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Forum > RPG > An una-VOID-able meeting

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Started by Spade , Dec 1st 2017 15:27

SchemingWeasel - Apr 9th 2024 20:46

*Grell looks aside for a while, uncertain. Last time they had an encounter, it didn't exactly end well for anyone. The idea of doing one now makes them nervous...*

Grell: Sure. Do it. Whatever works... Do anything I guess...

*Tom shudders at this, stumbling out of the room.*


*Malkia frowns to herself in concern, shaking her head and sitting nearby.*

Malkia: You really have been through a lot, haven't you? I can tell. After doing this job for so many years, you start to see the signs before most others do...

*She smiles warmly, nodding gratefully as Corvus passes a drink across to them and Malkia moves it across to Murderer.*

Malkia: Well you certainly don't have to worry about any of that here. Everyone is well-taken care of here and you will be too-... Erm, what /is/ your name?


*Rose shuffles in uncertainty, drying her hands. She looks between the door and Fell then realisation dawns her face and she groans.*

Rose: Could you stay with him for a little while, please? I should get out for a moment but I think I need to check that Crystal and Ink aren't causing trouble. I'll just check in with them and be back straight after. If that's okay, I mean?

*She watches Fiji for a moment and winces*

Rose: I just... I /really/ don't want to leave him by himself. If anything, just in case he does wake up and go crazy with his magic again. I don't want someone getting caught in the crossfire if he does. He's just not himself... Of you and me, you've always been the strongest too... I could take him, sure, but not as easily as you could, especially know that you know his attacks -I only saw glimpses.


*Papyrus huffs, as if mildly irritated, but they don't make a move. They look too beat up and tired to really do much else. Sheep sighs to himself, uncertain about everything happening.*

*I suppose so, yeah. There's a few people dotted around here and there but obviously nobody steps in to stop Lieu from using the gazebo. Others use it normally and they clearly have placed to be so why would anyone stop him? He'll be fine.*

*He just about manages to leave too but the machine stumps him for a while. Word jumble has always been the hardest puzzle and this screen looks extra jumbly.*

*Though it doesn't look like he's about to be stopped. Sage and Cross might be there but it's not as if Sage can see what's going on. Then there's Ripper but he obviously doesn't care. That sort of leaves Alesa and Tuí but they don't seem to be around. Alesa was last spotted practicing her magic in a more secluded spot while Tuí has walked elsewhere for a while. Mainly she hovers in front of Error's door.*

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Spade - Apr 11th 2024 22:19

*Gaster watches Outer and Grell before following Tom, wanting to make sure he's alright.*


*Outer stands up after a moment, offering Grell his hand.*

Outer:I'll go check with some of the newcomers. Would you like to join me?

*Murderer nods at Corvus and Malkia in silent gratitude, reaching for the cup. He pauses at Malkia's question, well aware of the others around them. His expression goes blank, pulling his hand away from the cup.*

Murderer:.....It's not really a name. Not a good one. It fits though.

*He speaks lowly, falling silent whenever one of the children playing in the café pass him. He seems uncomfortable, almost nervous?*

Murderer:At one point, it /was/ Sans. Not that it matters anymore. What's the point of keeping it when you live with several versions of yourself?

*He still hasn't given his name or what he goes by now. Is it really that bad?*

*It doesn’t seem like he's going to reveal it. Not here, at least.*


*Fell nods,shrugging off the remains of his coat and taking a seat by Fiji.*

Fell:I'll keep an eye on him. When he does wake up, he'll probably be... out of it. Hopefully.

*How is Paige after all that? Has Bambi been located yet?

*Captain slips past Sage and Cross, and slides up next to Lieu. Cross watches Lieu for a moment before turning his attention back to Sage.*

Captain:May I? You Wouldn't Want To End Up In An Empty World.

*Error is still in the infirmary. Fresh is with him, trying to close the pop-ups that are hindering his reboot.*

*With Error... preoccupied, she could enter his room no problem, if that's what she's there for.*

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SchemingWeasel - Apr 12th 2024 19:41

*Grell watches Gaster leave then quietly nods.*

Grell: Sure...

