the rules to do the right thing. Rules are important, but they can be wrong. And when people are hurting, and the rules keep you from helping, rules take a backseat.”

— Name: Cornelius Anomaly
— Full Name: [Nice Try, but you’ll never know]
— Aliases: “Wanderer” (Personal Alias)
— Powers/Abilities: Cornelius is a natural reality bender. He is able to manipulate the laws of nature and physics to his whims. He can create tears to move from one location to another, manipulate structures and locations to create mind-boggling constructs, and even change what could be considered unfixable scenarios, like permanent disabilities.
— Skills: Aside from his reality bending nature, Cornelius also has several skills of hospitality. Most notably, he’s gifted in the art of charm. Considered to be a master of people, it’s not uncommon for him to be found communicating with people and making fast friends. In addition, Cornelius has skills in cooking, bartending, and singing. He also makes a great babysitter, having been a father multiple times throughout his life.
— Weakness: While his reality bending is extremely powerful, it takes a lot of energy to sustain its usage. Overuse actually starts taxing his body, and large alterations to reality can permanently damage or scar him in some form. This is why he only uses his reality bending when necessary, preferring to resolve situations with words first.
— Personality: Cornelius at first glance seems (with good reason) to be a good-natured but prolific ladies’ man. He has a tendency to flirt with almost any woman he comes across. But he’s also an incredibly friendly and kind person who tries to empathize with those he meets. It’s not uncommon for him to go to great lengths at his own inconvenience to help those in need. He has a strong sense of morality and equity, and lives by the principle of being kind even when the kindness isn’t returned. He also, despite his youthful demeanor and appearance, seems to have a strong grip on mortality.
— Sexuality: Straight
— Birthday: October 30th
— Bio: [Data Not Found]

— Children (That are still around)
1. Cody Anomaly
2. Cathy Anomaly
3. (Unofficially Adopted) Jr.
4. (Adopted) Eden Phillips-Anomaly
[More to Likely Be Found Later]


• Endurance: 5/10
• Speed: 5/10
• Physical Strength: 5/10
• Magical Strength: 9/10
• Intelligence: 7/10
• Athletic Ability: 5/10
• Close Quarters Combat: 4/10
• Ranged Combat: 9/10
• Perception: 8/10
• Charm: 10/10
• Keeping it in his pants: 2/10
• Parenting Skills: 8/10
• Love for his kids 10/10
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11 | 0 Comments | Feb 26th 2021 23:17