Yuuto the Kitsune

— Name: Yuuto Ryobu
— Aliases/Titles: “The Pale Whirlwind”
— Powers/Abilities: Yuuto’s powers entail wind and illusions. While neither are particularly strong, he’s mastered the art using their minimal outputs to his advantage. His winds only affect his immediately vicinity, but he can channel it through him, allowing him to attain incredible, blink-and-you’ll-miss-him speed, hence his title. His illusions are faint, only small things like glimmers, minuscule phenomena like dirt being kicked up, or faint sounds, but he’ll use these to keep opponents off balance and double-guessing where he might strike from. His kitsune heratige allows him to shapeshift his form in certain subtle manners, as well as transform into a fox.
— Skills: Yuuto has no particular skills aside from swordsmanship to brag about, but that doesn’t make him unskilled. Quite the contrary, his overconfidence has propelled him to become a Jack-of-all-trades. He knows how to cook, draw, sing, fish, and various other life and non-essential skills. If not for his aversion to work, he might be able to attain higher levels of proficiency on a number of matters.
— Weapons: Yuuto only uses a katana blade when needed. He’s just that confident in his blade work.
— Weakness: Yuuto’s his own worst enemy. His childish impulsivity and laziness prevent him from attaining greater power, and his overconfidence tend to be his own downfall as much as it can be his greatest strength.
— Personality: Yuuto’s personality is defined by his overconfidence in himself. He believes that he can pretty much handle anything, and this in turn leads him to be reckless with both his skills and powers. If he can’t get something done, his first instinct is to usually put the blame on anything else but himself. His childish demeanor tends to get him into trouble, and he’ll do pretty much anything to get out of work or get rich. When adversity strikes, despite his confidence, he’s usually the first to panic, but yet also tends to be the last one to run once he regains confidence in himself.
— Sexuality: Bi-curious
— Birthday: July 7th


• Endurance: 5/10
• Speed: 10/10
• Physical Strength: 5/10
• Magical Strength: 3/10
• Intelligence: 7/10
• Athletic Ability: 7/10
• Close Quarters Combat: 9/10
• Ranged Combat: 1/10
• Perception: 5/10
• Charm: 5/10
• Overconfidence: 9/10
• Childishness: 8/10
• Aversion to Work: 10/10
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2 | Mar 27th 2024 00:34