*They hesitate for a while but do eventually take Outer's hand. That's progress at least. Maybe they're starting to warm up to everyone after all.*

*Tom pauses outside of the room, holding onto a nearby doorway for support. They take in gasping, raspy breaths, eyes closed for a while as they try to fill their lungs but clearly fail to fully do so.*

*They stiffen though when they hear someone exit the same room behind them, opening their eyes and turning their head to look at Gaster, straightening as much as they can though still breathing somewhat noticeably irregularly.*

Tom: Why did...

*They swallow, forcing the words out through shallow breath.*

Tom: Why did you follow me out?


Malkia: But you must have something I can refer to you by. *She prompts, leaning forwards towards Murderer in interest.* What would you /like/ to be called, hm?

*Corvus raises a brow, hiding their beak behind their wing comically.*

Corvus: Don't let her choose a name for you. She's terrible at names.

*Malkia blusters, taken off-guard and shoots the grinning crow a look of betrayal.*

Malkia: I am not! Your name is lovely!

Corvus: *Raising an eyebrow* "Crow" the Crow? Sureeeee...

Malkia: You /like/ your name!

Corvus: Sure beats "Cutthroat". Definitely not as cool though. I do miss the edge it had. *He smiles, leaning into the counter to look at Murderer again.* You found us for a reason, mate. We all found this place for a reason, that's what brings us all together. You don't have to have an insult for a name here, it can be whatever you want it to be.

*He points across the counter to a one-eyes, young adult, Calico cat sat in a booth surrounded by kids.*

Corvus: That's Scarecrow. Since she got here though, the kids always called her "Patches", so that's her name here.

*He points again to a coyote teen with a large burn mark across their face.*

Corvus: Chupacabra. Here though they go by "Chewie".

*He groans as a small caiman monster with large slash scar across their nose growls demandingly at Murderer, waving their arms around and barking something unknown.*

Corvus: That would be Carmen. The loudest and youngest. They used to go by "Death Roll" would you believe it. Don't mind them, they're still getting used to things around here.


*Rose nods, quickly kissing Fell.*

Rose: Thank you, my love. I'll be back in a minute. Or as soon as I can find them at least...

*With this, she smiles to Fell for a moment, glances at Fiji, and then tears her eyes away. She promptly leaves the room, trying to remain collected and focussed, especially now that her head is starting to feel clear again and her fatigue is wearing off.*

*Paige isn't sure how they are. To be honest, they've been rather quiet since the entire ordeal, choosing to silently follow Hemlock at the moment. It's all they can do really. They are an adult, technically, but with both parents out of action, they can't help but cling to what relative they currently have left. They might be a god but right now they feel so small and insignificant...*

*Bambi seems to be mostly out of sight for the most part. She decided to wander off a little bit. Though eventually it's easy to find her. She didn't go too far, just for a small venture further into the VOID. Something about it draws her into its depths.*


*Lieu looks to Captain then looks away again, blushing in embarrassment. They quickly stuff their arm sling into their pocket, hiding it as best they can.*

Lieu: I... I Suppose If You Would Like A Go With The Word Jumble Then... Then I Suppose You Can Take Over.

*He shuffles uncomfortably.*

Lieu: But I Still Mean What I Said. It'll Look Weird If Alphys Sees Us Together. Nobody Knows About All Of... This...

*Mmm not quite. She was actually hoping to talk to him. When she eventually works up the courage to knock his door and nobody answers, she nervously grits her teeth then turns and hurriedly walks away, shying away into her feathers. Maybe it's a sign that it was a stupid thing to bother him for. It was a dumb idea anyhow. She should be glad he didn't answer...*

Edited Apr 12th 2024 19:44

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Spade - Apr 20th 2024 17:30

*Outer carefully helps Grell up and leads them out of Gaster's room. It'll need cleaning later.*

*Whhhere.... is Otone?

*Gaster pauses when Tom notices them, not wanting to crowd the child.*

Gaster:I wanted to make sure you were okay.

*He looks over at Grell, a worried frown making its way onto his face.*

Gaster:Did something Outer say or do make you uncomfortable?

*Inside Gaster's room, Max the blaster whines, unable to get through the doorframe.

