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name: emory reagan
alias: emi (em-ee)
sex/gender/pronouns: amab, male, he/him
age/birthday/star sign: 34, august 4th, leo
sexuality: gay
species: human (can change depending on the rp)
birth place: unknown
occupation: guitarist/singer
role: sub

( 5’8 ) — ( 108lbs )
body shape: kind of curvy
complexion: pale
eyes: blue
hair: black and curly (upper back length)

tattoo/piercings/scars: angel fangs and smiley
apparel: gothic lolita(?)
personality: has somewhat of a destructive attitude
( positive ) — ???
( negative ) — ???
                             ✓. heavy metal
                             ✓. cute things/girly items
                             ✓. sweet foods
                             ✗. nothing

extrovert or introvert: introvert
past times:
                             ⌦. cooking
physical state:
9 / 10
status: [ stable ]
health state:
8.5 / 10
status: [ stable ]
psychological state:
??? / 10
status: [ stable/unstable ]

hearing & sight:
sight: [ excellent ]
hearing: [ excellent ]
smoker or drinker:
smoker: [ no ]
drinker: [ kind of ]

background: unknown (i’m lazy that’s why)

extra: he doesn’t talk like at all besides here and there though it’s quite rare. he likes tea and coffee but with no sugar. he’s been married once when he was 24 and that marriage lasted for two years till he figured out he liked men. he has twin boys that came out of the marriage and usually has them for about two weeks each month. he’s quite wealthy to say the least. despite looking very feminine he has a pretty deep voice which is one of the reasons he doesn’t talk. another reason is because he thinks it wastes energy. he’s based off mana sama btw.
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3 | 0 Comments | Mar 31st 2024 12:50


name: lazarus j. callidora
alias: laz
sex/gender/pronouns: afab (trans), male, he/they
age/birthday/star sign: 1700 yrs (appears 22), december 18, sagittarius
sexuality: gay
species: vampire, previously human
birth place: unknown
occupation: actor
role: switch

( 5’8 ) — ( 172lbs )
body shape: kind of curvy with a few muscles here and there
complexion: pale
eyes: grayish green, siren eyes
hair: dark red (blackish red), hair is above neck length and very curly/kind of has a lot of volume, has V shaped bangs

tattoo/piercings/scars/accessories: septum piercing, angel fangs, fake silver cross earrings, eyebrow piercing (left side), vintage red gold outline slim sunglasses, different kinds of rings
apparel: gothic
personality: he’s kind of cocky and thinks the world revolves around him. he’s not much of the sympathetic type nor is he easy to manipulate. laz is also somewhat of a “play boy” and isn’t very loyal when it comes to relationships.
( positive ) — none
( negative ) — rude, arrogant, disrespectful
                             ✓. blood
                             ✓. acting
                             ✓. mostly being at parties
                             ✓. sweets
                             ✗. annoying people
                             ✗. being belittled

extrovert or introvert: extrovert
past times:
                             ⌦. staying home
                             ⌦. taking care of his pet rabbit
physical state:
10 / 10
status: [ stable ]
health state:
10 / 10
status: [ stable ]
psychological state:
??? / 10
status: [ stable/unstable ]

hearing & sight:
sight: [ excellent ]
hearing: [ excellent ]
smoker or drinker:
smoker: [ yes ]
drinker: [ kind of ]

background: laz was born sometime in the 17-1920’s and grew up rather healthy and had a pretty normal childhood. sometime in his 20’s he managed to get awfully sick with a sickness that didn’t have a cure which would of course result in him dying due to the doctors not knowing what to do but let him live out his last moments. on one special rainy day, he had a visitor that wasn’t a family member who had turned him into a vampire against his will. laz was of course beyond happy to continue being able to live his life and spend time with family and friends, but as time continued he was the only one who hadn’t aged. as centuries passed he began to watch his loved ones all slowly die, leaving him on his own with no one to go to or morn their deaths.

extra: he has a pretty thick southern accent which can become thicker when he’s upset. he can be very flirty even when he doesn’t intend to be which can cause problems for him at times. he treats his pet rabbit as if it were a child of his own, he cares deeply about it and wouldn’t be able to live if something were to happen to it. he gets bored rather quickly so he needs to be continuously entertained if someone wants to keep talking to him or being around him. he’s quite the celebrity due to his acting career. he has fangs that can come out at will and go away anytime he wants which makes hiding his identity as a vampire more easy. his face is very expressive even with glasses on. he usually takes the blood of the people he sleeps with since it’s easier than having to go out and do that.
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2 | 0 Comments | Mar 17th 2024 20:02


name: sien
alias: ceecee
sex/gender/pronouns: amab, male, he/him
age/birthday/star sign: 21, march 25th, aries
sexuality: gay
species: human
birth place: unknown
occupation: guitarist
role: sub

