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Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thime.

Lui si è recato nell'Est per comprare dei materiali alchemici, dato che adesso c'è libertà di mercato e scambio tra Nord ed Est.

Lui non é molto pratico del luogo, quindi è un po' sperduto e nervoso.

Al momento sta camminando nella strada principale della Capitale.
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1 | 72 Comments | by Rorii | Jan 8th 2016 12:05

Nyomi ~Bio~

Name: Nyomi
Age: 21
Species: Ninetails
Hair: golden blonde
Eyes: crimson red
Height: 5'2"
Scent: Warm Cinnamon
Personality: she is a humaniod pokemon who is wanting to learn to be human and find a master who will take care of her. she can be shy or really energetic it depends on how you approach her.
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11 | 4 Comments | by Anina | Jan 3rd 2016 02:00


Get I started a medical forum called corrupt doctors. I hope to have many members!
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Dec 31st 2015 15:14


Name: Blipper Blupten

Age: 36

Race: Human

Power: Rage aura, Mind Torture

Story: After the dimension event Victor was killed but someone revived him as someone else they renamed him as Blipper, he was stronger, colder, and emotionless, he managed to escape the dimension and live a normal life until he was hunted by dimension jumpers every month.

With attempts to flee blipper became well known through out the dimensions, his age caused his red aura to be more lethal both to enemies and to himself, he developed high intellectual skills to torture people by haunting them onto the verge of madness.

Career: Ex-Mercenary

Hobbies: None

Life Goal: live a normal life in peace and serenity
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0 | 0 Comments | by Blipperblup | Dec 30th 2015 23:06


Some clarifications about a few misconceptions about the Eastern Empire (pre-civil war).

-Nobles were the real scum. Abusive,  repressive, greedy,  spoiled, heartless, skilless, misogynist and selfish.

-Middle-Class and farmers were nothing but victims of this elitist system.
They were exploited to the bone, forced to pay huge fees and taxes to nobles under the threat of Assassins being sent against them and their families. 

-Nobles' strength was based on 2 factors: The Emperor supported them, thus they could count of legal privileges of any sort and the protection of military forces.
They had the right to require Assassins' interventions against whoever displeased them.

-Fear ruled, weak people were weakened while nobles became richer like parasites, on their struggles. Except from male nobles, no one had an advantage of the situation, everyone suffered.

-The horrible treatments reserved to women were exclusive of the nobles.
Middle-Class and below, by paradox, were much more civilized towards their women.

-Poor people did not sell their daughters.
When they did not manage to pay their exploiters, the girls were taken away from the family with force, to "repay the debt".

-Nobles vision of a perfect eastern wife: submitted sex slave.

-Middle-Class and below, vision of a perfect eastern wife: a "mother" to take care of the man and support him, advice him and guide him.

-The Emperor was the owner of all brothels. Those chosen to direct each were jist his employees.

-The Empress was nothing more than the wife of the Emperor. She had no power nor right.

-Most of the soldiers joined the army to not stave. Starvation and suicide were the two top causes of death in the East.

-Nobles were (still are) hated like plague by other people, but with the Emperor backing them, they could stand no chance to survive a revolution. That why the civil war could occur only during a period with no ruler on the throne.

-Not even Sao is even close to how bad, cruel and sick most other nobles were.

-Clans of the wilds hate nobles to the point they eat them, literally, if they caught them in their territories.

-Priests could not go in support of the people in need, the High Priests could not allow to send them to sure death.

-Noble girls were only given away in combined marriages that could bring advantage to their fathers.

-Middle-Class and below girls married out of love and free will, upon parents' blessings too.

-A very small number of nobles were decent and against the system, despite it advantaged them the way it was. (Xiu's father, Shushu's father and Sao are 3 of the 5.)

-Nobles were above the law.

-The servants of the Royal Palace were all nobles. Secondborn sons and less despised daughters. Being a servant of the Emperor was the dream job of every eastern as it granted safety, wellness and even a taste of luxury.
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1 | 0 Comments | by Junn | Dec 30th 2015 07:13


Sterbenfuer has started a forum called the hunters and the prey. People should join!
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Dec 30th 2015 00:32

All my LONG starters!

Ellowyn Grace

Her hair is dyed burgundy and super curly, and she tries to tame the frizz by braiding it. She has dark green eyes, and tan skin. Her mother is Mexican and her father is Caucasian. She's petite at 5'3 and thin but healthy, fit from taking years of contemporary dance lessons. Her father let her take them to get her out of the house. He wasn't straight up abusive, he just didn't really care for her. There's a reason for this. Her abilities first manifested at seven, when she got scared during a thunderstorm and her lamp exploded. She's still terrified of storms. She has a sort of pyrokinesis, but not your typical kind. She can use her fire for a little more than one would think. Ellowyn can use it not only in the typical way, but also to cause explosions as mentioned before, and is immune to extreme temperatures. Another thing she can do is use her abilities to transfer one person's injuries onto her own body. She's stubborn at first, and definitely has an attitude problem, but loyal and caring with friends. She's pansexual, but really awkward when it comes to crushes.

