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NaughtyMarkHarper's Blog


The silent vibration chime of Dan's cellphone alarm slowly awoke him from a bizarre dream. In it, Dan was making love to his wife Sarah back in their Middleton bedroom but felt the presence of someone watching them.

The dream was so vivid. Dan could feel his wife's legs wrapped around him. Could feel her arms pulling on his back, trying to bring him deeper into her. The lust in her eyes as she looked up at him.

He could feel the hair on the back of his neck as he knew he was being watched. Somehow he knew the person watching was his strange roommate Lester. He imagined him watching from their walk-in closet and then in the room with them. As his dream swirled around where this voyeur was standing, Dan began to realize that he was the one standing there. He was the one watching.

The scene of the bedroom logically shifted in the ways that only dreams do.

Dan watched as his overweight roommate had taken his place on the bed. His pasty white and hair-covered figure was a stark contrast to Sarah's tanned and toned legs which were wrapped around his waist. Her fingers pulled on his back. Her piercing green eyes looked lustily up at the monster above her, beckoning him for more.

"Ah what the f***," the cellphone's vibration finally woke Dan from his sleep.What the f*** was that about.

Dan smiled as the events from the night before came flooding back into his mind. His subconscious was playing tricks on him with his dreams. He and Sarah had a wild session the night before that brought some of their playful bedroom fantasies much closer to real life.

Sarah's words were still seared into Dan's brain.I'm glad I can still get two guys off at once......God Dan. Yes, I want him to listen and jerk off to me.

Was she just playing into the fantasy she knew would turn him on or was there more to it? It seemed like playing with fire in such an enclosed space with a relative stranger.

Dan silenced the alarm on his phone and looked over at his wife.God, she's beautiful.

Like Dan, Sarah had fallen asleep right after the events of the previous night. The bed sheets were draped around her torso leaving her shoulders and legs bare.

It was only after seeing her bare skin that Dan realized how hard he was.F*** that weird dream...

Dan sat up and checked his cell phone. It looks like while he was busy with Sarah, his team at the office had been busy exchanging emails and looking for his input. Dan wasn't happy that his boss was cutting into this rare weekend with his wife but what choice did he have? It took him this long to find a job to support his family. He couldn't risk messing things up.

He tried to quietly make his way around the room to get dressed until he heard Sarah begin to stir in the bed.

"Where are you sneaking off to Mr?" She lazily sat up on her elbows with the sheets still covering her nudity.

"Hmmm," he made his way back over to the bed, leaning over and kissing her. "You just looked so damn good I didn't want to disturb you."

"Do you really have to go into the office today?

Dan sighed. "Yeah unfortunately honey. I just checked my work email and it looks like everyone is going nuts trying to get everything ready for this client of ours. They need me."

Sarah made a fake pouty face and playfully crossed her arms. "Well, what about what I need?"

A smile spread across Dan's face. "Here I thought you got what you needed last night."

"Oh Dan, I've been stuck in Middleton by myself without you. Last night was just scratching the surface."

She narrowed her eyes playfully at him. "And now here you are running off to work, leaving your wife all alone."

Dan was not about to let Sarah win this, even if she was just being playful about it. He leveled his eyes at her in a serious manner. "Well, you won't be entirely alone....."

Recognition and amusement appeared on Sarah's face and she almost laughed out loud. She whispered, "Do you think he heard us?"

"Oh well," he paused. "I don't see how he couldn't, you were pretty loud."

"God Dan that's so embarrassing. I wasn't that loud was I?"

Dan smirked. "Oh yeah you were," he started to whisper and plant kisses on her shoulder. "I tend to have that effect on you."

Sarah closed her eyes, her body responding to Dan's kisses, "mhmm yes you do baby."

Pausing to see how far he could push his wife, Dan added "Or maybe it was just knowing you were being listened to that turned you on so much." He continued to work his kisses up her neck, which he knew drove her crazy.

Sarah knew Dan was trying to push her buttons. She also knew the thought of being listened to did turn her on like crazy last night before. His kisses on her neck were getting her all worked up again. She decided to turn the tables and whisper in Dean's ear "Or maybe it was knowing that I was pleasuring two guys at once."

