✞ Rules

i. No Minors

You must be eighteen or over to write with me. I like to write and engage in storylines that contain more or less mature and dark themes, so it's obvious that no minor should be exposed to that.

ii. Reply Length and Literacy

I ask for elaborated replies that can keep the story going, I do not like seeing no reciprocity, since I am very much able to deliver long paragraphs. Also, I don't mind if English is not your first language (I'm romanian, so it isn't my mother tongue either) but I would like some basic grammar skills so we can both enjoy our story.

iii. Plot Creation

I'm okay with not having a full plot idea, but I need at least a few general ideas of what you want so we can both work on it. Don't expect me to do all the storyline building job, please. It's no problem if you have doubts on how to orient the story, we can discuss about it.

iv. NSFW

I write NSFW and mature themes as I mentioned before, but don't approach me if you're only trying to write about mature scenes out of the blue as I like them to happen organically following the course of the storyline.

More rules to be added.


· I don't write for fandoms. All of my characters are original, as well as the storylines I partake in, this means that no, I won't modify any of my characters to "fit" a certain fandom.

· I can create a totally new character for a story if I feel like none of the characters on my masterlist is best suit for it. However, this will take some time, and I prefer to use the ones I already created. I don't write characters "upon request".

· Most of my characters are females since I enjoy writing them the most, but I can also play males. I use both drawn and realistic face claims.

· Don't message me asking me if I would like to start a roleplay and then disappear when it's time to discuss plots and characters. I don't like wasting my time.
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27 | Nov 16th 2023 09:45