( 5’9) — ( 172lbs )
body shape: he has a pretty feminine looking body (he hates it)
complexion: #897876 (can’t really describe it other than a very light ashy brown)
eyes: dark purple
hair: blackish purple

tattoo/piercings/scars: he has a piercing on each nipple, a split tongue
apparel: he dresses gothic but sometimes casual
personality: he can be pretty gloomy and his mood changes quite frequently. he also gets angry more often than needed from the littlest things.
( positive ) — calm, mature, quiet
( negative ) — uncertain, impatient, trust issues
                             ✓. cats
                             ✓. the color purple (of course)
                             ✓. tiny objects
                             ✗. most people
                             ✗. relationships
                             ✗. dogs
extrovert or introvert: ambivert
past times:
                             ⌦. none
physical state:
9 / 10
status: [ stable ]
health state:
10 / 10
status: [ stable ]
psychological state:
3.2 / 10
status: [ unstable ]

hearing & sight:
sight: [ excellent ]
hearing: [ excellent ]
smoker or drinker:
smoker: [ yes ]
drinker: [ no ]

background: he was in a relationship with this guy from high school up to his last year in university. at first he was a pretty sweet guy, treated him right, made sure to take him on little dates here and there, all that cute sh*t. but gradually he grew colder to him and more distant to where the only time he’d speak to him was when he was screaming at him for little mistakes he made, but sien didn’t know any better since this was the longest relationship he’s ever been in and he wanted to marry this guy, so he stuck with him and excused the verbal and physical abuse as love. of course, this worried his friends since sometimes he’d have a black eye or his wrists would have bruises, so they tried to convince him to leave him but he was too blinded by “love” and just cut them off and stayed with him. over time he grew depressed and started self harming on his arms and thighs as a way to relieve stress but that didn’t really do much since it only encouraged the boyfriend to degrade him more and more. it took until the day he nearly died from his boyfriend strangling him because he didn’t like what he was wearing. of course his ex boyfriend didn’t like that at all which led to him getting a restraining order. and so ever since then, he hasn’t been in a relationship and has been too scared to start one.

extra: he had a pet cat named doodles when he was 7 years old. he has a very fancy looking guitar one of his bandmates got him for his birthday which he cherishes more than his own life. when stressed he tends to smoke more than normally. he doesn’t really take jokes well especially if they’re somewhat insulting. he likes staying home and only leaves in case there’s practice or a concert he has to attend to. his favorite holiday is christmas so he usually gets his band mates little gifts each year as a sign of gratitude. he’s played the guitar since he was about 16. he looks like he hasn’t aged a day since he turned 18. he has a really pretty butterfly tramp stamp he got after breaking up with his boyfriend since he never allowed him to get any tattoos. he got his split tongue down when he was 19. he cut his hair himself because it was growing too long and at first he hated it but grew to like it since it suited him pretty well. he naturally has fangs but they aren’t too sharp but still hurts when you touch them directly.
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3 | 0 Comments | Mar 13th 2024 12:09


name: amadeus c. valentine
alias: cupid/eros
ethnicity: unknown
sex/gender/pronouns: amab, male, he/him
age/birthday/star sign: 649 (appears 24), february 14th, Aquarius
sexuality: gay
species: god
birth place: ancient Roman time
occupation: baker
role: sub

( 5’7 ) — ( 153lbs )
body shape: average but a little curvy
complexion: pale
eyes: gray-ish blue
hair: platinum blond

tattoo/piercings/scars: none
apparel: casual
personality: he’s very sweet and bubbly but keeps things to himself 99% of the time especially when he feels uncomfortable about something.
( positive ) — kind, patient, encouraging
( negative ) — anxious, fearful, dishonest
                             ✓. valentine’s day
                             ✓. sweets
                             ✓. cooking/baking
                             ✗. being treated horribly

extrovert or introvert: ambivert
past times:
                             ⌦. none

physical state:
9 / 10
status: [ stable ]
health state:
10 / 10
status: [ stable ]
psychological state:
5 / 10
status: [ unstable ]

hearing & sight:
sight: [ okay-ish ]
hearing: [ excellent ]
smoker or drinker:
smoker: [ no ]
drinker: [ kind of ]

background: growing up he was seen as more of an object to grant someone “love”which at first he loved because he wanted to make others happy, but over time it only grew boring seeing the same thing happen over and over again. he too wanted to find love but didn’t want to force it. once he had entered adulthood he met another man who was willing to be with him making amadeus feel happy so he willingly married the man a few months after they were able to get to know each other. as time went on the man that so called loved him only grew resentful of amadeus’ beauty and his power and would keep him held in their home so no other could even take a glimpse. occasionally he’d verbally or physically abused him and after a year he left once the other had to run some errands. amadeus had thought he just fell in love with the wrong person and decided to give chance after chance to different kinds of men, but each and everyone of them would only grow to resent him, never payed attention to his needs or even cheated on him. this continued on for centuries, that was until he finally came to the realization that being in a happy relationship was something he’ll never obtain. it scared him yes, but there was nothing he could do besides yearn for another person to come along and hopefully treat him the way he wanted to be treated, as well as being loved and seen as something that just wasn’t a god. as time went on, he only grew to fear being in a relationship yet clung to a small strand of hope each passing day.