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2 | 0 Comments | by TheMeridianSea | Dec 28th 2015 21:36


Thalassa- sometimes goes by Thal for short, but only with her friends. Which, she doesn't have many of, to be perfectly honest. She's a daughter of Poseidon, so she stays pretty secluded so those around her don't get hurt. To her knowledge, her only siblings are those immortal children of Poseidon from millennia ago. So far she's only run into a couple of other demigods. Thalassa is a bit loud and outgoing, but when first meeting people she tends to ramble if she doesn't feel threatened. If she does she'll be very defensive and on guard, and with a sharp tongue. She has cropped short black hair, with thin bright blue streaks in honor of her father. Her eyes are grayish green. She's pale, with freckles, and kind of short. She's also quite slender, but fit from being on the run and having to fight off enemies. She's 18 and covered in scars, the ones from herself blending in with the ones from attacks. Being a daughter of Poseidon, she has power over water, and ice as well since it's a subset of the element. She can also breathe underwater, making it impossible for her to drown. She can swim very quickly, dive down to depths that humans can't reach, and see very well in the dark.
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1 | 0 Comments | by TheMeridianSea | Dec 28th 2015 21:32

Clair- Doctor Who OC

Clair- this is what she goes by, but it's short for her title, the Clairvoyant. She has the title for her sensitivity to the time vortex, which enables her to occasionally see the past, present, and future in dreams. Sometimes it's painful. Clair has only regenerated once so far, due to circumstances she keeps to herself. Her current regeneration has dyed hair, dark blues and greens and purples. It's very curly and frizzy. She has fairly tan skin, resembling that of a native American, and she's a bit thin. She's also about 5'3. Her personality.... oh boy. She's very stubborn. Occasionally she can act childish if she's playing around and considers you a good friend, and she's very caring, but definitely has an attitude problem. She is currently traveling in her TARDIS, which looks like a 1967 Chevy impala with tinted windows. She's roughly a thousand years old, and had been hiding on earth when the time war occurred. Does not know of the Doctor nor does he know of her.
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0 | 0 Comments | by TheMeridianSea | Dec 28th 2015 21:31


Name: Victor Alarcon

Age: 23

Race: Human

Power: Rage aura (great strength and great speed, able to cut bullets and fast objects)

Story: Victor was a young kid when his insanity started, he got bullied in school so he became a loner, he met a girl named Alexandria which became his life long friend, she tough him how to fence and how to defend in hand to hand combat, victor saw as a hobby working as a blacksmith and a carpenter but his hobby later became an addiction, he never left his work area and he didn't eat or sleep cuz of it, his parents got sick of it so his dad busted into his work space and hit him. Victor snapped and stabbed his dad in the leg then stepped on his face till he died, he later tried to hide it by paining his boots red, then he walked in the house but his mother found out so he killed her too, he was broken, alone, guilty and horrified, Alexandria helped him and she went to live with him since she had no parents, then a strange event occurred causing everyone to teleport to another dimension he made a house with her until one day she got robbed and came back hurt, victor decided to try to prove he was strong but she got killed and he got heavily beat up, she told him to make everyone pay and to avenge her, so he did and he became known as one of the most scariest serial killers of that place

Career: Mercenary

hobbies: Carpentering and Smithery

Life goal: To kill everyone he wants dead and for evil to rule again

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2 | 0 Comments | by Blipperblup | Dec 27th 2015 16:53


Lui è un nobile della casata Ithshu, è stato catturato alla fine della guerra, era ferito ma non gravemente, quindi è stato preso come prigioniero, ora si trova nella prigione imperiale, che aspetta il suo fato. Lui è arrogante (Essendo un nobile), ma non stupido.
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1 | 53 Comments | by Arran | Dec 23rd 2015 17:48


Next is lilly, a horse riding pack leading teenage girl. Not to mention James is her brother...
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Dec 23rd 2015 17:38


After the war, he and the other assassin, go to kill the corrupted nobles and warriors... he is happy for the mission, because he hates the corrupted men.
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1 | 20 Comments | by Dark_Lord | Dec 22nd 2015 09:40


Dopo la grande vittoria dei ribelli, Choi è stato incoronato e ora è l'Imperatore dell'Est.
Dato che non è un irriconoscente, lui intende ricompensare tutti coloro che hanno combattuto per lui in questa guerra, pertanto, un giorno Ryu è convocato al palazzo reale.
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1 | 35 Comments | by Junn | Dec 21st 2015 16:40