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Rules: www.roleplay.me/blog/288139
Characters: www.roleplay.me/blog/288142

I'm Arella, I'm nineteen years old and I use she/her pronouns. I live in a small city in Romania, but I'm of Slavic descent. I have been writing and roleplaying since I was around ten, so I have a lot of experience, and I like to reflect it on my stories. I seem very stoic and distant at first, but please don't be scared to interact with me, I can be a very hermetic person when I first meet someone out of prudence, but it doesn't last long.

I am a raging introvert and not very good at making (real life) friends, which is self-explanatory. I'm okay with it being that way because it does not cause me discomfort, so I expect it to be like that all my life. Despite me not being very social, I have a boyfriend which I adore with my entire heart and soul, so much that I'll give my life to him. ♥

I am currently at my second year of university and studying what I've always dreamt of ever since I was a kid. When I'm not busy with uni assignments, I like to spend my time writing, drawing and reading horror novels. I'm very open to reading any novel genre, but I have a weakness for gothic and horror fiction. Music is also a very important thing in my life, and I like to think I have a very exclusive and characteristic music taste.

I am what you could say obsessed with vampires and supernatural creatures, it has always been a huge interest of mine and I have read dozens and dozens of books and writings related to this theme, so there's an insane amount of information about vampires, werewolves, banshees and whatever non-human being you can think of stored in my head, I am a so-called vampy girl. ✞


Dark History | Medieval | Romance | Crime | Horror | Religion ++


I like to use quotes as inspiration for my characters' personality traits/past and also as inspiration for possible tropes/storylines.

"I'm not a violent dog, I don't know why I bite." | "The hunter and the hunted." | "God loves you, but not enough to save you." | "For you I am the wolf that carries a dead rabbit in its jaws to your door." | "Sorry about the blood in your mouth. I wish it was mine."

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8 | Nov 16th 2023 10:38