She pulled back from Dan's touch to look him in the eye. She reached down and grabbed his hard c*ck through his boxers. "It seems like you like that too."

Dan closed his eyes, picturing his dream.

She gave his c*ck another squeeze "Does that turn you on, Dan? Knowing I got someone else to cum for me?"

Dan involuntarily groaned and pulled himself free from her touch, conceding defeat to his wife.

"Oh, you are a bad girl." He stood up and began putting on his pants for work. "Save that for tonight."

Sarah smiled victoriously knowing she won their little game. She wanted to add a little insult to injury though. She loved teasing her husband. "What is your bad girl supposed to do all day while you are gone? At least I won't be completely alone. Lester will be here to keep me company."

She grinned as Dan stopped getting dressed and looked at her with a shocked look on his face.

Sarah added, "Who knows what will happen while you are away."

Dan recomposed himself. He knew he lost their little game but still wanted to feel like he won. He rushed onto the bed and started tickling his wife through the bed sheets. "Oh yeah? Is that what you plan on doing today? Putting on a little show?"

Sarah couldn't stop laughing. She hated being tickled. Between laughs, she momentarily caught her breath and said "Who says I would stop at a show?"

She kept laughing "Your roommate is justsoooo hot," she said sarcastically.

Dan stopped tickling her and just stared down at her. "You are such a goofball, Sarah. I love you."

"I love you too Dan." She reached her hand behind his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

She broke their embrace. "I'm going to miss you today."

"I know" Dan signed. "I'm going to miss you too. Hopefully, I won't have to be there all day."

"I hope not." Sarah laid back down and closed her eyes.

Dan eased himself off the bed and began putting on his dress shirt and tie. "What are you going to do all day?"

Through her closed eyes, Sarah said "I don't know. What I do know is it's too early and I'm going back to bed."

Fully dressed, Dan walked back over to the bed and kissed Sarah on her forehead. "Alright get some sleep. I'll text you when I get to work. I love you."

"I love you too." She pulled the sheets up over her shoulders getting ready to drift back to sleep.

Before Dan left the room he whispered in her ear "and don't spend too much time with Lester today."

With her eyes closed, Sarah smiled "No promises big boy."

Dan chuckled, kissed her forehead again, and made his way to the door. He made sure to lock it from the inside and closed the door. From the hallway, he tried the knob again to confirm it was locked. He gathered his things and left for work.

As Sarah lay there falling back asleep, she thought about Dan's kisses on her neck and their playful teasing. She then thought about the night before and how loud she was.He definitely heard me.

Unbeknownst to Sarah, Lester had also heard their exchange this morning. Through his peephole, he had seen the way Sarah responded to Dan's kisses on her neck. He heard how he factored into their little game.

Standing naked at his peephole, Lester continued to stroke his c*ck watching Sarah's sleeping form. After 20 minutes he made his way into the hallway.It's too soon, don't spoil this.

He quietly wrapped his meaty hands around the doorknob to Sarah's room and tried the handle.

It was locked.


Lester slinked back into his room. He sat down in his ratty computer chair and pulled open his file on Sarah. He continued to stroke his c*ck looking at the pictures on his screen meant only for her husband.She is right here, alone in the next room.

He paused mid-stroke. Not today. I'll save my cum for Sarah. Somehow.

Lester closed the window containing the photos and opened up a word doc titled SarahWilliams.doc.

The document contained several pages of notes Lester had taken on Sarah. These were compiled from the conversations he overheard Dan having on the phone and the social media stalking he had done on Sarah and her friends. Lester had successfully created a fake profile of an old classmate of Sarah's and friended her on Facebook. She had accepted.

At the bottom of the document he added. "Is turned on by kisses on her neck and shoulders." Grinning, Lester also wrote "Enjoys being watched. Plays a game with her husband involving Lester."

Lester sat back and read that last line. It intrigued him.

