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Agapimenos_Diavolos's Blog

Besh Oggland (Dullahan)

Besh Oggland (last name is town name)

Nickname: Header

Age: 30

Species: Dullahan (Non-allied)

Height: 6’10

Weight: 375 lbs

Skin color: Pale white

Hair color: the color of raw mana as it pools from a new user (purple)

Eye color: Steel gray

Unique features: He has a scar along his throat, approximately 3 inches above his collarbone, that spans across his entire neck, and a scar on both his chest and his jaw from a sword slash.

Power: He can detach his head whenever he pleases, has an extreme sensitivity to mana, he has a unique power of the capability to create voids of mana, but this does not go to him, it just… well it removed the mana of an area for some reason or another, he never really learned why or how, but when used on a living being it can create a mana leak that can prove fatal on certain folks.

Family: Father, mother, and two sisters

Father: Levi Oggland, Deceased

Mother: Becky Oggland, Deceased

Sisters: Elizabeth Oggland, comatose, Delilah Oggland, hospitalized

Education: Self taught to a commoner degree

Personality: Bold, Enigmatic, Savvy, Heartful

Background: He was a monster race, but he sealed up half of his power by agreeing to sew his head onto his neck, this meant that part of most of his utility as a dullahan was wasted, but he did not care. He wanted to find monsters who had, as he called them, souls, smart ones who could be reasoned with, and bring them to be allied with. He was eager and smart, cunning and witty when he needed to be, and for a man who was not a part of the allied races, he was trusted, and that was all that mattered to him. He had a party of ten folks, he had told them everything after four years in the field together. And then after a spat five of them split off, because of a simple altercation, a young goblin pleaded to live, and Besh wished to grant his wish. That goblin only lived because of pure luck, because it ran into the dullahan at his weakest. And then after a year, he felt something wrong, he ran off to the town he called home. Oggland, a den of Dullahans. He found his home decimated, and the names of the five adventurers who split off had been slashed deep into his sisters flesh. His youngest, Elizabeth, was comatosed, because of some sort of sickness that they gave her… and then the other… she was almost dead… she lives without her legs, and her lungs barely work at all. And those names festered, he broke, and those five are now considered M.I.A. according to the bureau of Adventuring. He lives a life now in a rough house, or as it is called by normal folk, a psychiatric ward, he cannot leave unless he is given special leave, and every one of them is given to go and see his siblings. Besh, once called a shadow of death to those who did him wrong– an umbra mortis to those who did wrong to everyone else around him. He now is broken, severe ptsd they say, and so now he lives in a clean little white room where they give him socks that grip the floors more.
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 2nd 2024 18:03

Jezebel Angrboda (Used for The World Without Death

Jezebel Angrboda

Gender: Non-binary female leaning

Age: 24

Height: 4’5”

Weight: 103 lbs

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Greek fire green

Build: Athletically aligned with small spots of pudge here and there, healthy body style without too much muscle or too much fat.

Manifestation of Death: She carries around a large, black and silver colored coffin. Inside of it a normal person would see a murky black pit of nothing, but if imbued with death, you would be able to see two swords that stand amongst a pile of rotting corpses that hide within her coffin. One being a six foot long, half foot wide blade that is straight edged until the further point where it recurves back in a cliff point. At the hilt it has a small half circle shape that is used to hook necks, this is her Executioner’s blade. The other sword is a short, and more elegant blade, styled after a Kopis it is black as pitch with small copper colored damascus lines in it, this blade can be used to bring about death faster and much more gentle, it is the sword she calls ‘Easy Passage’ sadly though she more often has to use her execution sword more often.

Bio: She was born into the world after Death’s departure, and was raised by a village of people who believed that she would one day grow up to lead them off to the afterlife. The entire village was borderline worshiping her as they felt that her power was already settled. Sadly though when she turned thirteen another Acolyte came to the village, and ended every last one of them except for her. Leaving her to fend for herself in the horrible aftermath of corpses and without even leaving her a map. She made graves for her family, and in doing so, she found the coffin, a large hunk of wood and metal that was left behind for her by her mother, who was an Acolyte as well, sadly though, to the poor girl who opened it from curiosity, she found that her mother was the sole occupant of the large, merciless pit inside. She then also saw her mother’s swords, the very same swords that called out to her, telling her of ways to use both of them. The Gentle Repose, or the smaller of the two, was a sword made by her mother’s powers that found comfort in her own powers later on. The Executioner was made by her yearning for vengeance. Her hunger for blood shed fueled this sword. So she buried all of the village again, this time placing them in the Coffin Armory. She began to journey off towards a random direction, not even caring what lie in her wake, all she cared about was finishing the job given to her from her mother. The end of suffering, both by humans, and for humans. She goes around as both an angel of mercy, ending lives of the starving, and as an angel of death, ending the lives of the unworthy and old. Hopefully to bring about a balance, but even if she just breaks everything, that works for her.
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3 | 0 Comments | Mar 1st 2023 09:19

The world abandoned

Death left humanity in the dust, so as humanity was in their current day rise, the lack of dying, aging, or anything, meant that the world almost collapsed, panic flooded the world, but because Death could not completely abandon their duties, they left in the world a special line of magic, flooding open the old ley line gates that had long since been sealed, the new energy caused almost emp like responses in technology, shorting a good chunk of it out. So when the people who were born imbued with the power of Death rose through their lives, and trained up their ability to close off a life, a few grew to try and force a life out, to try and aggressively snuff out as many lives as possible before the next waves of them came into being. Some of them tried a more gentle approach, going from town to town and finding people who were willing to flip off into their eternal slumber. The living will live eternally and regenerate time and time again until a priest, acolyte, or whatever you may call the imbued, put them to rest. Wars rage eternally in some areas, in others, it has ceased entirely as killing each other no longer makes sense. So, who will you be in this world where death can be bought, tricked, lied to, cheated, manipulated, or even, killed? Will you be a serial killer who has the power of death? Maybe a pacifist who has died more times than they have succeeded in their many attempts to persuade people into a peaceful life? Or maybe, just maybe, you will be one of the unfortunate who go insane as they waste away eternally in hunger that they can never satiate thanks to the growing population of the world?

