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apple_pi3's Blog

~Boundaries and Expectations~


- First and foremost, I will not friend let alone rp with minors. This applies even if you are a minor but roleplaying an adult, or if you are an adult but roleplaying a minor (I will ask you to to pick a different age).
(NPC's may be an exception, example if our characters have siblings or children.)

- You add, you initiate first conversation and vice versa.

- I will not be opening links that you send me.

- No bigotry, this should be obvious.

- Don't flirt with me outside of rp, I have a girlfriend. Interested in platonic relationships only.

- I'm a university student so I will not be available all of the time. I'm also Australian and aware that most people here are from the US or at least the Northern Hemisphere, so I'm probably not going to be active at convenient times (however I'm a night owl!). Anyway, if we are in the middle of an active convo or rp I'll let you know when I'm leaving through either a dm or status post. So check my status before to ask for my whereabouts. The same from you would be nice.

- Related to the previous one, if you have not replied for series of days and there is no message, status post, or other indication that explains your absence, I'll dm you asking where you are.


- I rp in third person

- I'm a lesbian and only interested in FxF rps, even where there's no romance involved (I always like a romance element though)

- Yes I do ero (so long as it's not exclusively ero)

- No one liners, I expect at least 4 lines. As for novellas, I'm not opposed but I myself don't write responses that large

- Don't open up with a rp, talk to me as you first please. I like to discuss rp.

- I don't really do fandom based rps, perhaps I can work with something that's not based on canon events, but only on the world in which it's set. So yeah, not my jam but I can work with it.

- Don't control my character

- I do out of rp conversations (in brackets like this)

- Hard limit content-wise is ageplay, anything to doing with CSA, children being harmed ect. Anything involving exposure of adult themes to children is a no go.

~ That's all for now! Like if you've read~
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