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BOOM's Blog

Setting things up.

Before to leave, there are many things to set, or he will refuse to go anywhere.
First, to take his place at the Palace. Hard choice but eventually he picks an high official to do it, that he knows well enough but as for Wonhwa trainer, he is still clueless. He doesn't trust to leave them in the hands of a man, he is worried what could happen so he wants to find a woman.
Peng? The daughters of Peng? Just the idea bothers him, knowing what her trainings are like. For him, way too light and honourable, too slow to act, regardless her training proved very effective on all Imperial Defenders. Maybe it is just that he dislikes Peng instill.

He is still very clueless. While at the Palace, he takes a short break from everything. He eats something fast, then sits by a short wall for a few moments. He rubs his leg, groaning slightly.
That's when Haru comes to him. "I was looking for you." She says and sits next to him, she motions all her servants to stay back.
HyunKi doesn't even look at her, actually he aims to stand up to leave but she grabs his sleeve.
"Wait. Before the holiday, you have something to do. You still didn't go to the nursery to get visited."
HyunKi rolls his eyes. "Leave me, I am fine."
"Aniyo." She stands up and crosses her arms. "You. Go to the nursery, I will tell the doctors everything they will have to do to you, it will take no time. I already know."
"Shoo away, return to the harem, wench." HyunKi stands up too and again aims to leave.
"If you do it, I will take care of Wonhwa, I will train them until you return." Haru says and he stops, suddenly starting to think about it.
"First of all, ask Jeonha if you can."
"I have already done it. Now come with me to th nursery, since you are done with your duties." She planned well and carefully this move.
F*** f*** f*** - he thinks, feeling surrounded, with no ways out. "F***ing Gods, I don't want any unknown doctor to do it, you'll take care of it if I must do it."
"Fine." Haru says, raising an eyebrow. She begins to walk towards the nursery and HyunKi follows, looking like she is bringing a child to make an injection.

Once in the nursery, Haru approaches the Head Physician to explain him what she has to do. HyunKi waits behind, not even listening.
She goes back to him. ''Follow.'' And she heads to a nursery room, empty. ''Take off your pants and lie down.'' She motions him to enter, meanwhile she goes to get ready, wearing something proper for the small operation.
HyunKi snorts in an annoyed way and enters, closing the door. He prepares and lies down on the bed.
Haru returns and she doesn't waste time. She first puts to sleep his left leg, then proceeds with the operation.
HyunKi is not paying attention to what she does. ''So why is it hurting me so much lately?''
''This is named Ghostly Limb, it hurts you on the scar and sometimes it feels like it still there, burns, itches and whatever. Your brain keeps sending inputs to your leg.''
''But why now? I am going crazy...'' HyunKi takes a breath.
''Aniyo, it is totally normal with what you are going through. You work too hard, you don't sleep enough...''
''And what is that you are doing to fix it?''
''Analgesics underskin. It will constantly erase your pain, you won't have to get tons of painkillers all the time. This will last for one year, but usually the pain just tends to get lower and lower as the time goes by. If you don't push yourself too much, you'll be fine.''

When Haru is done, she closes the wound carefully and cleans, then bandages it. ''Stay here, your leg is still asleep.'' She prepares some specific herbs in the incense burner and leaves.
HyunKi falls asleep in no time. Haru prepared the mix of herbs on purpose to make him sleep. She meanwhile returns to her residence to talk with Yoshi.
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2 | 25 Comments | Apr 2nd 2019 08:17

If it wasn't enough...

It was a hard period. Since when Liang took the throne till now, he could never have a proper rest, not physically nor mentally. Yoshi's disappearance was the cherry on top.

He wants to help as much as possible to find Yoshi but at the same time he has his duties at the Palace and a new group of soldiers to train properly, strengthening the defences. There is also one more thing, his leg. With all this stress and hard work, it Is happening more and more often that his old scar gives him hard time and he cannot even understand why.

He is organizing himself properly with all his duties, before to start looking for Yoshi. He leaves the hq in the hands of NoriYori and Mizu - not happy about it -, gives orders to other high officials to take his place - even less happy - .
He takes his horse and rides out of the Palace to join Haru and Hiro.
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1 | 47 Comments | Mar 27th 2019 17:28

So it begins...

