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Anatoly - World's Most Wanted! WIP

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0 | 0 Comments | May 5th 2024 21:16

Lucie - World's Most Wanted! WIP

This is a new OC and the main character of a new story of mine. Still a WIP but I should be able to finish it soon.

The dates in her backstory include some that are "in the future", I know. This is because this is a character from my newest story, not initially made for roleplay so she has a very specific timeline in which she acts.

HEAVY TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of bullying, physical abuse, SH, suicide, SA, domestic terrorism, international terrorism, brutal execution, obsessive behavior, idolization of a criminal


First and/or middle name: Lucie, Élodie
Last name: Delcambre
Nickname/alias: Hare, Vasiliev's protegée, Interpol's downfall (humorous)
Gender: Cisgender woman
Age: 20 as of 2024
Date of Birth: February 14, 2004
Place of Birth: Koumac, New Caledonia (French overseas territory)
Current location: Moscow, Russia
Status: Alive
Occupation: Operator for Национальный Партизан (National Guerrilla) PMC

Languages: French, English, Russian


First name: Jean
Last name: Delcambre
Place of Birth: Koumac, New Caledonia
Relationship status: Married
Status: Alive

First name: Mariane
Marriage last name: Delcambre
Place of Birth: Koumac, New Caledonia
Relationship status: Married
Status: Alive


Height: 160 cm / 5'3"
Weight: 56 kg / 123.5 lbs

Color: Light brown
Shape: Round, slightly downturned

Length: Shoulder length, with bangs
Shape: Slightly wavy
Color: Light brown

Skin tone: White, tanned (from growing up in a tropical place)
Body type:
Remarkable traits: A large scar across her face, from one cheekbone to the other, S-H scars on both of her wrists and thighs, one on her left breast, several scars from her pelvis to her abdomen, two bullet wound scars on her abdomen
Piercings: None
Tattoos: A stylized wolf head on her right upper arm, which is the logo of the PMC she works in

Any illness: Exercise-induced asthma


Any known mental illness: Depression, anxiety disorder

Phobias and fears: Tokophobia - fear of pregnancy, emetophobia - fear of throwing up

Mental health: Comparable to the aftermath of an 8.0 earthquake

Personality: Closed off to people she doesn't know, lacks trust when it comes to most people, but very loyal to the people she loves

Likes: Her employer and colleagues, spicy food, being in charge of negotiations

Dislikes: Her former best friend, Interpol, seafood, spiders, not being in charge of negotiations

(Weird) habits: Bites her nails when anxious

Quotes/lines: "Oh this one's a big boom isn't it?"


Lucie was born in early 2004 in Koumac, a small town in the North of New Caledonia, French overseas territory in the Pacific Ocean, just next to Australia. Her childhood was pretty normal until elementary school.
Other kids would make fun of her for her weight, causing her to be extremely closed off with no self confidence, hanging around only adults whenever she could.
At some point, when she was nine years old, a group of kids who had been bullying her decided it would be fun to physically torment her. They pushed her around, until it went too far. Lucie fell face down on a concrete stair step, resulting in a deep sound across her face, a broken nose and psychological trauma.

This made things worse for Lucie, who now had only a few close friends. Her middle school and high school years were arguably the worst. No longer bullied, she still carried the consequences of her previous trauma. She indulged in self harm and medicine abuse.
She has attempted suicide several times.
She saw a therapist and took antidepressants for several years on and off. She lost a lot of weight during her high school years, but could never find herself attractive because of her scars and biased view of herself.

She had also developed a deep interest in the military, warfare, law enforcement, artisanal warfare, engineering, chemical weapons, hidden cameras documentaries about cartels and terrorist cells and so on.
At the age of fifteen, she managed to find a way to personally contact Anatoly Andreyevich Vasiliev, an infamous Russian terrorist, who was 35 years old at the time.
The two have been in contact ever since, Vasiliev being impressed more than angry that a teenage girl had managed to find him. She signed her messages to him with the nickname "Hare".

During her first year of university, she started feeling a bit better, but not quite. One night, at a club with her friends, a drunk man tried to drag her to the bathrooms, with bad intentions. She was saved by a young gendarme, Hugo, who got the guy kicked out and took care of Lucie the rest of the night. The two became inseparable and have been best friends ever since.

Hugo knew about Lucie's weird interests, but not about her "friendship" with Vasiliev. However, he made sure to always keep an eye on Lucie.
As for herself, she began designing her own blueprints for weapons, bombs, asking for opinions and advice from Anatoly. She even shared with him her ideas about possible biological and chemical weapons. She always asked him to send her pictures of what he did. She kept the pictures in a secret, cracked folder on her phone.