extra: he does have wings and does carry around a cupid bow but hasn’t used it in years, same goes for his wings which he hides underneath his clothes. amadeus naturally has two little hearts beneath his eyes which he covers up with makeup. he finds joy in baking different kinds of cakes in all sizes and shapes, he even tries to do some that he knows is most likely too difficult for him but he does like a challenge. he always looks sad due to how his eyebrows are turned up and how his eyes are downturned. he also looked like he’s going to cry any second when he really isn’t so at times his friend or co-workers continuously asks if he’s alright. it takes awhile for him to actually fall in love with someone but when he does he becomes very obvious.
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2 | 0 Comments | Mar 2nd 2024 12:21


name: adelyta (add-eh-lee-tah) lucen
alias: ade
sex/gender/pronouns: afab, male (trans), he/him
age/birthday/star sign: 120+ (looks 23) august 5th, leo
sexuality: unlabeled
species: angel
birth place: eastern heaven (i made it up-)
occupation: prince/king or queen in waiting
role: sub

( 5’8 ) — ( 153lbs )
body shape: he’s has some muscles on his body but they aren’t too defined, a good amount of curvy
complexion: pale
eyes: he has three eyes (one on his forehead) his left eye is purple with a yellow highlight(?) and his right is a grayish-blue with a beige highlight(?), but the one on his forehead is just black with a little star for a pupil
hair: it’s really long like mid thigh length, platinum blond (not the gray type) with a little bit of light blue on top due to light reflecting on his hair

tattoo/piercings/scars: none
apparel: he usually wears a cream white shirt that’s frizzy at the ends of his sleeves and on the chest part with a small black ribbon and as for the pants they’re snug from the waist nearing the knees before they become more frizzy
personality: he’s pretty sweet but also a himbo at times
( positive ) — fair, honest, gentle
( negative ) — impatient, fearful, uncertain
                             ✓. flowers and plants
                             ✓. things that smell good
                             ✓. candy/anything sweet
                             ✓. his wings (he believes they’re the prettiest thing about him)

                             ✓. kids

                             ✗. overly loud noises
                             ✗. his third eye
                             ✗. the dark (when it’s pitch black outside)

extrovert or introvert: ambivert
past times:
                             ⌦. painting
                             ⌦. anything that allows him to move around
                             ⌦. exercising his wings
physical state:
9 / 10
status: [ stable ]
health state:
10 / 10
status: [ stable ]
psychological state:
9.1 / 10
status: [ stable ]

hearing & sight:
sight: [ excellent ]
hearing: [ excellent ]
smoker or drinker:
smoker: [ no ]
drinker: [ no ]

background: he was born into a family of royalty somewhere in heaven. his family and kingdom wasn’t that well known till a couple wars with the underworld a few centuries back. since the day he was born he was meant to be as pure as fresh fallen snow, never wandering off or straying from the future his parents had already put together for him. of course, over time he began to hate this continuous routine and of course tried rebelling but was only met with a slap on the wrist and a long lecture. from the age of 80-110, he was never allowed to go outside his kingdom so he was usually just isolated in his room or with his siblings. (couldn’t really think of much for a backstory)

extra: when stressed out he tends to zone out or dissociate, he can do both on command which he learned overtime. he really likes flowers and rocks, especially rocks since he can paint, he’d be very happy to receive them on his birthday. he has about 7 siblings, 4 girls 3 boys including him making it 4 (1 set of quadruplets which just contains 2 girls and 2 boys, 2 set of twins, him and his sister (a few hours younger) are fraternal twins). he likes it when it’s quiet, like uncomfortable type quiet. he hates when his feathers get everywhere so usually he just sweeps them into a pile when he wakes up, it’s a routine thing for him. he’s the youngest amongst all (including his twin sister) siblings so he usually gets treated like a baby despite being 120+ (which is 20 and up in human years). he can be a little spoiled and bratty when he doesn’t like what he has or he didn’t get what he wanted. he loves food more than anything. he doesn’t have any pets. he’s of course still a virgin, but unlike his parents he doesn’t really believe in sex after marriage since if you love someone you can do whatever you want without a certain belief holding you back. he has a very expressive face which he hates more than anything since he can’t really hide how he feels about certain things. when his wings are fully open, they can take up half of a room depending on how big it is. he’s very sensitive so his feelings do get hurt pretty easily if someone doesn’t word what they say in a way that doesn’t seem mean. he’s realllyyyyy insecure about his third eye since nobody in his family has it (a birth defect) so he usually just keeps it closed or covered with hair.
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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 2nd 2024 07:38