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stanfordpines's Blog

Stanford Pines - Canon Compliant

Stanford Pines - Canon Compliant

Name: Stanford Filbrick Pines

Age: 60+

Pronouns: He/Him

Orientation: I don't have time for that-! (Gay)

Status: I'm too busy with my work to think of dating... (Single)

Family: Stanley Pines (Twin Brother), Dipper and Mabel Pines (Niece and Nephew), Shermie Pines (Younger Brother)

Affiliation: None

Enemies: Bill Cipher, the Time Police, some other interdimensional authorities and criminals

Bio: Stanford Filbricks Pines, the man who thought would change the World. Stanford's story begins over 30 years ago, in Gravtiy Falls Oregon. After finishing his degree at Backupsmore University, Stanford moved to Gravity Falls with a Grant to try and investigate and catelogue the Unusual and Strange that seemed to flourish there. As he dug deeper however, he would uncover a secret buried by an ancient civilization, and come into contact with Bill Cipher himself. He would think of Bill as his Muse, as Bill promised the Secrets of the Universe and More, if Ford built an interdimensional portal to unlock those Secrets.

With the help of an old friend, one Fiddleford Hadron Mcgucket, he was well on his way to completing the portal-until the dark Truth of its true purpose was revealed to him. Betrayed and nearly driven mad by Bill, Ford desperately invited his estranged brother, Stanley Pines to his home in Oregon to try and cover his tracks from Bill-but the brothers, still bitter over a falling out, ended up in a terrible fight, resulting in Ford accidently flung through the portal and into the multiverse... He would have to spend 30 years trying to survive, and avoid the Time Police and Bill's minions, before he could return home to Gravity Falls.

Now home once again, the distrust and tension between himself and his brother Stan still complicates his plans, especially now that Dipper and Mabel, his Grand-Niece and Nephew, are ALSO in Bill's Crosshairs...
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0 | 0 Comments | May 4th 2024 01:23

Council of Fords- Leather Ford

Stanford 'Leather' Ford Pines

Age: 60+

Gender: Male

Orientation: Gay

Status: Polyamorous

Affiliations: The Council of Fords and some Select versions of Bill that have been deemed 'Safe'

Enemies: Evil versions of Bill

Bio: - Considered the resident 'Himbo' Ford, but he's as smart as the best of them, just simply more in-tune with his emotions and Desires. Rolled High on Charisma, Seduction and Charm. Is shockingly good at difusing a situation without the use of violence. Essentially an Ambassador Ford for the Council, rarely is sent on missions requiring him to fight. He is not above getting physical in -other- ways however... The very definition of 'I [REDACTED] my way into this mess, and I'll [REDACTED] my way out'. If you're wondering if that's how he defeated his Bill, the answer is yes. Is otherwise a HUGE sweetheart.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 3rd 2024 22:06

Council of Fords + Other AU Fords

The Council of Fords
A massive Citadel composed of iterations of Stanford Pines, collected from across the Multiverse, beyond Time and Space, they've come together under the Common Goal of tracking and defeating iterations of Bill Cipher and other threats to the multiverse in different universes. Occasionally they may seek help from outside sources and make alliances with other Foundations in other universes to combat common threats.

- 'Leather' Ford -

Other Multiverse/AU Fords
Other AU versions of Ford/Stanford Pines that don't necessarily fit into the Council of Fords that exist in their own other universes/settings.

- Canon-Compliant Ford -
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0 | 0 Comments | May 3rd 2024 21:55

Stanford Pines of Dimension S-411

Name: Stanford F Pines (Dimension S-411)

Age: 60+

Sex/Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Orientation: Gay

Status: Taken/Married to Bill Cipher (Yes, THAT Bill Cipher)

Family: Stanley Pines (Twin Brother), Dipper and Mabel Pines (Niece and Nephew), and three kids (Two sons, one daughter).

Affiliations: None, has something of a shaky alliance with the Council of Fords however (More on that Later), Has a couple-we'll call them Friends in the SCP Foundation

Enemies: Gideon Gleeful (Occasionally), The Time Police/Time Baby, Other more malevolent versions of Bill Cipher, Stanford Gleeful (Evil Alternate Universe version of himself), Various others

Bio: Stanford 'Ford' Pines lives in Gravity Falls Oregon, with his spouse Wilhelm 'Bill' Cipher and their three children, twin boys and one daughter. Ford's experience with Bill and his family follows much of series canon, except his Bill is a lot less destructive and cruel, and ends up growing very fond of the Pines-Ford especially, and ends up helping stop Weirdmageddon along with the Pines! While Ford still had a lot of distrust for Bill for some time, he and Bill eventually worked their way to being friends and eventually more, with the help of Stanley who developed a trust for Bill before Ford had. Dipper and Mabel also accepted Bill as a new weird part of their family-relatively quicker than even the Stans had.