A brilliant kid, Lucie could touch just about any topic. Many would now consider she used her abilities for the worst, and that she wasted her talent.

During her early second year in university, at the age of 19, Lucie was SAed by a man whose name she didn't know at the time.
She ended up in the hospital, with extensive injuries in her groin area.
Traumatized once more, she told Hugo about it, but neither of them could do anything. She still tried her luck and filed a complaint, but the case didn't go anywhere. In that moment, she lost all trust in law enforcement and justice, and decided to serve justice herself. This, added to financial problems and her slowly losing interest in her degree, made her change her career plan completely.

For months, she worked twice as hard on her plans, made connections within her own country, and illegally acquired firearms. Her first prototype of a working bomb was officially finished in February of 2024, and kept hidden in her room.
Through connections and personal research, she found the identity of her rapist, and soon showed up at his house. The guy lived alone, in a secluded area, so there was no issue breaking into his place.
She knocked the man out with a baseball bat, turned on some music and started torturing the man, giving him injuries in the same places he had injured her the year before. After several hours of careful process, she eventually executed him with a shotgun which she forced into his mouth before pulling the trigger.

The case was a shock for the country, nothing found on the crime scene could lead back to Lucie. The case was known even internationally, the man in question turning out to be a local politician. Vasiliev congratulated her for her actions, calling her brave and so on.
This gave Lucie the confidence she needed to go on. There was no going back, now she had to set all off her plans in motion.

Gathering a few local arms dealers and corrupted police officers, she launched in March of 2024 an operation called the "Nova Plan", in reference to one of Vasiliev's greatest operations, "Supernova", an attack on Sheremetyevo - A.S. Pushkin international airport. She placed her bomb prototype, mounted directly inside of a suitcase and remote controlled, at a very precise location inside of the local government building.

The consequences: 50 persons killed, 200 severely injured (120 of which died later on because of their injuries), 346 persons with mild or minor injuries.
Lucie made sure to cover up the attack, neither her or her accomplices getting caught for a long time.
However, Hugo knew about her role in the attack. He decided to denounce her.

During interrogations Lucie also admitted to be the one who killed the politician, calling it revenge for what he had done to her. She said Hugo was not informed of the plan, not knowing he was the one who denounced her. She found this out during her trial, which had been held unofficially just a few days later. She spent two months in jail before breaking out.

While on the run, she met up with one of Hugo's colleagues, thinking he was corrupt and on her side. She asked him about what Hugo had told them about the Nova Plan, while keeping the man at a distance with an assault rifle.
Unfortunately for her, this was an ambush. Hugo waited for the right moment to jump out and shoot her twice in the abdomen. Lucie barely escaped before being taken care of by her former accomplices.

With their help, she fled the country and went directly to Russia and his there until June. Having found Vasiliev's HQ coordinates, she decided to go and try her luck. But upon arriving there, she was met with threats from his right hand man, Nikolai Petrovich Morozov, until she explained who she was. Morozov informed her that Vasiliev had been captured and sent to a high security gulag in April.

Lucie told him about her whole situation, and Morozov decided to trust her. Together, with the rest of the terrorist group, they organized an attack on the Gulag. In August of 2024, they successfully freed Vasiliev, who as a proof of gratitude decided to take her under his wing.
He taught her more than she already knew, and within a few months she was already in charge of negotiations during arms deals, interrogations, and executions when needed.

To this day, Lucie is wanted by Interpol, where (unbeknownst to her), Hugo was recruited due to his former friendship with her. Now a seasoned professional, Lucie has become influent and even wanted by several Special Forces groups, who send her threats here and there, to which she responds with cat memes.

She is notably known in Mexico for dealing with a particularly tough cartel who refused to agree to Vasiliev's terms. She ended up almost cutting off their leader's hand, making him bend to Vasiliev's will and accept his conditions to work together.

Lucie Delcambre, Anatoly Vasiliev and Nikolai Morozov are as of today the three most wanted terrorists in the world.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 5th 2024 21:13

Lyna - Call of Duty: MW Reboots OC! WIP

PLEASE READ: I haven't played the MW Reboot series yet, but I've been reading and consuming media about it ((especially MW II AND MW III)) so please don't be too harsh on me.


