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Burgers_King's Blog

I like writing sometimes, so here's some plots.

Just a bunch of stuff my brain stormed up. If you see something that's interesting, then let's get it started.

(Also, for the romance lovers, I know I list the genres for each plot but romance can be tossed into any one of these. Feel free to let me know if you wanna toss it in there.

And one last thing. Just because I wrote the plot doesn't mean you can't contribute your ideas too! To be honest, I only really have a baseline on some stuff, so your input would be incredibly helpful for better details or if things get slow in the rp.)

Plot 1

Genres: thriller, crime and mystery, drama (probably), a little buddy cop stuff.

Y/C, a detective for the Liverpool PD, is relatively new in this line of sleuthing. About two or so days ago they finally worked their way up to getting to work on the field in homicide cases. Despite the inexperience in the new field, Y/C worked hard to be here, and they won't let the unknown scare them so easily.

A string of grousome murders have been occurring in and around Liverpool, and the PD always arrive just too late to catch the culprit. Their evidence of the murderer's mere existence is short, and the department is in dire need of the best detectives they have.

Unfortunately for Y/C, because of the dire conditions, the PD are wary to let new detectives work any cases. As of now they're only sending out the detectives on top. One such top detective being Henry Caviendale. Henry says he'll take up these strings of cases, but not without an assistant. A new perspective. He wants to take one of the green detectives.

And lucky enough, Henry just so happens to pick Y/C.

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0 | 0 Comments | May 2nd 2024 02:48


Ahsan is the prince of a kingdom slowly on the verge of dying out after a devastating war left them struggling to rebuild and recoup. Every since the war, he's been suspicious of the intentions of new people and always planning for anything. Silently calculating.

It's a trait that has seeped into every aspect of his life, and now he calculates for even the simplest of situations. He's very good at not letting it show though. If he were plotting against you, waiting for your every move, you wouldn't even know with how calm he is.

Full name: Ahsan Bahjat

Nicknames: The Dawn Kin

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Birthday: 11 / 10

Sexuality: Demisexual

Extra: WIP

Theme song(s): TBD

Position: Switch ( would probably switch between top and power bottom )
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1 | 0 Comments | May 2nd 2024 01:35


Reggie is a traveling merchant with an interest in the finer things in life and is constantly on the move to distance himself from a place that holds memories he'd rather not sulk in. He intends to go back, of course. But first, he'd like to clear his head of its context. Throughout his travels, he's picked up many items and added them to his collection. It's quite a vast collection, and maybe even impressive for just one guy to gather himself. It's also just as lucrative, especially when he mainly sells to tourists of the locations he travels to.

There is just one downside though ... some of these items just might be cursed. How does Reggie know? Well, ever since he built this collection up, he's had awful problems with luck and he has terrible nightmares some or most nights about items in his collection. He doesn't want to sell people cursed objects, but he doesn't know how to tell which ones are cursed, and he can't just stop his cash flow.

In summary, he’s not having a great time.

Full name: Reginald Einer

Nicknames: Reggie ( he goes by this nickname rather than his actual name )

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Birthday: 11 / 06

Sexuality: Bisexual


Reggie started his life as a traveling merchant after failing to support his ill mother. He lived with her, providing her with some kind of comfort, company, and care. But, not only was it constantly wearing him down emotionally, it wasn't enough to keep her alive in the end. She constantly forgot who Reggie was and would talk to him in circles unknowingly whenever they spoke. Thinking about that makes him wonder if she even knew who he was when he comforted her in her last moments. It all was too much to think about ... so, he took up the life of a traveler. And then, to support whatever costs of his travels, a traveling merchant.

Reggie is resourceful, responsible with his money, and can deal with living situations that would be uncomfortable or downright terrible to most. He's learned how to be ok with nothing, or make something out of it.

Theme song(s): TBD

Position: ???
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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 31st 2024 21:39


Ke’tal is a forgotten god, once worshipped by a civilization who have long been wiped out in a seizing of their land many years ago. Since no one is left to worship him, his time is dwindling. But being a bit of a stubborn one, he refuses to be snuffed out. He now searches for someone with strong enough spiritual ties, realized or not, to be his avatar. One who will keep him alive in turn for offering them his underlying power.

Ke’tal is a god of mischief, play, and risk/reward. He loves playing tricks on people and having fun, sometimes at inappropriate times. He frequently acts on spontaneity instead of planning, offering back to him being a god of risk and reward. He also loves to be praised and spoiled, as he misses the times when he would receive such things daily. He can be over-confident and a bit arrogant, but that’s all just a cover-up for his true feelings of disappointment in himself. He’s not the best, and he knows that, but he’d rather deliver himself affirmations than go back to wallowing in self-pity. He’s tried it. It’s not pleasant.

Full name: Ke’tal

Nicknames: ( I’ll write it later )

Age: 700

Gender: Male

Birthday: Something A.D.

Sexuality: Demisexual


He’s a God of Mesoamerican descent whose following was great. His followers would often make sacrifices for him. The souls of these dedicated believers who were sacrificed or sacrificed themselves in his name have been kept inside him for all of these years, keeping him from fading from existence entirely. It's why when he laughs or exerts energy, his voice sounds like many at once.

Although he is a god, he is a weakened one. He still has his abilities, but the more he uses them the more he fades. The only way to replenish his powers is by absorbing more souls. That is if he’s on his own anyway. The reason why he seeks an avatar is so that he doesn't have to be held back like that anymore. Once he links with a mortal chosen as his avatar, he and the mortal will share energies and lives. When the mortal sleeps or heals, it replenishes him as well. Whatever happens to his avatar, happens inadvertently to him.

He blames himself for the slaughtering of the people who worshipped him. He should have been there to defend them and repay all the years they dedicated to him, but gods weren't supposed to interfere with the earthly dealings of humans, even if it marked the end of the pantheon as well. The pantheon accepted the end of the civilization that called on them. And despite Ke’tal’s instance of fighting back against the colonists in some way, the higher gods did not permit interference.

Theme song(s): TBD

“Come on, I’m only kidding! Now stop it with that serious face! You’ll look 80 at 25 if you don't stop frowning so much.”

Position: ???
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | Mar 24th 2024 21:41


// WIP //
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0 | 0 Comments | Mar 24th 2024 21:39