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kuryy's Blog

Main Character- Kuro Silanus

General Info-
Name: Kuro Silanus
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 20+
Height: 5'9"

Kuro is good at combat but not much else. For a thief they are poor at stealth and the actual act of stealing. They are difficult to work with and often described as frustrating to speak to, he will often flip flop between speaking his mind and not speaking at all, for better or worse. He is the type of guy to act first and ask questions later, often getting himself or the rest of his group into trouble. Despite this, he is dependable when a fight breaks out, and not easily swayed out of his determined mindset. Once he decides to do something, he does his utmost to get it done.

Kuro loves the snow, and hates heights. He can play a variety of string instruments, but not very well. He dreams of one day becoming a master treasure hunter, and one day plans to build a farm somewhere quiet, as animals have become a passion he's come to find special to him.

Kuro was raised to be a mercenary from a young age, being trained to fight with his fists, however he is a passable swordfighter as well. He left home at the age of 17 to become something of a travelling mercenary for higher, taking whatever jobs he could find to make enough to scrape by.

The years of travelling alone did a lot to his psyche. He became more abrasive, harder to approach but he also learned to hold a conversation when he could actually manage to get one going. Work didn't come easy, and he often found himself sleeping outside, as he rarely made enough to afford an inn. That however, changed as time went on.

A chance encounter with a small band of thieves would send his life on a course he would never have expected. The thieves attempted to rob Kuro, soon learning he had very little for them to actually steal. They seemed to take some sort of pity on him, perhaps it was because of their similar situation. They ended up taking him in. Kuro became the fourth member of the "Thieves of the Unknown." Or at least that's what their leader Emryn called the group. They tried to teach Kuro the art of thievery, of deception. But those traits did not come easily to him. Nonetheless he travelled with the group for an unspecified amount of time. As years passed he grew closer to the team, and even considered them his family.

(The image is meant to show a rough description of the character and does not show his exact appearance. Additionally all information about the character is subject to change/vary depending on the rp/story.)
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