*Murderer seems slightly amused by the conversation, though he bites back a frown as he notices several other children with scars.


*He shouldn't ask. They seem happy to be here and don't appear to have any recent injuries...*

*He once again reaches for the cup of coffee, pulling it close. Murderer takes a moment to appreciate the warmth of the cup in his hand.*

Murderer:...They're not the worst names. One of the guys I know calls himself Error, and he's surrounded by error signs.

*He glances down at the coffee cup, taking a small sip. He pauses after a moment, staring at the cup. It tastes a lot like vanilla, but... richer? Almost buttery with a hint of.... salt???*


*He's not sure if asking what kind of coffee this is is a good idea. It's not that it tastes bad. It just tastes... different.*


*Fell stands there for a moment, frozen, as Rose leaves the room. He touches the spot where Rose kissed, face slowly reddening. He soon snaps out of it, pulling up a chair beside Fiji's bed. He silently watches the meerkat's chest rise and fall.*

*Can... we get a look in Fiji's mind? Is he dreaming?

*Where are Ink and Crystal?*

*Hemlock is silent as she leads Paige further into the VOID, glancing up to keep track of where the strands embodying Bambi's Lies and Promises lead.*

Hemlock:......How are you doing, Paige?

*Oh? Is something there? Or someone?

*Captain nods, sparing a glance at Lieu's arm before looking back at the screen.*

Captain:I Understand. It Would Cause More Problems Than It's Worth, Especially If She Told Others.

*He taps Lieu's icon on the screen. Lieu's name pops up, along with his AU and timeline. He studies it for a moment before tapping another option on the screen. It seems like he's still trying to figure this out as well. Eventually, two portal marbles pop out of the machine.*

Captain:This Gives You Two Marbles. One To Leave And One To Return. You Need To Break Them For A Portal To Appear.

*He picks up the marbles.*

Captain:Don't Break Them In Your Hand. Break It On Them Floor Or Against A Wall.

*He hesitates before holding the marbles out to Lieu.*

Captain:While I Am Confident In Your Battle Experience.... Are You Sure You'll Be Okay?

*Awww, Tuí- (;0;)

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SchemingWeasel - Apr 20th 2024 21:59

*Otane? They were sticking fairly close to Briar. They still don't feel quite welcome in the VOID and being near to Briar eases them a little. After all, they WERE the one to cause everyone to end up at Catcher's facility in the first place and they were the one who made the runes that now seem to be hurting people. They worry that if the others find out that it was them all along, they might be angry with them.

*Tom shakes his head.*

Tom: No... No... It... Please don't worry about me. I don't like it when others worry about me.

*He avoids eye-contact, glancing anywhere but at Gaster and holding onto the door a little tighter.*

Tom: I don't like feeling like I'm under ob-sir-fayshun again... and... And the last time someone worried about me, I was almost buried alive...


*As if reading their mind, Corvus pi pes in.*

Corvus: Salted caramel. It's our house-blend... Actually, I lie. It's our only blend.

Malkia: I suppose it's good if you like it but bad if you don't. Everyone needs a little sweetness in their life though! Uh... /Do/ you like it?



*It's sort of hard to tell whether Fiji is dreaming or whether this is a nightmare. Though it's more-or-less obvious that he's acutely aware of the pain in his waking form as that has followed him into his dream. It could indicate that he's not as deeply asleep as he might seem, especially given how his waking form still breathes and shifts uncomfortably, face marked with pain. In fact, in his dreamscape, his leg is not stitched up but instead it bleeds freely. He tries to do something to ease the agony but everything he tries doesn't work and just frightens him more. The combination of the anxiety and pain is almost blinding.*

*In his dream he wanders with purpose. He's young, or at least younger, and he walks familiar streets. These dreams are rare for Fiji, the memories of his younger days forced down into the depths of his mind but occassionally resurfacing in times of distress. Though normally he dreams of being in his home when picturing himself younger, not so much on the street. A building comes into view, the others fuzzy and disorientated, but the one he approaches he recognises. There's a car parked in the driveway, a little red hatchback. Or was it a square, white truck with "Pest Control" in bold text on the side? It switches between the two each time he looks at it. The world unwinds at it's seams, he doesn't have much time. He needs to get into the house before... He's not sure what will happen but it will be bad. Whose house is this? Or was it an apartment... Or an abandoned factory? Is this where he was running to or running from? He can feel himself shiver. Is he scared?*

