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Starters Idea You can Piggy Back From ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ [con

♪~Le Office Affairs Rp= BossxWorkers or CoworkerxCoworkers
Amachi and Kaiya has been working for the biggest company in Sendai, Japan for 2 months now. The twins are now in their early 20s, just graduated college and now taking on adulthood. They share a small old yet affordable 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment since they're still paying off student loans and they just started their career, the ladies don't live that far from the city. They take the local train to work together everyday as they save up for car and a house. The twins try their best to stay lowkey but of course it's hard since they're are twins, gorgeous and have a curvy built body no matter how professional they try to keep it as they're sure to wear the appropriate work attire they are still notice by their colleagues. One morning the twins were running late on a Friday and of course running late they miss a few steps in their morning routine, but luckily they caught the last train for the morning. "Sorry, we're late." Amachi said trying to catch her breathe as the twins had the run a block from the train station and they were dripping in their sweat. They hurried to their assigned desks which was right next to each other. Kaiya's cheeks got red when she realize her and her twin sister didn't have on a bra or panties, their skirt was too short and their button up white shirt was too tight on their large breasts. Kaiya knew it was too late to tell her sister and go back home because tonight everyone in the office agreed to go out for drinks which mean they would have to walk around like this for the whole day. Kaiya just hope no one would notice and the day will go by quickly.

★~ Le Medieval Times Rp= HeroxDamsel In Distress
Amachi and Kaiya was twin daughter's of a farmer. Their mother had died from a demon when they were infants long time ago and their father was very weak and sick due to his drinking cause him to have a weak liver. They did all they could to keep up with their family farm and duties. The twins would go down to the market once a week to pick up their father's medicine and some groceries and the market was quiet far from their home/farm. The twin sisters would stay close together, locking arms as they walked down the path of the market, carrying their baskets on the opposite hand. Slowly as they approach the town and the market, a large demon with dark purple scaly skin, an ugly face, blood and drool dripping down the demon's sharp wide mouth jump out from the forest seeing the twins as a all you can eat buffet. The large demon ran on all fours towards the twins as they scream and try to run away but unfortunately the demon's long tongue would wrapped around Amachi's ankle causing her to fall. "Amachi!!! Nooo!!!!" Kaiya turn grabbing onto her sister's hand as tears rush down her cheeks afraid that now it's would only be her weak father and her living in this cruel world.

✿~Le Mafia Rp= Mafia Member/GangstaxThe Twins
Kaiya and Amachi are now young college students, only on their first semester of community college, the twins still lived with their parents but they work random part time jobs to earn enough money to eventually move out. One night the students from their department wanted to go to the new popular club in Sendai, Japan that just open up, not knowing only mafia and gangsters party there or do business so the twins agreed. After returning home from classes, the twins would shower and get dress for the club leaving the house to meet their friends downtown. The group of friends walked together to the club, getting in for free because the bouncer thought the twins were too 'gorgeous' to pay and for that reason is why the people in their department invited the twins out. They loved getting things or getting into things for free because the twins were indeed very pretty. After an 1 hour of partying and drinking Kaiya and Amachi wanted to find the bathroom, not knowing where the restroom at since the club was so big so they wonder around. The twins would enter an area in the club with a sigh stating 'do not enter' but the twins couldn't see the sigh due to them being drunk. There was dark red drapes use as an door, Amachi and Kaiya push the drapes behind their shoulder as they enter the room. POW! Kaiya and Amachi watched the lifeless body hit the ground making them gasp. The group of men attention shifted on the twins. Will they be able to escape the room and pretend they didn't see that or could the twins be in more danger than they excepted.

☼~Le High School Rp= studentxstudents, studentsxteacher, new kidxtwins or new twin studentsxstudent
[[ *stills brainstorming*]]

☢~Le Zombie Apocalypse Rp= Survivorxsurvivors
The undead has been walking amongst the living for a year now, every since the dead been alive the world hasn't been the same. Humankind has changed for the worse. Amachi & Kaiya still struggles to survivor amongst the humans that are alive, bouncing from group to group, witnessing horrible acts and having to participates in horrible acts. Some times the twins would travel with themselves but some way some how they always find a group or more people. Amachi & Kaiya know they could use people for an advantage to survive and they have used their body to keep them safe or secure in their pervious group. However they do bounce around a lot not willing to stay in one place since all the places they stayed at didn't feel safe enough. Their group would either get broken up, separated, killed by pack of zombies, or kill by another group of powerful humans. As the second year start of surviving the unliving Amachi & Kaiya was the only surviving members of their pervious group, staying quiet to not to attract zombies as they dash through a dead town. Amachi & Kaiya ran as their lungs felt like they was going to collapse but that was nothing new to them. They spotted a huge metal wall the wall didn't look to thick or thin but the walls were tall as a lighthouse with only 4 zombies clawing at the wall. Their a few people on top of the wall guarding and patrolling. Amachi & Kaiya felt this must be a safe community with the tall walls and only few zombies around. Amachi & Kaiya waved their hands trying to get the guards attention and not trying to attract the zombies to them.

✈~Le Babysitters Rp= Twin BabysitterxTeen [Age for your character MUST BE: 16-17]
Now Kaiya and Amachi was struggling 26 years old drop out college students having to make ends meet. "Ugh...!" Amachi groan as she rang the door bell to the house for their new task. Their friend offered them a babysitting gig for her brother. The friend wanted to go on vacation with her boyfriend but their parents also on vacation. She secretly goes on vacation with her boyfriend behind her parents back. That is why the friend paid Amachi and Kaiya to watch her younger brother and keeping the secret between them. "Relax this will be fun it's only for the weekend Kaiya~" Amachi smile trying to cheer up her twin sister.

Kaiya and Amachi was wearing a tight white floral crop top that hugged their slim waist and huge breasts. They also was wearing tight light blue booty jean-shorts as their thick soft ass swallow the jean-shorts and white flip flops since it was summer. Amachi and Kaiya carried a light 3 days spend of night bag.
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