If anyone is interested, and doesn't want to do this roleplay with a friend they already have, you are always allowed to come and chat with me! I love to write and would love to work on this world with someone ^^
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0 | 0 Comments | Feb 13th 2023 01:02

Anarak Twins

Justine Boone Anarak “Ana”

Gender: Female

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 115 Ibs

Age: 18

Hair color: Strawberry red

Eye color: Emerald Green

Power: True Reflection - She has a perfect reflected self that is her polar opposite, said mirror self can swap with her either with her own will, or with it’s own will. Inside the mirror verse she can have said mirror self follow people and listen to them, hearing them in reverse. Can shove people into the mirror verse temporarily, mirror alternate of the person will be put in their place, can be used to sabotage relationships!! Chaos!

Background: The woman was born with a twin, identical, sadly the other baby was made a corpse by a small bit of rough shushing from the mother. So, out of guilt, the mother cursed the young, fresh born child to have a mirror self. The curse is so deeply ingrained into her very being as it was cast on her from such a young age, that she can never be rid of it. Not that she would ever get a chance to try, or even want to. She grew up with her mother telling her that the mirror alternate of herself was her sister, identical but not perfectly so. She grew up thinking it was normal to randomly find herself in the mirror verse, and that it was normal to wake up in her own world again. She even had memories of people calling her gross and weird because of it. Still, she lives a normal life, or at least as normal as you can live when you have a 50% chance of waking up in the mirrors of your house. She listens in on people when she can by using her reflected sister to listen and tell her information, anything from crushes, to cheating on class work by reading test answers on someone else’s papers. She is fresh from highschool, a perfect gpa as her graduation, she also was the leader of the cheer squad thanks to her reflected sister’s uh… kind help… with the reflected self of the prior cheer squad leader… and her kind help in forcing a swap to take over the physical aspects of it.

Alice Boone Anarak “Ana”

Gender: Female

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 115 Ibs

Age: 18

Hair color: Strawberry red

Eye color: Emerald Green

Power: True Reflection - She has a perfect reflected self that is her polar opposite, said mirror self can swap with her either with her own will, or with it’s own will. Inside the mirror verse she can have said mirror self follow people and listen to them, hearing them in reverse. Can shove people into the mirror verse temporarily, mirror alternate of the person will be put in their place, can be used to sabotage relationships!! Chaos!

Background: Her first memories were of waking up in the mirror, watching as a woman with f***ed up makeup wept with a dead baby in her arms, and spell components strewn about her room. She woke up and was told that she was to be the sister of the living twin, her sister Justine, was weak, and she was quiet. This was evident from the fact that she was quiet and had to have fluid removed from her lungs from her birth. She would probably have grown up as a quiet, shy, scared loser if Alice had not offed her reflection at a young age, replacing it herself as she knew it would be easier to make her accept that rather than make her accept that she was the reflection of her dead sister. Her dead sister that she would never even know was a thing. She replaced the young woman’s reflection at an early age, becoming it and sealing herself to the other woman without her notice when she was only two years of age. When the soul was not yet fully bound to its reflected self yet and would try to mend itself with the nearest reflected person. So now she is helping her sister however she can, whether it is with a test by looking at the answers of other students, with or without her sister’s request, or whether it is by helping the ex head cheerleader take a nasty fall so that she could be the head cheerleader herself. Whatever it took to make the sister happy, whatever it took to satiate her own insatiable, unstable desires.
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1 | 0 Comments | Jan 7th 2023 21:22

Rules! Read first! Important!

1) I do not do n*fw works, yes gore is allowed and all of that good stuff is, but intercourse is where I draw the line, I would much rather a fade to black. If you come to me and ask for that I will go ahead and block you. No warnings.

2) If you come to me with a lack of either willingness to help create an rp, or a lack of willingness in general, I will more than likely get bored of you, fast. This will result in either you being ignored, or unfriended.

3) If you come to me and message me either one liners, unless necessary of course, I will give you four chances. After that you will be blocked, four chances as in 4 one liners in a row, they are boring and allow for no real flesh to the rp, meaning it gets dry.

4) If you wish to rp with me, please be aware, all of my ocs are either 18, or above ages unless stated otherwise in their bios. (Also in my blog, check those out too) So if you wish to rp romance, then make it legal please, I am not going to jail because some person decided to make an oc who was 10 and tried for romance, cool? Cool.

5) Be patient, I will not remember everything about an oc, I forget, so do you, I will reflect what I am given, if you are patient, I will be too.

6. If you have read this fully, leave a heart on the blog post. Thank you

P.S. I am writing in a warning message, this is for anyone who cares to read this rules section. I have OSDD, meaning my brain has many people in this one small space, we swap who is in control, so our personality will be changing mid rp, as will the style at times, so please, if that happens do not assume me bored with the rp, I simply had a swap and am now replying as best I can. Aka, suck it up buttercup I am doing my best, you do the same and we will be fine.
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21 | 0 Comments | Nov 16th 2022 23:22