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Forum > Romance > male needed for obsessed romance

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Started by AllBarkNoWrite , Jul 2nd 2023 14:07

AllBarkNoWrite - Jul 2nd 2023 14:07

Warning: there are darker themes present in this plot. If that's not your vibe, go check out the other plots on my profile that are less dark!

I'll play as the girlfriend in this scenario and you can have full reign on your obsessed boyfriend character, including how dark the plot gets.

It's the beginning of an innocent college fling, as two new freshmen at a large university. Both characters don't know anyone else, so when they find each other frequenting the same coffee shop, they start to form a friendship. With the girl's constant flirting, the friendship turns into a relationship. However, the girl's idea of a relationship isn't exclusive and she continued to flirt, but not cheat, with a lot of other men for fun. The guy's idea of a relationship is the opposite extreme, where he should be the only guy she ever looks at, talks to, and thinks about. This story can either turn into a toxic spin of figuring out each other's wrongdoings or something much darker, where the men she talks to start to disappear one by one and her boyfriend's grip on her gets tighter and higher.

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Pekatronix - Oct 2nd 2023 02:11

I love this yes!

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Ragripperagain - Oct 3rd 2023 18:46

I’m perfect for this one. Ya lease accept andbtalkb

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