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Orders are orders.

He accepted the task of course, regardless LianBi told him he'd have to accompany Haru there.
One can never be enough suspicious. As soon as LianBi explained him what happened, he immediately wanted to go there to figure out what the person was hiding but...Jeonha told him then that he has to go to accompany Haru to investigate.

He waits for her to walk out of her room, not even organizing anything. She walks out and jumps a little as he finds him there. HyunKi gives her a quick glance. "Move, we are going. Don't slow me down." And he starts to walk.
She blinks, standing still for a few moments, but then runs to catch up with him, while wearing a coat due to the cold.

They first head where LianBi came across the man and from there, Haru starts to follow the tracks. Luckily it didn't snow over the tracks they left, making the job much easier.
Eventually they arrive in front of this big, luxury manor...they are both left a little surprised. They both expected something poorer.
HyunKi aims to go at the door but Haru grabs him by arm. "Wait. They could try to run away from the back." She says and he roughly moves her hand away from his arm, proceeding towards the door.
She walks on the other side of the house.
HyunKi knocks and waits. Tero opens the door and closes as soon as he sees who is there.
That kinda triggers him though...he starts to hit the door until it breaks and enters. He aims to look for Tero but he comes across Noriyori.
Her eyes widen but cannot help but be troll... "Oh no! Gyeoliankipaohyunwon is here!" But after that she aims to run away because the situation doesn't look of the most reassuring.
HyunKi focuses on Tero but Haru blocks Noriryori's way and manages to knock her down all the sudden.

Eventually HyunKi finds Tero and immediately captures him. HyunKi and Haru carry one each with them. "Warn the Emperor we have them and they look the most suspicious." Haru says to HyunKi.
"Yah, suspicious what? We didn't do a thing." Noriyori says, she cannot help it.
"I don't take orders from you." He mutters while preparing to teleport to the Imperial Palace.
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1 | 62 Comments | Dec 15th 2018 12:50

It is not over

The next day, they prepare the badge to give Haru. It is authentic, no trick here.
HyunKi carries it with him, every badge is meant specifically for the person, so it would be useless for someone else to have it.
He walks in a tavern, he has no clue where she could show up, if not inside his house. He continues his normal routine for the evening. Haru shows up all the sudden inside the tavern, keeping a low profile. A mask on her face and normal glasses, not to be recognized.
She takes the badge from HyunKi, without wasting time talking. She controls it is authentic, then... "My brother just brought the prince to the Doctor Ahn for further control, hurry and go to take him."
He only tells her when she has to come for the meeting. Middle of the day, of course and during the reunion with Generals and Ministers. He then runs to the Doctor Ahn indeed to take Qing. It is a surprise she freed one like this.
He asks the doctor about his health of course and turns out Qing already received cures before to be brought there...Aki gave the doctor a list of things to do to save his life, written by. Her lack of trust in any doctor ❤
HyunKi sends some reinforcements there to protect the prince, just in case. He informs the Emperor about this immediately.

Haru returns to their ship and to her surprise, she finds Won and Hiro on the ship, playing a briscoletta. She is surprised to see them. "Appa..." She lowers her gaz.
Hiro stands up and places his hands on her shoulders. "Tell me your plan, let's do this."

Telling the plan.
+ Imagine Dragons - Who We Are +
"I will meet with the Commandant outside the gates, Won will come with me with the shape of XinLi. They will tie me, take every precaution for me not to escape.
I will talk to the Emperor about what happened, with the truth potion. If they turn out to be disloyal, we will reveal it is not the true prince. XinLi will remain outside with appa and Aki.
Once we will be out, we will hand them back even XinLi."

The next day, everything goes as planned, at least until they reach the Throne Room. HyunKi chained Haru, feet and hands.
They enter the room and he pushes her roughly, to make her kneel in front of the Emperor. "Here she is, Jeonha. She freed the prince, as promised." He then hands her a truth potion, but he added something to it, to make it stronger.
She drinks the potion but immediately feels strange. It is a lot stronger than it should be, so she feels the side effects more. It starts with headache but soon fever will hit too. His plan was to make her 'good'.
Peng looks at her and notices right away something is not normal. HyunKi frowns at Haru. "There is nothing you can say, in front of this people! You cannot justify what you did in any way! Jeonha, let us put her in jail and punish her!"
Peng immediately steps forward. "Commandant! I want to hear what she has to say. Let her speak!"
Haru shuts her eyes, narrowing them. She slightly nods. "I knew. You say we are the scum but you cannot keep your promise. I was ready for this...indeed..." She pants a little but gives a glance at the fake XinLi. Won walks next to Haru, taking back his normal shape, he smiles like c: and shrugs. "Soz! Chain me too, if it makes you feel safer!" He prepares his hands to be chained.
Haru takes a deep breath. "XinLi is fine, but I will hand him to you only when I will be out..." She takes another breath, finding it hard to focus and speak. "Jeonha..." She keeps panting. "I want to apologise, in name of my father too... all this... I caused this, when I kidnapped Captain Hu. I had to kill him to protect our secret...but I didn't manage to, because...I fell in love with him. We ran away on Earth but our portal... something went wrong, we split and I don't know where he is, now. I am guilty of his disappearance." She lowers her gaze. "I was not there when my brother took the princes, but it was his mistake. He tried to fix it with me, I hope you can forgive him. He didn't want the princes to end they ended up. The truth is that they ran away, they were in a forest alone, they got attacked by wolves. XinLi, to defend himself, threw magic fire at the wolves, but it spread to the grass and trees. I and my brother were looking for them and we arrived just in time to save them."