*Another flash of pain tears through his mind. He isn't sure which way is forward. Is his leg rotting off his bones? It feels as if his flesh is peeling off like paint melts off of a burning wall. In fact, is the world on fire? Why is everything so hot? Why does it hurt so much? He can see the building again, no, not the building. Just the door. But he isn't sure which building it belongs to. Though it's either stay out in the flames that are climbing his leg or enter. He tries knocking but nobody answers. The door is locked and he's trapped.*

*Fiji gasps, trying to tear the blanket off of him but struggling to do so in his exhausted and weakened fumbling. For once in his adult life in the VOID, tears well up in his eyes as he struggles, both from the blind panic and the pain. When he catches Fell's shape in his vision, his ears fold back and his voice cracks.*

Fiji: S... Sam... Help...


*Ink and Crystal are currently playing ding-dong-ditch with the various doors. They've been pretty disappointed by the lack of people in their rooms so far though. Rose seems to be catching up too, if it wasn't for the fact that whenever she gets closer, she has to apologise to a disgruntled resident.*


*Paige is quiet for a moment, typing away at her laptops. It works as a comforting mechanism as much as it is her job.*

Paige: I suppose I'm okay... It could be worse...

*Not particularly? It's just something about the VOID feels homely to her. She isn't sure why. It's like she's missing something or someone...

*Lieu hesitates for too long of a moment, clearly unsure. He grins though, trying to appear more confident than he really is.*

Lieu: I'll Be Fine!

*He looks down at the portal marbles worriedly.*

Lieu: It... It's Not As If I Don't Want You To Come With Me. It's Just That You Can't. It Might... Disrupt The Natural Order Of Things. Like Ink Used To Say... I Just Don't Want My World To End Up Corrupt. I Don't Want To See Error Have To...

*Lieu trails off for a moment then looks back at Captain with a smile again.*

Lieu: I'm Nervous. I Haven't Seen Alphys In A While And Our Meetings Really Are Important To Me And Her. We're Still Friends! I Just Wish It Didn't Feel So Much Like Walking On The Thin Ice Back In Snowdin.

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Spade - Apr 21st 2024 18:24

*I see..... Is it safe to assume Grell wouldn't be too comfortable with being dragged to the infirmary?*

*We have to find someone....*

*Gaster winces, unsure of how to continue for a moment.*

Gaster:That's... I can't not worry, Tom. You aren't feeling well and.... I'm afraid that if something happens, and I'm not here, you could get hurt or worse.

*Murderer shrugs, taking another drink from the cup.*

Murderer:It's alright. First time having it, so...

*Murderer trails off, feeling... strange. He ignores it. It's probably just the caffeine.*


*Unfortunately for Fiji, Sam isn't here.*

*Fell flinches when Fiji suddenly wakes up. He wasn't expecting him to wake up so soon.*


*Fell hesitates for a moment before carefully reaching forward and pulling the blanket off of Fiji.*

Fell:Take It easy, Fiji.

*Fell grabs Fiji's bag and reaches into it, hoping to grab something that'll help Fiji.*

*....Doesn't that bag bite?*


*Ah. That's certainly something to keep her on her toes.*

*Out of curiosity, which door is Ink and Crystal's next target?*

*Speaking of residents..... Where is Geno?

*Trying to keep track of everyone is like trying to herd cats...*


Hemlock:That is true, though it could also be better.

*Hemlock glances back at Bambi's Lies and Promises.*

Hemlock:We're almost there. May I inquire about your mother's current memory status? I'd rather not come off as an off-putting stranger again.

*Captain gives a slow nod.*

Captain:I See. Perhaps It Would Be A Good Idea To Thicken Part Of The Ice? You Do Not Have To Tell Her Everything. Just Know That Some Sort Of Explanation, Even A Small Part Of The Truth, Would Be Better Than None.

