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catcvpid's Blog

jennifer monet

── full name : Jennifer Lucie Monet
── nicknames : jennie , jen , lucie

── gender : female
── pronouns : she / her
── sexuality : pansexual & panromantic

── age : twenty three
── birthday : march 16th
── zodiac : pisces

── species : human
── powers : n/a

── nationality : ittalian - american
── ethnicity : white
── languages :
- ittalian : native language , mother tounge
- english : tutored , fluent
── accents : ittalian - only noticable for specific words
── religion : not religious

── likes : soft blankets , the winter , cold weather , dogs , cats , romantic comedies , romance in general , nighttime car rides , music , online shopping , morning runs , fall / auntmn .
── dislikes : hot weather , humid & muggy weather , hamsters , drawing , warm water for drinking , loud music , bright lights , iced coffee , obnoxiously over talkitive people , too much physical contact

── positive traits : respectful , fun , kind , loyal , calm , relaxed , friendly , gentle and welcoming , warm .
── negative traits : jealous , picky , brutally honest , manipulative at times , self sabatoaging , anxious

── face claim : look to gallery
── height : 5'3
── weight : 120 lbs
── appearence overview : she has brown hair, and warm ivory skin. blue eyes, and an overall diamond face shape. her body is relatively average for a woman, not curvasious, but not rectangualr either.

── occupation : library assistant
── education : high school graduate
── iq : 105

── genres : romance , drama , slice of life
── notes : n/a
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4 | 0 Comments | Oct 23rd 2023 23:33


── full name :
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── appearence overview :

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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 23rd 2023 22:53