Though with the occasional dimension hopping and whatnot, Stanford eventually was contacted by a group of Fords that've gathered in their own Citadel, floating out in the Multiverse that refer to themselves as the Council of Fords. While Ford can see some of their reasoning, he doesn't really agree with much of their methods, and so ironically, has a mistrust of a bunch of versions of Himself.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 3rd 2024 19:29


>. You add, you message me, simple as that, however know I also reserve the right to not interact with you at all, either for breaking any of the rules below, or other discomfort.

>. I DO NOT SHIP WITH MINORS FULL-STOP! I don't mind adds for characters like Dipper and Mabel for platonic interactions and stories, and being in a mentor role, but attempts at overstepping this boundary will result in an immediate block.

>. No Means No means NO. It does NOT mean Keep Pushing Your Luck. Attempts at continuing to Try to Persuade me will ALSO result in a block.

>. Don't ask me to change my character/aspects of them to fit what YOU personally want, ex: I WILL NOT PLAY MY MALE CHARACTER AS FEMALE JUST BECAUSE IT IS -YOUR- PREFERENCE/ETC! I do have AUs of my character where some are different species, but beyond what I have prepared for this, any other 'adjustments' for YOUR sole Benefit are a Solid No. Work with What I've Got or NOT AT ALL!

>. Regarding any kind of combat, I'm not into Powerplay/Power Levels/Trying to Constantly One-Up Each Other. If there's any kind of combat, I prefer it for the sake of story and moving the plot along, and there will be Consequences for Stanford regarding Serious Injury. Be mindful that he's still very much Human.

>. I am a casual roleplayer, please do not pester me for replies, especially if I'm busy IRL or if I'm hitting a writer's writing block or burnout. This also ESPECIALLY includes Guilting me to Reply, if you try to be manipulative you get a block. In the case of writer's blocks and burnouts however I'm generally open to plotting or discussing future interactions to help alleviate said writing block but it could still take time.

>. I am willing to play some side-characters for the sake of moving the plot along.

>. I'm more about chemistry over quantity/quality. I've found over the years, that even if you're the BEST Roleplayer in the world, it doesn't mean a thing if the chemistry in our stories just isn't there.

>. Actions in Roleplay have Consequences in Roleplay, do not be shocked if my character reacts negatively to your OC mistreating them in any way. This does NOT mean you're NOT allowed to mistreat my OCs, BUT if you're trying to earn their trust or romance them, acting Coldly or calling them names might not be a good start-albeit it also depends on who's interaction and the situation.

>. Generally speaking, I'm not my character. Though some things I have in common with Stanford, please do not act like we are completely one in the same person, In-character is in-character, and OOC is OOC.

>. My Main version of Stanford (Dimension S-411) is Taken/in a committed relationship, however I have various AU versions of Stanford, so I'm also not completely closed to relationships. However I'm probably going to play them all gay.


>. JUST because our characters might be dating, does NOT mean you and I are dating!

>. Rules on NSFW:
For the time being I'm going to not accept Roleplays for the SAKE of it. I'd prefer more buildup and interactions, and again with any version of Stanford except S-411.

>. No Real People/Celebrities/Photos, please. Actors representing fictional characters is fine however (Ex: Iron Man, etc)

>. No Metagaming/Your Character Knowing ALL about my Character In-Character even though they've Never Met before. I'm open to discussing our Characters being previously accquinted, however.

>. No Railroading/Controlling/Writing my Characters for me. This is grounds for an instablock!

>. No One-liners/One Word replies, you Get what you Put in as far as effort goes with replies, and if there's no Chemistry despite this, I'm definitely going to lose interest.

>. Leave the Drama for your Mama, I'm here for fun and casual interactions and roleplay, do not drag me into immature Bullsh*t and arguments with other people, ESPECIALLY if I don't know you OR them, etc. I will however consider if you have any gentle warnings about dangerous people to avoid.

>. Shoutout to Simpleflips
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2 | 0 Comments | May 3rd 2024 19:02