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Kai Kai

Name: Kai Kai;
Gender: Male;
Birthday: 01/09;
Species: Knight;
Age: 16;
- With SenLin since 9 years -
Sexuality: Straight (bi but doesn't know);
Status: Single and Looking;
Relationships: KaiYi's younger brother, Ming WeiLin's adoptive child:
Friends/Allies: Sect members;
Enemies: Anything outside the Sect;
Currently living in: Wilds;

Accessories: Headband made of reptile skin;

Health: Very healthy but cold blood;

Kills: 20+;

Hobbies: Training, sleeping to heaten his body, swimming, hunting;
Habits: Sleeping under the sun, on the rocks.
Pets: Snake (python and his guardian)*;
Fears: His past memories - amnesia, he remembers only small sparks - ;
Dreams: Becoming the master of all snakes;

Food: Roasted boar;
Color: Green
Animal: Snake

Tattoos: Tribal stuff;
Drugs: -
Alcohol: Yes;
Smoke: -
Swears: Occasionally;

Knight elements: Nature and Death.

* Minor Guardian Snake - Knights', while Avatar has all Major - : (Snek for friends) Shé.
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2 | 0 Comments | Aug 9th 2021 15:16

Xie and Zhui

Zhui remains in Shiinden, partecipating actively to strategies and organization. He shares what he knows but unluckily it is not much.
While gathered there with a few Clan Leaders and important people in Shiinden for a discussion, Xie enters the room after one of his missions. Sizhui recognizes him almost immediately and stands up, rushing to him.
They run and hug each other. Xie also laughs at his hair while Zhui cries for happiness. He is a bit embarassed in crying in front of everyone but he can't help it. "Cut it then...I don't need to follow their rules anymore."
He needed that last little push to join Shiinden and Xie being with them is definitely it.

It is official. They cut his hair. For now it still didn't grow back but his head doesn't shine :v
Unluckily they do not have a lot of time to spend together as Zhui has to hurry to take his cloth before the battle to begin. He is actually so well prepared about his power thanks to the Sect training that he manages to achieve it in record time. The place where he had to go is Earth. The biggest geyser on the planet. For Shiinden, a few days pass but on Earth it is actually a bit longer.

Armor: (dark blue part is actually orange, looking roughly like fire, blue looking like water)
Weapon: (one water ring, one fire ring on his middle fingers)
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1 | 1 Comment | Apr 9th 2021 08:42

Facts about him.

He is half Zimox of Erion but has no clue.

He is a Jun, but he still doesn't know.

He has a strange mark on his body. It changes location from time to time but maintains the same form and it is dark blue.

The mark comes from his Zimox part.

He is a Knight of Water and Fire.
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 3rd 2021 05:41


He is now 21 years old. Still not particularly enthusiastic about his position.
Part of the Sect of Erion, ShuiYang. One of the top disciples of the sect but not much appreciated due to his past away from it. The clan doesn't even consider him.

He is to follow the main Sect disciple chosen for the lecture. He is forced to maintain the exact look, hair and style, of his Sect.

He didn't forget Xie but fears the worst since he couldn't find him in the Frost Citadel. He is restless after that event and very disappointed in the Sects for destroying Fuchou like that.
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2 | 0 Comments | Apr 2nd 2021 14:22


It is unclear whose son he is or where he comes from. Only a child, without a name, without anyone to take care of him. With a strange and scary mark on his face.

14 years ago.

The little boy is 7 years old and is running away after stealing a steamed bun from a stand. Two men are after him and they catch up with him, starting to hit him with a stick. He curls up, defending the only food he managed to get in days.

"Little monster! How dare you stealing? I'll get your hands cut!"

Eventually they stop and leave. The child crawls away after the beat up, having a few ribs broken and several wounds. He hides in an alley, eating his bun.
Just every day life in the streets of Fengshii. It is a rainy day like many.
Finished to eat, he crawls inside his little hideout. It is near a stable and not clean at all but at least it covers him from rain, plus he could steal some hay to make himself some kind of bed. He lies down on it and has nothing to cover himself with. He shuts his eyes and after a few moments, the cold water on his body starts to evaporate and heaten the little hideout.

10 years ago.

He is a bit older but still a child overall. He is by a river to wash. The air and weather are cold and bad, but before to start getting undressed, he uses his powers on the water. He interrupts the flow and the water there starts to evaporate, sign it is hot. He enters and washes, but doesn't remain there to relax for long, as he has to run.
He dresses up with the same clothes he wore before and picks up his backpack. He looks very messy and poor.
He walks along the river to reach another city. Always inside Fengshii region. It soon restarts to rain and he goes to find shelter in the forest nearby. He is lucky enough to find a cave and starts to prepare a spot for fire. He has no meat to cook, it is only to heaten up a little as he hates cold.
He takes out a few green fruits he found on his way and eats. While doing so, he hears sounds from the bottom of the cave. He fears it is some kind of animal and decides to go to check. He picks up a stick and lights a fire in his hand, proceeding. To his surprise, he finds a wounded man, stabbed against the wall with a sword. He is clueless what to do, he considers leaving but first, he decides to check if he has money. When he approaches and looks at the person, he just hasn't the heart to rob and flee, leaving him to die. He removes the sword first of all, not having medical skills. He realizes it starts bleeding worse and immediately covers it, pressing.

He grabs him and pulls him near the fire as bleeding slows down. He checks his condition and then leaves the cave to pick herbs. He has lived on the streets all his life, he learnt from other poors things such as what herbs, easy to find, can be used to mend wounds. Between poors, they tend to help each other, regardless he was a little avoided due to the strange symbol on his cheek.
He finds the herbs and returns. He uncovers him to see where he is hurt and starts to place herbs on it then covers it with a piece of cloth.
"Will he need water..?" He kneels near him and helps him to drink, then to eat a bit of fruit. And so he continues to take care of him till he recovers a little and wakes up.

From few days later to years.

He didn't expect that man to bring such a change in his life. From a street rat actual house? He still can't believe it.
He runs around to explore it, too curious. He is extremely happy, he has always wanted to see what was inside big houses he saw around. He is even more enthusiastic and grateful towards Xie, he proposes to serve him for life but the other answers him with laugher, throwing at him the new clothes he should wear.


And he starts to live at all effects like a Sir. It is a bit hard for him at the beginning, not knowing anything, even how to use most common things found in houses but a bit at time, he learns.

Xie teaches him everything. Writing, reading, and other basic subjects but also magic as he notices Zhui is special. Zhui, the name Xie chose for him, finally.
What he knew till that moment, he learnt on his own, accidents and luck, but now he starts to train it properly, getting more and more skilled but also tied to Xie, like an older brother.

3 years ago.

They are suddenly captured and taken to the Frost Citadel. While keeping him aside, as he is still so young, Inquisitors trial Xie and deem him guilty.
They keep Zhui with them for some time. They propose him to join the Sect but the boy continues to contest their decision to take Xie, he wants to see him, he wants him to be free again but the Inquisitors are not convinced.
Eventually they realize he has interesting powers related to water and send him to the Sect of Erion after telling him there is absolutely no chance for Xie to be freed any time soon.
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2 | 0 Comments | Apr 2nd 2021 05:55