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the_diva's Blog

An invite

Opening letter,

Welcome to the Verdant Dynasty, a domain of rich lore and characters meticulously crafted. As the architect of this fictitious world, I've poured my soul into every piece and facet of lore, shaping a narrative that invites you to immerse yourself in its depths. Whether you're a seasoned roleplayer or a curious newcomer, I invite you to explore the intricacies of the setting, where every detail has been carefully penned to assemble a captivating and immersive experience.

Within those digital pages, you'll encounter a diverse array of original characters (OCs) brought to life with depth and nuance. I encourage you to peruse their stories, disentangling the plots and subplots in this living world. Feel free to delve into these fleshed-out characters' backgrounds, motivations, and philosophies, adding new layers to the ever-evolving narrative.

The Verdant Dynasty is not just a solo endeavor; it's an open invitation for collaboration. We're always seeking like-minded individuals passionate about storytelling and character development. Whether you're a proficient wordsmith or a nascent storyteller, I welcome you to join us on this imaginative pilgrimage. So, grab your keyboard and let us embark on an adventure. Our OOC discord Website will lead to our IC forum and our OOC discord. Feel free to read the lore at your pace.

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0 | 0 Comments | May 23rd 2024 19:28

Authors wanted

I'm seeking writers to pen a narrative either here, over discord, or on my semi-private community.

My discord ID is the_diva

My semi-private discord server
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0 | 0 Comments | May 14th 2024 23:23

Looking for RP (Literate-Novella, Any Gender.)

Hello, I'm Matsu. I should divulge some details about myself. I'm a roleplayer and artist. I've been rping for a long time. Other tidbits about myself are that I'm a female, born and raised in Afghanistan, and English is my third language. Despite this, I'm confident my ability to paint a scene and portray a character ought to suffice.

I'm seeking a fellow writer to pen a long-term story with. I don't care about your gender or any such details as I find them immaterial (Both IC and OOC). Your length isn't crucial to me, as RP is collaborative and not competitive.If you wish to see my world I can send the link. Nevertheless, exploring that universe is optional and I’m more than fine delving into your setting.

What I'm looking for in a partner.
Must have a character sheet.
It must be an OC not tied to a fandom.
I only do fantasy grounded in some logic.
The willpower to read and commit.
Post time can fluctuate. Communicate with me if you need time, I’m patient.
At least two paragraphs from my partner. (Proper paragraphs.)

You can send your creations right away if you desire. If you elect to contact me, I'll send my character sheet then.

Things I will not be interested in.
CRP without reason
Wish Fulfillment, self inserts, power fantasy.
Not playing a role.
Mary/Gary sues
Not respecting my OC’s autonomy.
Forcing dice/stats on me
I am fine with Romance if it makes sense.

DO NOT call me babe, love or any pet name OOC.

About Indemira Debussy (Character sheet, click the buttons to navigate.)

Below are prompts; they're not the be-all and end-all.

Feel free to reach out if you've been itching to try something.

Prompt 1, (Adventure and Magic.)
In a world of ancient enigmas and hidden relics, Indemira Debussy, a noble Jinniyah enchantress known for her magical prowess and love of wealth, undertakes a quest for a fabled relic rumored to be within the Whispering Ruins.

During her journey, Indemira encounters a companion unlike anyone from her aristocratic circles—your oc can be anything as long as its fantasy. As they delve deeper into the ruins, encountering peril and cracking riddles, a bond may form between them, transcending societal boundaries.

Amidst the shadows and enchantments of the ruins, Indemira and her companion (Your OC) navigate a path fraught with danger and discovery. Will they find meaning in the old world, or will the divergent paths of their worlds tear them apart? This is a tale of adventure, mysticism, and unexpected affinities that may leave a lasting impact on our OC's.

Prompt 2, (Patrician and her bodyguard.)
In a city rife with conspiracy and peril, Indemira Debussy, a affluent and significant Jinniyah enchantress, aspires to employ a protector to safeguard herself from looming threats within lordly circles.

Your character—a seasoned warrior renowned (An exmaple, your OC can be anything that can fit the bill.)—answers her call for protection. As they navigate the complexities of high society and the shadows of conspiracy, a bond forms between them, built on trust and mutual need.

Together, Indemira and her bodyguard must untangle the net of plots and deception jeopardizing her wealth and reputation. Will their alliance withstand the pressures of their world, or will they succumb to the forces working against them?

Prompt 3, (The afflicted.)
In a realm facing a impenetrable epidemic, Indemira Debussy, the Jinniyah enchantress, seeks a cure not out of altruism but for personal gain. She believes possessing the remedy could secure tremendous capital and influence.

Indemira recruits your character—a knowledgeable explorer or scholar (Examples, you can play whatever.)—to help locate this elusive remedy. Together, they delve into treacherous territories, confronting the source of the affliction.

As they navigate moral dilemmas and dangerous encounters, Indemira's selfish motives drive them forward. Will they succeed in discovering the cure, or will the consequences of their ambitions catch up with them?

Prompt 4, (Chance meeting)
In a secluded tavern far from civilization, Indemira Debussy, the shrewd Jinniyah, unexpectedly encounters a former friend or rival from her past.

Amidst the rustic ambience of the tavern, memories of shared triumphs and betrayals resurface between Indemira and her acquaintance. Will this chance meeting lead to reconciliation, friendship, romance, or reignite old conflicts?

As they navigate their tangled history in the quietude of the wilderness, Indemira grapples with uncertain emotions and the prospect of unforeseen alliances or rivalries. Will this reunion in the middle of nowhere bring closure or spark new adventures?

Prompt 5, (Enchantress and the wereform.)