Usually, the women that entered his lair were unwilling participants in his machinations. He would spy on them for weeks, slowly inserting himself into their lives. Stealing their things as trophies. He would sneak into their rooms at night and pleasure himself. If the stars aligned he would take them after they ingested drugs hidden in their food. He was always careful not to get caught and not to take unnecessary risks.

This was different.

From what he could make out the couple seemed to have a bedroom fantasy about being watched or heard. Dan also seemed to enjoy the thought of his wife with another man, something Sarah enjoyed teasing him for. She was lovely though and must play into this fantasy of her husband. Maybe she shares it to a degree.How can I turn this in my favor? Can I take her willingly?

Plans began to form in Lester's mind. He had to play his hand correctly. This might just be his best conquest yet.

Lester realized he was slowly stroking his c*ck thinking about the possibilities. He still needed release now.

He made his way across the room to his peephole, expertly navigating the mess of dirty plates and discarded clothes on the ground. He looked through his peephole. He could see Sarah's naked form obscured by the sheets. As she lay on her side he could make out her shoulders and her luscious hips. He imagined himself grabbing onto those hips as he thrust into her. Sarah gasped in pleasure.This won't do.

Still naked, Lester made his way back into the hallway. He once again tried the doorknob to her room. It was still locked.F***.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something out of place. The bathroom door was open and a pink bag sat on the counter.Bingo.

Lester took one last glance at the locked door as he stealthily made his way into the bathroom. Gripping the doorknob, he quietly shut the door. His d*ck was as hard as a rock. It wasn't just a pink bag, it washer pink bag.

He quickly unzipped the bag and began to explore its contents. He rummaged through the bag somewhat dissatisfied. He sniffed her hair brush and shuddered at her scent. He put her toothbrush in his mouth to taste her as he looked through the rest of the bag.

Grunting in frustration, Lester returned the items to the bag. There wasn't anything in there he could use.

As Lester was about to leave, dismayed at the contents of Sarah's toiletry bag a thought occurred to him.What about what wasn't in the bag?

He rummaged through it one more time, his mind racing.There are no birth control pills in here.

A wicked grin spread across his face.That's interesting, I'll have to double check for these elsewhere to confirm.

Lester got a wicked idea to hold him over. One other item was missing from the bag. He quickly zipped it shut.

He turned around and opened the glass door leading to the enclosed tiled shower. There, hanging from the faucet was a pink loofah that was entirely out of place in Lester's lair.Oh yes. Yes, this will do quite nicely.

Lester grabbed the loofah and immediately brought it to his cock.This has touched her. It has touched her everywhere.

He imagined the loofah running over her long-toned legs. Around her sexy shoulders and down her beautiful breasts. He imagined her holding it under her chin, squeezing out the soap in ecstasy but instead of soap, it would be his cum that oozed out all over her.

He pictured his end goal. Taking Sarah willingly in his room on his dirty bed. Her radiant beauty was a sharp contrast to the dark and murky dungeon he slept in. He would pull her deep into his web and she would be his. She would moan his name. She would milk the cum from his cock. He would impregnate her.

Lester's heavy balls tightened, and his c*ck exploded streams and streams of his cum all over Sarah's loofah drenching it in his seed.

Lester braced himself against the wall of the dark shower panting. He lazily hung the loofah back around the facet.I need to play this right but she's getting my cum today one way or another.

He took a second to catch his breath and then closed the shower door. After cleaning up the cum from his hands, he quietly exited the washroom to go back to his peephole and check on Sarah. She was still sound asleep.

Lester returned to his cheeto-encrusted command center to ponder his next move.


A few hours later, the morning light shining through the window caused Sarah to stir slowly. Being a mom of two meant she rarely got to sleep in, so she had taken full advantage of the situation.

She reached out to the end table to grab her cell phone. She saw a text from Dan stating "I made it safe to work baby, I love you." She responded by telling him to hurry back and that she loved him too.

Checking her other messages, she saw some updates from her mom on her kids, so she gave them a brief call to check-in.

After catching up with her kids, Sarah hung up the phone and lay back in bed thinking of the night before.What a wild night.

She sat up and stretched her arms, causing the thin bed sheets to fall down, revealing the tops of her breasts. Lester licked his lips at the sight. The plans he had been formulating on his computer would have to wait now that his prey was awake.