First and/or middle name: Lyna (pronounced Lee-nah)
Last name: Castle
Nickname/alias: Call sign : Red
Gender: Cisgender woman
Age: 23 (as of 2022)
Date of Birth: June 9, 1999
Place of Birth: Birmingham, United Kingdom
Current location: Moves a lot for missions
Status: Alive
Occupation: Commander / only survivor of a PMC, refers to herself as a mercenary
-> Possible affiliations: Task Force 141, Shadow Company, Konni Group (less likely but very possible).

Languages: Fluent in English, French, German, Russian


First name: Jack
Last name: Castle
Place of Birth: Birmingham, United Kingdom
Relationship status: Divorced
Status: Deceased

First name: Aurélie
Marriage last name: Dupré
Place of Birth: Brest, France
Relationship status: Divorced
Status: Alive


Height: 168 cms / 5' 6"
Weight: 63 kgs / 138.9 lbs

Color: Bright, emerald green
Shape: Round, upturned

Length: Reaches between the middle and the bottom of her neck
Shape: Straight, lowkey messy
Color: Naturally brown, dyes it auburn or cherry red depending on her mood

Skin tone: Pale
Body type: Hourglass, toned
Remarkable traits: Two scars under her left eye, one horizontally across her lips on the left side, one on her left shoulder, one on her right breast, one going from the left side of her chest to her right hip.
Piercings: Multiple ear piercings, she takes them out when on deployment
Tattoos: tba.

Any illness: Seafood allergy


Any known mental illness: Undisclosed, traumatized from losing her squad

Phobias and fears: Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning

Mental health: Good enough to still be fit for service

Personality: Mostly a solo worker, introverted and needs her alone time but otherwise polite (when she feels like it) and tries to be outgoing when she has to be around people
-> Doesn't let people walk all over her however
-> When she gets comfortable with someone, she will simultaneously let them know, while making sure to absolutely bully this person

Likes: Animals, firearms, observing people

Dislikes: Her mother, the British Army (ironic)

(Weird) habits: Fiddling with her chain when nervous, whispering when talking on comms

Quotes/lines: "F*** the lot of yous, I already said I wouldn't give up my status, I ain't no lapdog of yous." - To a general of the British Army, after breaking out of military jail where she was held for 'use of unregistered, prototypical warfare within the United Kingdom'.


Lyna has had a rough childhood. Her parents divorced when she was 1, she stayed with her father in Birmingham until she was 10, before moving back to France with her mother.

There, she endured mistreatment and violence until the age of 15, when she ran away.
She found herself taking the wrong train and instead of going back to Birmingham, she ended up in Berlin, accidentally running into a squad of para military soldiers, who had no choice but to keep her around while finishing their job.

She told them about her situation and they accepted (after many negotiations with their commander), to take her to Birmingham. There, she found out that her father had passed away a few months ago after committing suicide.
One of the soldiers decided to take her in, not wanting to bring her back to her abusive mother, or to abandon her in the messy foster home system.

This led to Lyna becoming a skilled operator by the time she was 17, specialized in interrogation and infiltration, after learning several languages thanks to the squad. However, after she turned 18, tragedy hit once more. She was not allowed on a particularly dangerous mission, and had to listen on the comms as the squad, her found family, got massacred by a Southern American cartel.

Since then, she has been the only member of the PMC formerly known as InterAlliance Company, accepting jobs that make her more of a mercenary. She has worked closely with the British Army, especially the SAS, a few times. The reason for that is that her father was a former SAS soldier. She was offered to join the Service several times but always refused, as she considered that the military in general was responsible for her father's death. However, she also feels like his passing is in great part her fault, for "abandoning him", even though the truth is that she had no say in the matter and was forced to go with her mother back then.

Lyna was forced to contact the French police force and any other power involved in her missing case after she ran away, affirming that she was alive and well, but that she was now using her British nationality (she had the double nationality) and resided in Great Britain. From there, she was forced to contact her mother and see her, at the age of 19, resulting in conflicts between the two.

Lyna sometimes feels insecure about the scars on her face, but usually manages to ignore people's stares. She rarely mentions the abuse she faced from her mother, which is the cause of the scars under her eye. All of her other scars are from deployments and missions when she became the commander of InterAlliance PMC.

Has been accused by the UN in 2019, at the age of 20, of being a war criminal after taking out the cartel who wiped the former squad of the company, her actions being qualified as 'inhumane' and 'an absolute outrage' after she tested several prototypes of warfare on the members of the cartel after trapping them. In the end, her actions were deemed unethical but after proving the crimes of the cartel, the procedure was dropped and she was released. It was thanks to SAS Captain John Price's (who turns out to be an old friend of her father) intervention. However, she is now blacklisted and considered a potential threat.

