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Suzu's Blog

Tao. The empty princess of school.

Tao had always had close eyes on her, her entire life. Being the only daughter of the of a wealthy businessman, and a huge celebrity. The world always watched to see what how their perfect child was developing. It was thanks to this pressure that Tao perfected how to be seen however she wishes. As she faked the ideal young heiress that the world saw her as. But deep down, as her mother left their family after getting rich from her father, as her father became more and more distant. As her servants saw her as a hassle more than as a cute young girl to take care of, she became emotionless. She felt nothing. Every emotion displayed a mere facade.

This translates into her school life. As she keeps the facade of the perfect student, but in reality toys with the students she thinks she can get away with. She often isolates them, and can mercilessly bully them, just to feel something. If a student ever made her feel, love, there’s no telling what lengths she wouldn’t go to in order to keep that feeling. She’s empty inside. And often manipulating others is all that entertains her anymore.
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12 | 1 Comment | Dec 31st 2023 14:01

Emily. The outcast exchange student.

Emily thought she had won the lottery when she was accepted for the exchange program in Japan. She had been studying Japanese in her American high school for the first two years of school, and it was her life's dream to live in Japan. While she was normally outgoing and popular in America, it was clear that while she knew the technicals of speaking Japanese, she didn't understand the culture well enough to fit in.

At her new school in Japan, she's a loner. Often the victim of bullying for being so strange and different, this only made her become less sociable and more scared of her fellow students, which made her an easier target. This feedback loop resulted in the Emily we have today. A girl who just wants to go home and escape the daily life of being the school's biggest punching bag.
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9 | 0 Comments | Dec 21st 2023 09:12

Suzu. The introvert living fake lives.

Suzu is the quiet kid at your school, often keeping to herself in the back of the class, she doesn't often see the point in getting involved or making too many connections. Afterschool she tends to go straight home, is not involved in any clubs, but manages to get decent enough grades to not get into any sort of trouble. While she doesn't have any friends, it doesn't look like she's bullied either, it's not that people ignore her, it's that she doesn't want to interact with anyone here.

What most people don't know is that behind closed doors Suzu lives another life on fake social media accounts. Pretending like she's a whole different girl she chats with and makes friends online, it's gotten deeper over the years to the point she runs several. She's become so into living as different people she can't bring herself to simply be herself at school, so she doesn't. On one account she's a preppy athletic girl, another she's a poem writer looking for romance, and so on. There's so many layers to who the real Suzu is, even she doesn't know anymore.

She can't really handle life without her phone, as she spends nearly every moment not doing school work on it. It's where all her lives are. And she can become awfully distressed without easy access to it.
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12 | 0 Comments | Dec 21st 2023 08:07