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Zosma's Blog

Fallout plot - Frost

It has been years since the Great War, the nuclear holocaust that was the culmination of decades of unrest known as The Resource Wars.
The sun is a pale yellow dot through dense radioactive clouds of ash and dust. The world has been in a nuclear winter for years.

Humanity holds on by a thread, many survived the initial bombing only to succumb to the radiation sickness or natural causes. They are not alone, horrors formed from bio-chem munitions used and stockpiled have birthed hellish monstrosities and the envyless half dead stalk the frozen wastes as Feral Ghouls.

How will you survive? Or will you just be another casualty?
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 4th 2024 13:01

TES Plot - Skyrim Shattered

Based upon the popular overhaul mod, Shattered, a Post-Apocalyptic Skyrim. This RP takes place after an indeterminate and debatable amount of time after the attack on Helgen where the Dovakhin was executed.

Alduin has launched his plan to take over Skyrim, and then the world, raising his undead thralls and dragon-kin he has begun to take over the world or has almost finished it, and thus with the strands of fate severed, the timeline is doomed. Or is it? Is there another Dovakhin yet to be found?

Draugr and the victims of the Dov invasion ensnared by foul magic as undead thralls stalk the land, dragons overhead leading these armies to continue their search and conquest of Tamriel, and soon, all of Nirn.
How will you survive?
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 3rd 2024 08:01

Fallout OC - The Wanderer

Name: Sam
Age: Over 100 years old
Species: Nighkin
Strength: 13
Perception: 5
Endurance: 12
Charisma: 2
Intelligence: 4
Agility: 6
Luck: 5

Height: 2.6 meters

Traits: Psychotic (Constant +10% Damage Dealt and +10 Damage Resistance, will Frenzy under 60% health), Vat Skin (+10 Damage Reistance, Stealthed when Sneaking)

Tag Skills, Melee Weapons, Heavy Weapons, Sneak

Bio: A traumatised Nightkin who served in the Masters Super Mutant army from Mariposa Military base as a commando tasked with delivering savage surgical strikes to those who threatened the Masters plan.
They barely remember their life before being dunked into the FEV vats. Their memories more like disjointed dissociative episodes and hallucinations that bare a sense of deja vu than a memory.
They wish for a peaceful life where they can escape the trauma of being both assailant and victim of extreme violence. But are often drawn to places that bare familiarity to their former life such as military bases and human settlements.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 28th 2024 17:35

Plot - Fallout Dust

The year is 2302, 20 years after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, and 18 after the destruction of Shady Sands.
The NCR lost its idealism as 3 million perished in the atomic bombing of Shady Sands, becoming xenophobic and imperialist, emergency measures taking place as the cities of the NCR focus on consolidating their defences, and expanding their power. The NCR have since annexed the lands of New Cannan, exterminated the 80s, and found themselves embroiled into a Second NCR-BoS war.

The Legion has fractured, becoming an autophagic Hydra with various Centurions and Legates claiming their right to the title of Caesar, some Caesars little better than roving bands of slavers and others threatening to unify the fractured Legion. The War of the Caesars continues to rage.

The Mojave itself had fallen to ruin, several ecological disasters have befallen the area, a thick red cloud of toxic gas has blown in from an untouched pre-war Ghost City and their inhuman denizens have migrated alongside the Red Cloud.
As this has happened, another threat has emerged from beneath the ground, a new apex predator, viscous reptillian pack hunters who are able to overpower and out-compeet Deathclaws due to superior numbers burst forth through rock and asphalt and into crowded settlements. As a result of the Deathclaws and Cazadores becoming deposed as Apex Predators in their respective habitats have forced them into closer contact with humans.
From these deep holes formed by the Tunnelers, intense radiation from subterranean nuclear detonations have flooded the Mojave leading to highly radioactive sandstorms.

Could anyone survive this Maelstrom?

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0 | 0 Comments | May 22nd 2024 15:11

Fallout OC - The Robotocist

Name: Agnes Olsen
Age: Early-to-mid 20s
Place of Birth, Syracuse, New Cannan (Modern say Souther Utah))
Strength: 5
Perception: 7
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 3
Luck: 4

Tag Skills: Repair, Science, Energy Weapons
Traits; Skilled, Four Eyes

Bio: Born to a self-reliant and insular community of New Cannan. Her upbringing was conservative to the point of being borderline repressive leading to her developing a rebellious streak.
She would often smuggle forbidden literature such as comic books, old-world holo-vids and music into her community.
She soon found herself fascinated by robots and other bits of machinery, finding herself having a natural hack at repairing, refurbishing and upgrading all things electronic or mechanical.

When the White Legs attacked her people sending them scattered to the 4 winds, she became a nomadic robotocist and mechanic, trading her services at repair for goods she needed and passage through other peoples land.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 19th 2024 13:15