Edited Apr 21st 2024 21:07

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SchemingWeasel - Apr 21st 2024 20:51

*They wouldn't feel comfortable with being /dragged/ but trailing behind shouldn't be as hard. They're starting to look pretty on edge regardless though. It seems like whatever happens, they'd rather tune in and get it over and done with as soon as possible.*

*Tom pulls a look of discomfort, frowning at his hands.*

Tom: I'm /always/ not well. I'm always and- and everyone always looks at me like... Like I'm crippled! Everyone always just... Just watches with their clipboards an' their big coats and they tut at me like a street dog an' always say "poor thing" and "god bless". But- But I'm not a "poor thing", Dad. Deep down I'm strong an' I'm a person and -And I don't think God cares about me! And I don't care about them neither!

*He swallows nervously, eyes widening and covering his mouth. He mutters a prayer under his breath, apologising quietly and fearfully as he stumbles from the door he clung to.*


*Malkia watches Murderer intently but without showing too much interest. Corvus raises an eyebrow in his watchfulness though, unable to keep their interest quite as hidden.*

Corvus: So, have ya got a name we can call ya? Something to make things easier while you're here?


*It can get a little hungry every now and then. Normally it doesn't bite people though, most injuries come from sticking hands into the bag without thinking of exactly what you want. Fiji has numerous small cuts from the times where he's thought to summon a scalpel and forgot to imagine the safety guard or case to protect his hand from the blade. Rose in particular tried to summon a needle and pricked herself on accident.*

*With the blanket off, Fiji's panicked flailing ceases for a moment but he still twists in pain. It feels like he's burning, like everything is on fire.*

Fiji: It hurts- It hurts- please, Sam...

*It already seems like he's fading out again.*


*Crystal and Ink's next target appears to be Teddy's door.*

*And Geno iiiiiiis... Uh... Well he has to be /somewhere/... Oh, it looks like he's rumaging through Robin's stuff again.*


*Paige winces, avoiding Hemlock's gaze
They almost look too uncomfortable to say.*

Paige: Back to square one again... Another wipe.


*Lieu looks to Captain again. His face is filled with hope.*

Lieu: But What Do I Tell Her? What Do I Say That Would Be The Trufh But Without Just Accidentally Saying Everything?

Edited Apr 21st 2024 20:58

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Spade - May 4th 2024 19:06

*Since Otane isn't near, who would you say Outer is likely to run into that could possibly help?*


*Gaster takes a steadying breath before approaching Tom.*

Gaster:Tom, will you look at me? Please?

*Murderer huffs at Corvus's question, looking away from the crow and sphinx cat. Idly, he scratches at his chest, his SOUL hovers above that space. He doesn't noticing how the red orb seems to flicker, starting to lighten and change shape as he takes another sip of coffee.*

Murderer:....Mur. That should work for the next time I find this place.

*He doesn't notice as his features begin to soften and round, as much as they can for a skeleton. Nor does he notice when he starts to grow smaller, his clothes growing loose on his frame.*

Murderer:Teddy would probably like this place.

*He mutters this quietly to himself, continuing to drink the coffee. At this point, he's not quite a child yet, but no longer an adult. The thing that was once his SOUL barely resembles a heart, bits of white pushing through the red.*


*Fell frantically continues to search the bag for something to help ease Fiji's pain.*

*He doesn't see the cord representing the Promises that Paige repurposed flickering briefly into view.*

[A Promise of Healing- Ensures the Promised will fully heal without any repercussions.]

[A Promise of Vigor- The Promised will feel refreshed and at peace after a deep rest.]

*The cord that Hemlock wove starts to softly glow, absorbing Fiji's pain.*


*Unfortunately, or fortunately, for them... I think Teddy is in there with Nyx.*

*Ah. I take it Robin is present as well?*


*Hemlock gives Paige a sympathetic look before turning her gaze forward.*

Hemlock:I see.... Though it shouldn't be for much longer, if your... friend can help?

*She falls silent, quietly asking,*

Hemlock:How would you like to do this? Reintroductions, I mean.

*Captain is silent for a moment, glaring at the floor as he thinks of a reasonable explanation.*

Captain:Tell Her That.... You've Been Training In Secret. That You Found Others That Have Been Helping You With Battle Strategies.