Sarah swung her legs out of bed and stood up, letting the bedsheets fall back onto the bed and giving Lester a full view of her naked body before him. She walked over to her mini suitcase and began examining its contents to find the right outfit for today.

She wasn't sure what to do to keep herself occupied while Dan was at work. She had hoped to do some sightseeing and spend the day with him outside of the apartment. Without him, she didn't feel much like exploring solo but she also didn't want to stay in and make awkward small talk with Lester.I'll just have to keep myself busy around here one way or another.

With that, she selected an outfit. A comfy pair of mid-thigh sweat shorts and a loose-fitting white t-shirt. She looked through her underwear, noting some of the sexy ones she planned to model later for Dan, and grabbed the set she wore yesterday.

Lester watched as Sarah slowly stepped into her white panties and covered her breasts with the bra.Why bother hiding those from me? I'm going to feast on them soon enough.

Retrieving her phone Sarah made her way to the door to get some breakfast. She was surprised to find that the door was locked.Why is this locked? Must be one of those old building quirks.

She gently unlocked the door and poked her head out into the hallway, trying to gauge whether Lester was awake or not. Assuming he was still sleeping, she made her way into the hallway, through the common living area, and into the kitchen.

As she did, Lester cracked open his door slightly, watching the snug sweat shorts stretch across her perfect ass. If she was listening more carefully she could have heard an audible groan.

Instead, she opened the door to the fridge and began searching through its contents to see what was available. She settled on a raspberry yogurt, closed the fridge door, and sat down at the kitchen table to eat and check work emails.

In the middle of reading a thrilling email about a donation drive at the hospital, her phone buzzed in her hands.

Dan had just sent her a text message. "So what are you wearing?"

So he hadn't forgotten about her after all. "Wouldn't you like to know? Who says I'm wearing anything at all."

She knew that would make him squirm. He was probably stuck in a conference room hammering some deal. Sarah would make sure he ended his day early.

Her phone buzzed again. "Well, I'm sure Lester appreciates that outfit."

Sarah smiled, shaking her head.So we're still going to play that game huh?

"Oh, he isn't up yet. Should I go wake him up and see how appreciative he is?"


Across town in a small office building, Dan sat alone in a conference room staring at his phone.How the hell do I respond to that?

She had him and he knew it. The idea of Sarah knocking on Lester's door wearing who knows what gave him a jolt of excitement and made him very uncomfortable at the same time. He had no idea what to respond with but the sounds of his coworkers coming back from their break made him fire off a quick message before tucking his phone away.


Back at the kitchen table, Sarah laughed.He can never just give up, can he?

She reread Dan's last message. "Have to run honey. Whatever you decide to do, take pics :P"

Obviously, he wasn't serious but it did give her some ideas on how to spend her day. She would torment and tease her husband through text messages and make him regret going into the office.

Thinking about her husband and turning herself on with her wicked ideas, Sarah unconsciously licked the yogurt off her spoon seductively.

Having waited long enough, Lester decided it was time to initiate phase one of his plan.

He opened his door, ensuring he did so loud enough to alert Sarah to his presence, and headed for the kitchen with only his socks on.

Sarah heard the heavy footsteps of Dan's roommate making their way toward her. She was snapped out of her daydreaming by the realization that this was her first encounter with Lester after her loud sex with Dan last night.God this is going to be awkward. Dan, why aren't you here?

As his footsteps drew closer, she debated between pretending not to notice him right away or being overly enthusiastic and trying to move past and ignore the elephant in the room. She was not prepared for what came next.

While Sarah was about to have another spoonful of her yogurt, she was treated to an eyeful as Lester made his way into the kitchen butt naked.

She involuntarily took in his hairy shape, her eyes quickly glancing up and down as he moved towards the coffee maker. She found a spot on the kitchen table to stare at.

Lester pretended he hadn't noticed her and busied himself making a coffee. She hadn't made a sound.

When his coffee was finished brewing he turned around to face her. "Oh hey, Sarah, I didn't know you were here. Is Dan still sleeping?"

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