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kellieann's Blog

Life begins.

I'm not religious. Its just a building and they expect you to contribute cash. Ill get back to that.But why are women not respected. We have the periods, and carry the fetus. Its not easy. There is no guarantee . we have eggs. We can be fertilized without sex. Eventually we no longer produce eggs. But men start.getting off and their sperm is released when they want to get off. But their sperm is wasted. Potential lives lost. Life does not start at conception. Abortion is men wasting their sperm. Its there to populate the earth. I think that's a sin if you don't save it. Men should go daily to get their sperm pumped out and saved. They probably will enjoy it. Women could shop online for sperm donors. When we get off we don't kill our eggs. They waste good productive sperm. Lives lost. That's killing potential embrios. Wait that's abortion. Men should be prosecuted for their abortions. OR: Life begins when the baby is born. Risky pregnancies should have the option of abortion. No week limit. A miscarriage is a natural abortion. It can be devastating.. Life begins at birth. The virgin Mary had an immaculate conception? I don't think so. Follow the science. We celebrate our birth days, not our conception day.
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6 | 0 Comments | Apr 13th 2023 22:09

Why is he not in handcuffs

After watching the first hour of the jan. Six committee hearing, why is trump not in handcuffs. He knew he lost .everyone told him. But he still told a lie. It caused the capitol attack on those poor brave capitol police. And he was described as giddy as he watched it on TV live. He is a traiter. He needs in a cell, not a country club for the rest of his life. He knew COVID was airborne,but wouldn't close down the country in January. By March it was everywhere .*,a million deaths ,a large percent on his inaction. Just like during the attack. Inaction. I'm a moderate .independent. trump only cares about himself . Not us.
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5 | 0 Comments | Jun 9th 2022 23:18

My characters are me.

I'm versatile. I play the many forms of my human self . I can be villain or victim or anything from sweetheart to batsh*t crazy. And even normal blind date or roommate in college. First meeting slice of life if that's your thing.
You can have powers but I'm just human. I will respond daily at least. If you take a week or 3. I will remind you once. If it goes more than a month I'll unfriend. Real life happens.
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16 | 1 Comment | Jan 30th 2021 09:23

Quality is worth waiting for

You start a decent rp. And the person disappears for 2 weeks. They come. Back and add a quality don't need to apologize. Life happens around us.whats worse is just adding someone doing the storyline they hand pick. You get think ahead for possible plot twists, and they no longer have an account..
I have my account since June. I have finally found a handful of writing partners that we are on to different storylines.
Why do some of you make new accounts every week? And what's the benefit of private profiles. I just keep adding to mine.
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13 | 0 Comments | Dec 10th 2020 16:45

It didn't work out

My relationship that I had with the baseball player did not end well...I'm slowly getting over it. Playing the victim here in roleplays more and being the bitch less for now.
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6 | 0 Comments | Oct 26th 2020 08:28