He wasn't too pleased when LianBi told him to make it official so soon. He still was not happy how the girls were doing, they complain too much for his tastes and are too sensitive...he basically hopes he will find a female trainer, so that he won't have to follow Mizu and Noriyori during all the training.

For the recruitments, as he told LianBi, he and a group of eunuchs go to gather people in need of money and grant them this chance. Say again he is a total a**hole!!!
He finds many women that, to help their families, decide to join. He stops at 50 for this first wave but tells them he will return for more in the future. ''I gave you badges and uniforms. Don't forget them tomorrow morning, when you'll come to the Palace or you won't be granted access. Bring your ID badges as well and everything you will need for your stay.''
They are not all young, there are even older ones, mothers and such.

Of course Sao is warned about this and the morning after, servants prepare the hq for the inauguration. Similar to Hwarang.
For now they have only the training uniforms, very simple and red, with some black details.
HyunKi wears his usual armor, his hair today turned blonde.
When the girls gather there, one by one they are called ahead to swear loyalty to the Emperor. The cerimony happens without complications and the girls can proceed to the next step.
HyunKi brings them in the courtyard of the hq. "Take a position, any will be fine." Of course, they cannot start without properly getting drunk.
"You have six glasses before you. Drink them all, don't leave a drop." And he himself controls they don't try to escape this.
When they are all properly drunk or stunned enough by the heavy drink, he walks behind a closed box. "One by one, come here and pick a room. The ones with the same colour will be your roommates. You can change your badge but only till tomorrow morning, then I won't approve any change." He cannot help it but he is finding them truly amusing in that state.
He leaves them after they all picked a room and just takes a walk and enjoys the show for the entire night...
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0 | 27 Comments | Mar 25th 2019 07:55


It was a tiring day as usual, for him but he always finds time for his friend, Lian Bi. He goes to the Red Hall after preparing the Palace Guard for the night patrol, he is still in armor and clearly tired.
He walks inside and bows to him, then takes a quick look around, to see if there is still someone or if he can start relaxing. ''Shiix Xu, Jeonha.''

He still didn't mention anything to LianBi about his ideas but he can have heard by now, they are not acting in secret and there are evil or little eunuchs everywhere, not to mention the servants of the Princess that always follow her.
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1 | 22 Comments | Mar 24th 2019 17:14

Coming up with ideas.

When he came across Yoshi, he was leaving the Red Hall. After the short talk,he proceeds on his way and gathers a few eunuchs. ''Go to find Hu NoriYori and lead her to me right away. Wherever she is, whatever she is doing. Move.'' He waves his hand off to motion them to go.

What happened these days, convinced him it is time to get to work properly and to come up with new ideas, making sure the Palace defences return to be the safest. It is also a matter of pride, those thing cannot happen on his watch.

The eunuchs eventually return to him with Noriyori. He was waiting for her in his office.
She is confused by his summoning, the eunuchs couldn't even tell her anything because not even they knew the matter. She remains by the door with crossed arms and when the eunuchs leave, she asks. ''Yah, what do you want all the sudden?''
''I want something if I called you.'' It is clearly not a habit of these Hu to greet.
''Ye, and what the f*** it is?'' She raises an eyebrow.
HyunKi turns around and looks at her. ''I wouldn't ask this to an underaged brat if I wasn't desperate...but sure you can handle this.'' His look is always very cold and kind of creepy.
''Underaged brat, that's the kindest way I was called.''
''Stop with nonsense.''
''Then get to the f***ing point!'' She rolls her eyes.
''Damned wench, shut up and listen. You have the same training of your mother, haven't you? You would be able to teach?''
She blinks. ''I'm a Shinobi, ye and...huh? Teach?''
''Hm. Gather young girls and train them to become Palace Guards as well, can you? Also another thing. I want a protector for the Princess, if you manage to train them well enough to surprise me and convince me to bring a proposal to Jeonha to make it official, some of you will have to take that role. I would have asked someone else...but there is no one I trust more than you.'' And not he deems her that trustworthy, talking about girls...
''Man, that's a huge thing! How can I? Where do I train them?'' She whines a little. ''Aigoo...though that's cool.'' She starts to ponder it.
''I am low on patience, do you accept it or not?'' He rolls his eyes.
''F*** off! You know what, I'll accept but you'll have to provide me everything, and I expect a payment!''
HyunKi raises an eyebrow, then smirks as answer.
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1 | 2 Comments | Mar 21st 2019 16:11