In a moonlit grove, Indemira Debussy, a evasive Jinniyah enchantress, meets an individual struggling with a cursed wereform. Indemira offers her help, drawing upon her arcane knowledge as they stay in her fungal manor.
As they delve into remedies and rituals, a surprising truth unfolds—Indemira herself is a powerful djinn in disguise.

Caught between their secrets, they must confront their true identities. Will this revelation fracture their alliance or forge a deeper bond?

Other contacts
the_diva (Discord)
I also RP on forums.
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | May 14th 2024 14:46

A small post (sharing my writing.)

Indemira wasn't one for abiding by those pesky laws. In her mind, they only applied to peasants. A patrician, like herself, regarded them as mere suggestions. It was this naughty attitude that had enticed her pride, Casimir. The rogue was born of lesser stock, but he had his uses. Myan had claimed him, so it only seemed natural to do what she did best: one up the fox-eared strumpet.

Casimir's admiration for Indemira was evident in his every glance, in the way they shared their intimate moments. The Varenkun people were renowned for their grace and allure, traits that the jinniyah had adopted. She may have enhanced certain aspects of her appearance, but who could blame her? Beauty was a weapon, one she intended to wield to her advantage.

The trek through the swamp was onerous. The foul air, filthy water, and enormous insects were unbecoming of one of her station. It didn't help that Indemira couldn't resist flaunting her faultless characteristics and capital. She'd rather be caught dead than not doused in her vanilla-infused perfume, colorful and bejeweled habiliment, and jewelry. Her outfit was skin-tight, made from the scales of fallen saurians. She was going native, trying her best to blend in with the savages of the jungle.

The mud made each step taxing, compelling the enchantress to grouse under her breath. "The defiled can scorch this place, that would be fine by me." She complained before flicking her green hair back. Her nose wiggled as her rabbit ears drooped. That small cotton tail wagged as she soughed while grabbing her hips. The djinn presented her lion with a highfalutin huff and glare as if she expected him to do something.

Indemira smacked her succulent lips together, only to pull some chapstick from her breast and apply it to her plump lips. She'd smack them together before sliding it back inside of her pocket realm, only to pull out some perfume and spray it to ward off the offensive odor of decay.

"Better..." she muttered, only to freeze as a giant dragonfly landed on her bust. Indemira froze, her color fading from her striking face. The patrician jumped and clung to a nearby willow tree, swinging her fan to scare off the bug. Once it buzzed off, she sighed, closing her eyes and waiting for Casimir's aid. The ruins were visible in the distance, making this unnecessary delay irksome.

The jinniyah was aware of what they were searching for. But try as Casimir may, she wouldn't disclose what rested in that tomb. The way she saw it, they weren't pillaging a tomb or defiling a culture. They were liberating its treasures to enrich those in need, mainly her house. She was confident the former inhabitants would understand. After all, there were few as important as her.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 13th 2024 16:23

My more casual writing

Indemira figured it was better late than never for the maverick to show some chivalry. She made a mental note to chastise Casimir while beating in that thick skull of his the significance of being gentlemen. However, all indignation subsided once she was cradled within his furry and burly arms. Her legs dangled as she wiggled her nose and fanned her bust ever so coquettishly as she stared into his eyes.

Casimir was a tool she employed to torture her rival. How bizarre was it that she became relatively smitten with the dolt. He was uncouth and ill-mannered, with poor taste in fashion. Before they met, she swore he had to be color blind, given how he matched the hues of his attire. Fortunately for the lion, he happened across the Jinniyah.

The enchantress smirked devilishly as the rogue performed his duty admirably. Still, his side commentary merited a rolling of her eyes and a huff of disapproval. Indemira closed her hand fan before bopping him on the snout with it in a waggish manner. How could he belittle her magnificence? It wasn't her fault she was so beautiful; it transcended species' lines. A fact evident in the fact she had bewitched the protégé of the notorious diva.

Nevertheless, despite their differences and her grievances toward Lord Casimir, they agreed on one point. The swamp was a dreadful and horrible patch of soil. Proof that whatever the residents of this bog saw in it must have been due to the trippy truffles they were inclined to ingest. A substance she refrained from eating, not out of moral principle but because she regarded it to be the medicine for peasants.

"Fashionably delayed as always. I think you enjoy testing me." She quipped before running those fingers through her hair. Indemira tossed it back so her emerald mane cascaded down her back. She wiggled her nose in protest as that cottontail wagged against Casimir's arms.

"It's ok. You're worth the wait and headache." The djinn shrugged before winking at the lion. Her head turned as she peeked behind him, eyeing the distant ruin. They were close; soon, she could put this lazy feline to work. After all, she did Promise a certain giantess that she wouldn't permit Casimir to grow obese. Plus, she did enjoy his new and chiseled form. Her only complaint would be the shedding.

Indemira picked a few stray furs off her tight body suit before throwing them to the ground. Nonchalantly, she'd squirm in his arms, getting comfy before releasing a heavy sigh.

"My feet are killing me. You have to knead them when this is over." She partially jested. The caramel patrician licked her lips as the soundscape around them filled the silence between her words.

"Indubitably, my radiance surpasses even what I envisioned as possible. But, some pests aren't that bad..." She paused before sliding her arms around Caismir's nape, pulling him close before suggestively licking his nose. The Jinniyah would let him go before smacking his chest with her fan as she returned to her relaxed posture, those thick legs overlapping one another as she got comfortable.

"Now, be a dear, and let's march to that ruin. I find you irresistible when you work. And Samara says mixing pleasure with business is bad. There are some things even the Sharmot doesn't understand." She concluded before opening her hand fan and wagging it to cool off Casimir as he did his job. In Indemira's eyes, she had the difficult job. Thank the elders she can't perspire.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 9th 2024 02:20