*He glances at Lieu's arm.*

Captain:If She Asks For A Location, Tell Her The Meeting Area Changes Every Time. How Does That Sound?

Edited May 26th 2024 16:01

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SchemingWeasel - May 4th 2024 21:52

*Run into and possibly help? There’s a bunch of people lurking around but I’m not sure who of them could help. Rose maybe? Celaeno? Maybe even Robin or Sheep at a stretch. It’s hard to say.

*Tom rubs at his face, wincing as his sleeve catches the tag on his ear, but looks up at Gaster in uncertainty.*


Corvus: Mur? Way to fit in.

Malkia: I think it’s a nice name, like short for… for Murphy or Murdock or something else!

Corvus: Or Murder. *Corvus shrugs, earning a scorn from Malkia. He quickly returns to cleaning his machine.*

Malkia: It’s a nice name. Don’t mind him, he’s just… being Corvus. *Her eyes crease with worry though, raising a paw to her chest and fretting over her clothes.* Do you plan on leaving then coming back later? You should be careful with all the danger out there. We should drop you off closer to home so that you’re safe. Or perhaps is there someone we can summon here to take you home? Oh, with all those creatures in the dark, if you were to get hurt, I could never forgive myself…

*The one-eyed calico cat who was sat at the table earlier slinks over now, sitting next to “Mur”.*

Patches: And this is where they say “I’m fine by myself”, hah! Heard that one a hundred times. I’ll walk ‘em back, Ma. I need to stretch my legs anyhow! Besides, if anyone bothers either of us, you know I’ve got the sharpest claws.

Malkia: Oh, oh that’s wonderful. Thank you, Patches.

*Patches looks over the skeleton again with an intense expression, tail flicking in interest.*

Patches: Besides, I’m curious anyhow. Not often we get a skeleton on board, ‘specially not a well-mannered one at that…


*As his pain gradually begins to ease, Fiji slowly begins to settle too. That or he just ends up wearing himself out given his pre-existing fatigue. It isn’t too long before he’s mostly still again, give or take his uneven breaths. Despite the pain mostly subsiding, he can’t help but still feel shaken and discomforted. Though that could be the lingering feeling of disorientation and nausea.*

Fiji: Sam…?

*His eyes are closed and voice breathy and quiet but he can still feel, still see, his surroundings. He thinks so anyhow. Recalling what happened up until now feels odd but somewhat reminiscent of sometime distant. It almost feels like being back in /that/ time. In fact it /is/ back in /that/ time. He’s sure of it. That’s why it burns so much, isn’t it? It’s not going to kill him, probably. It didn’t before and that means that it won’t this time either because this time /is/ before. It’s just a scratch.*

Fiji: Please don’t leave me here.

*He tenses slightly, breath catching. He remembers what happened. He can’t let that happen this time. He needs to stop them this time.*

Fiji: Don’t… don’t call the cops… please…

*But that’s all he seems to manage before he’s gone again.*


*With Rose far behind them still apologising but catching up, Crystal quickly knocks the door and runs, causing Ink to panic at the suddenness but laughs to himself as he chases after her. Crystal is already leaps and bounds ahead of him, heading for the next one.*

*Nnnnot currently! Actually, it looks like Geno’s alone in there. The skeleton rolls under a coffee table and out of sight when Robin tiredly emerges from his room, rubbing at his eyes. He frowns a little, being sure he heard something, but shakes his head and leaves his relocated apartment instead, choosing to wander out and see what’s going on outside his little space. Geno breathes a sigh of relief when the deer exits, continuing to look through their books.*


*Paige lags behind Hemlock in discomfort, clearly anticipating the introductions already.*

Paige: I’d rather not do it at all… Always just has this horrible feeling to it, like twisting the knife. They always get this weird look about them, like they feel bad for not knowing and then that makes me feel guilty for even bringing anything up. Easier to just avoid talking as long as possible…


*Lieu considers this then nods, summoning a portal to his world and pocketing his return key -or return marble in this case.*

Lieu: That… Could Work. Thanks, Captain. I’ll Be Back Soon!!

Edited May 11th 2024 22:40

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