About InterAlliance PMC:

InterAlliance is a Germany-based, multinational private military company. It acts independently from any government, aside from working under temporary contracts.
It specializes in counter-terrorism and under-the-radar operations to eliminate potential threats in many countries.

InterAlliance is however considered a gray-alligned company, as it deals weapons and funds with other, more obscure organizations and companies.
Some of said companies being specialized in warfare engineering, they let InterAlliance be the ones to test them out on the field.
This often leads to governments, and a lot of non-governmental organizations to keep the company on their blacklist, judging some of its practices unethical.

Lyna has been held in British military jail numerous times for this reason, although it is mostly to de-escalate international tensions rather than to actually make her serve time. They know she will just break out if they keep her for too long anyways.
She holds a special status within the political and military world in Britain, and manages to find loopholes to keep her activities going.

Commander: Lyna "Red" Castle - Alive


members tba.

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1 | 0 Comments | May 4th 2024 07:45

Laura - The Walking Dead OC! WIP

PLEASE READ: I haven't watched the whole show yet, so this character is based on my own experience with the first season of TWD, as well as some episodes from season 2 to 10, which I got a glimpse of every now and then while watching TV with my sibling and my parents.
Don't be too hard on me for that one, I tried to make something with what I had.


First and/or middle names: Laura
Birth last name: Pesquier
Marriage last name: None
Nickname/alias: Laura, Frenchie, Owl
Gender: Cisgender woman
Age: 26 at the beginning of season 1
Date of Birth: 8th of January
Place of Birth: Nouméa, New Caledonia (French overseas territory)
Current location: United States of America, wherever the group goes, she's with them
Relationship status: Single
Status: Alive
Species: Human


First name: Henri
Last name: Pesquier
Place of Birth: Nouméa, New Caledonia
Relationship status: Married
Status: Unknown
Species: It is unknown whether he's still a human or a walker

First name: Laurence
Marriage last name: Pesquier
Place of Birth: Bourail, New Caledonia
Relationship status: Married
Status: Unknown
Species: Just like Laura's father, it is unknown whether she's still a human or not

First name: Bruno
Last name: Pesquier
Place of Birth: Nouméa, New Caledonia
Relationship status: Single
Status: Unknown
Species: Just as for their parents, it is unknown whether he is still a human or not, even though the last time he saw Laura he was a human and was with her near Atlanta.

Both of their parents were still in their country of birth, while Laura and Bruno were in the United States for education and to possibly find a good career path, before the outbreak. They're twins and were inseparable until an incident with their group of survivors.


Height: 167 cms / 5'6"
Weight: 63 kg / 138.9 lbs

Color: Hazel
Shape: Almond

Length: Reaches the middle of her back when let down, she mostly keeps it in a tight ponytail
Shape: Slightly wavy
Color: Light chestnut with some darker brown strands

Skin tone: Naturally tan due to being born and growing up on a tropical island
Body type: Hourglass, slightly curvy
Remarkable traits: Scars on her arms

Any illness: Nothing that she knows about


Any known mental illness: Depression from losing contact with her parents and brother

Phobias and fears: Arachnophobia, fear of being abandoned

Mental health: Decreasing the longer she stays without her brother

Personality: Pessimistic, introverted, solo player, has trust issues when it comes to new people

Likes: Cats, chocolate, drawing, flowers in general

Dislikes: Walkers, having to kill someone from her group, the smell of lavender

Weird habits: Pinches her nose whenever something smells remotely like lavender, talks to herself when she thinks really hard

Quotes/lines: "Let's get this straight, I'm never going to stop searching for my brother, and may the one who tries to stop me pray for a safe spot in heaven."


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1 | 0 Comments | May 4th 2024 06:58

Fandoms! WIP

Here's the non-exhaustive list of fandoms I can roleplay on this account, crossovers are very much welcome!!

- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022) and Modern Warfare III (2023)
-> Too broke to buy the games for now and I'm desperately waiting to have enough time to watch game plays, but I already have some parts of the campaigns down. (Special interest go brrr)
-> Honestly I feel like this is an open thing because we can just make up new missions, add things to the storyline and whatnot, especially when using OCs.

- The Walking Dead (show)
-> I need to rewatch it because I don't exactly remember what happens in which season but it's alright.
-> Same as above, we can make up our own events, deviate from the storyline etc, especially when using OCs.

- Detroit: Become Human
-> The last time I played the game was years ago so I might be a bit rusty but I should be good.
-> My first ever game played on PS4, I really wish to do something with it, I'm trying to get back into the active fandom.

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4 | 0 Comments | May 4th 2024 06:30