Suddenly a guard rushes inside the Throne Room, interrupting. "Jeonha! There are armed humans at our gates!"
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1 | 49 Comments | Oct 14th 2018 10:51

False accusations

He went right away to give new orders to the guards of the Palace to keep security even higher, at every door, on the wall and even more around KiTae and the Emperor. He then headed to the Northern Quarters for KiTae, bringing more guards with him.

QSuddenly an Eunuch comes to call him, the Generals want to talk to him. He is confused, since he basically just left the hall but starts to head back there right away.
He walks inside and bows to the Generals. "You asked for me, Your Excellency?" He looks at them all, clueless of what is going to happen.
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1 | 17 Comments | Oct 12th 2018 16:46

Yama Birthmark

Hiro, after setting Haru free and letting her escape on Earth, gathered all the Shinobi and for some year, he did not let anyone leave the island nor come in, regardless there were people like Jaengshijong that didn't make it to Shiixia. Every law against Shinobi is still there, Hiro doesn't want another massacre to happen, so what he aimed to do, was to make them disappear for a couple of years.
If he left Jaeng behind, was only because he would have risked too much if he aimed to go and save him. It was still a hard decision but in 'exchange', Hiro took care himself and in the best way of his daughters.

In Shiixia the environment was not of the best, since the Shinobi lost their freedom, also due to the fact no one knew they even existed. Now they could not leave and in the future, they would have been forced to be very careful.
Haru was being blamed for everything, that's also the reason he sent her to Earth instead of straight to Shiixia. Hiro pointed out it was them to start everything, when they tried to make him come back. There was nothing they could reply to him but even after he punished the true responsible, some Shinobi still talked about Haru. Not that Mako herself did not start to spread some word about how she failed and how foolish she acted, just to somehow prove she was better than Haru.

Meanwhile in the East, people started to be worried to hear about Shinobi, also due to the stories and legends behind their existence and what they were. Haru became a common face between the bounties of the mercenaries, while HyunKi did whatever he could not to make PaOh look like a runaway criminal in the East. HyunKi started his researches in there, then in other countries as well but there was nothing he found apart from some stories about strange happenings. One in the South, years before the Royal Family was robbed. Someone took away more than half of their patrimony from the basements of their Royal Palace. There were no signs of someone entering, some curses were not even activated, some other got 'fooled'. It was not something they could say outloud and make news about, HyunKi had the information from the first prince in private. They looked for clues and to find who took the money but they failed. It was Mako to do it, with the help of Won -when they were still together-, no one but Shinobi knows though. She got quite an amazing reputation after that in Shiixia since it was a very hard task.

Anyhow, HyunKi spent a lot of time trying to go deeper in some of these cases, to see if they could lead him to Shinobi.
Luckily he was more stubborn than a mountain and did not give up. He decided to even go to look in other worlds, the first place was Earth and he went to the priests there, asking if PaOh was there. He specified he was his father to reassure them on his intentions, he wouldn't even have the authority to arrest someone there.
They told him they didn't know, but they mentioned that someone else was looking for him. Haru, but they didn't tell him where to find her. On the other hand, she did anything she could to make herself easy to find in South Korea so it was not hard at all for HyunKi to find out where she was...

He lives with them now, not stopping to look for PaOh. But suddenly, he notices something that manages to distract him from that.
He notices a particular birthmark on T's belly. He saw it somewhere before and soon enough he realizes where... Hiro's wrist. Then, he also realizes Haru has that birthmark on her neck.
He decided to study T for a few days. He didn't see the Shinobi tattoo on his forearm, so he thinks he must not be trained.
He tries to test it with a few tricks, like throwing at him bottles, to see if he catches them, or to make footboard to him. He doesn't seem that trained to him but still he wants to be careful.
He waits for the right moment, to make sure there will be only him and T in the house.
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1 | 66 Comments | Oct 6th 2018 05:56