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The skren

Appearance: humanoid creatures with elongated and curved spines that cause them to move around much like monkeys. They have very boney thin bodies covered by hairless pitch-black skin. Their teeth are flat and meant to crush and chew the varies plants they eat. The skren normally have glowing eyes that have been found in every color. They have long arms and rather short legs this causes them to hop and drag themselves with their arms when they move around.

Life span: on average they live to be up to 50 years old though because of their lifestyle they some have lived to be 70-75 years old which is very rare.

Culture: the skren are strictly healers, from the day they are born their tribe will start texhing them about herbs and poisons and how to treat illment. They resent all types of violence and are extremely close to their tribe. The skren speak a language known as 'skrenglan' though the older members of the tribe often know how to speak the common tongue. And in the common tongue skren actually translates to 'people of the trees' as they make their home in the large jungle trees near moving water. They sleep in the hollow trunks of the 'trick fruit tree's and travel via the canopy of the trees. And when they do travel it is with their mate. They mate for life and if or when they do take a mate it is forever.

Diet: skren are herbavoirs. They cannot digest meat. They eat mostly the nuts and berries that grow on bushes on the jungle floor though the necture of the trick fruit flower that grows on the trees They live in is tastey it is extremely toxic to them. Though when mixed with honey they father from the wasps the toxic necture becomes a delectable treat and a cure for almost any illness.

History: the skren moved to the green lands long ago when war pushed them from their homes. Aside from that not much is know about their history.

Strengths: they are wise, and talented climbers. They have cast knowlage about plants and medicines of all sorts. The skren are also very talented carvers, they carve beautiful trinkets and items from the bones of the their dead kin and hang the carvings from the trees in memory of them. And they stay in large groups with up to three hundred members.

Weaknesses: they refuse to partake in any form of violence meaning they have no way or intention of protecting themselves. They form very strong bonds and once that bond is broken they often go into deep depression and sometimes refuse to eat long enough that they will starve.

Fears: they are very shy and timid around any newcomer or stranger but they are scared most by humans and large predatory creatures which is why they stay mostly in the trees.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Jul 17th 2016 19:40

Kyle Evans (OC)


Name: Kyle Evans

Date of Birth (& age): 3rd August (dependable on RP)

Gender: Male/Female (dependable on RP)

Species/Racial Origin: Human//Neko//Vampire (dependable on RP)

Physical Description

Height: 5'9

Hair: Soft light Brown hair which he usually dosnt style

Eyes: Dark green eyes with a spec of brown in his left one.

Detailed Physical Description: Kyle is pretty lanky with a small amount of muscles on his arms. He has pale skin with a few freckles

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Kyle usually wears T-shirts with nerdy jokes on them and ripped jeans.


Personality: Confidant and messy with a good sense of humor. He sleeps in a lot and enjoys hanging out with friends.

Sim Traits: Slob//Heavy Sleeper//Good sense of Humor//Flirty//Charasmatic

Skills/Talents: Kyle dosnt have any academic skills although he takes pride in being a good kisser

Favourites/Likes: Sleeping even though he constantly deprives himself of it.

Most Hated/Dislikes: People using him and arrogant people.

Goals/Ambitions: Kyle wants to fall in love

Fears: Kyle has claustrophobia

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Gentlemen always walk on the side near the road when walking with a lover.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Hiding in a blanket chest from his alcoholic father

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Dominant Gay. Tells people he is very experienced in the sex department

Occupation: Student

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3 | 0 Comments | by Miaouu | Jul 17th 2016 15:05

Bad black lion!

Un mese dopo che Wanda ha lasciato Celduin alle amorevoli cure di Dis, il bambino insieme ad un altro nano li raggiunge sulla strada. Recuperano molta strada quando i nani si fermano a Gran Burrone e il nano lascia il bambino a Fili prima che arrivino alle montagne nebbiose.
Il bambino quando arriva da loro li guarda tutti attentamente, fermandosi davanti ad ognuno chiedendo °Sei tu il mio papà?°. Il bambino ricorda sia la madre che il padre, il padre per i capelli biondi, gli occhi azzurro cielo e la bocca fina e la madre per i capelli ricci e un po` arruffati e dal naso delicato, non molto comune tra i nani.
La ricerca del bambino del suo papà non dura molto poiché Fili si avvicina al bambino e si presenta, poi si mette in ginocchio e lo guarda più da vicino. Il bambino quando dice di essere il papà gli salta addosso abbracciandolo e gli sussurra all`orecchio °Io sono Celduin, papà quello mi fa paura!° indica Dwalin, che sta mangiando un pesce con tutta la testa. Fili ridacchia quando capisce di chi parla lo prende in braccio e congeda il nano che glielo ha portato e lui prima di andarsene lascia a Fili una lettera che Dis gli ha scritto.
Lui rimane immobile quando gli consegna la lettera, teme di sapere cosa ci abbia scritto, si siede su una pietra con la lettera in mano e la fissa. Mentre lui sta pensando alla lettera Celduin si allontana di soppiatto e va verso il leone nero che sta dormendo, prima gli gira attorno un paio di volte poi comincia a punzecchiargli il muso con un bastoncino. Non succedendo niente gli tira la coda, a quel punto il leone nero si alza e gli ringhia e il bimbo cade all'indietro dalla paura e comincia a urlare.
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1 | 25 Comments | by ShinLin | Jul 17th 2016 09:11




Name: Yuuto Himikari

Nickname/Alias: A**hole and Yuu.

Age: 28

Species: Human

Gender Identity: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Relationship status: Single

Sexuality: Bisexual

Other languages spoken: Japanese and French.

Occupation: Mangaka

Position: Doesn't have a preference, it just depends on his partner


Height: 6'0"

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Amethyst

Tattoos: No

Piercings: Two simple ear piercings

Scars: Small permanent bruise on his chest.

Other: He wears round rim glasses.


Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Smoker: Yes

Drinker: Yes

Likes: Writing stories, drawing, amusement parks, rainy days, libraries, quiet spaces, preparing for holidays way too early, classical music, and cooking.

Dislikes: Teenagers, imm*tu*e people, breaking promises, coffee, scary movies, hot weather, and fish.

Highest level of education: Bachelors in Digital/Studio Arts with a minor in English.

Turn-ons/Kinks: Someone willing to shut down his bullsh*t and put him in his place, sensory deprivation, pegging, katoptronophilia, wax play, and loves giving head

Fears: Forgetting to save his work/losing his drawing tablet. And bugs. Especially if they can fly.

*Family members and/or significant others*
-Mother (No personal relation)
-Stepfather ( Kind of close)
- Ex-Boyfriend (Former publisher)

Personality: Yuuto's kinda secluded, mostly because he himself isn't easy to talk to and he can be a bit of a sarcastic a**hole. He stays quiet most of the time and is rather blunt, calling stuff as it is and doesn't care to hear your opinion if it contradicts his. Long story short, he's a gigantic prick that acts like a child when he doesn't get his way.

Backstory: Ever since Yuuto was a teen he was a rather arrogant individual. He didn't care about other's feelings when it came to his opinion because after all, it was his own opinion. It caused him a lot of trouble during his school years, especially since he didn't understand why the teachers would get so angry with him when he'd speak his mind about their teaching abilities. He wasn't always that way, however. His parents separated when he was born and never heard the end of it from his mother. How much he looked like his father, sounded like him, even acted like him. Never used in a positive way of course. Forever told that his father leaving them was his all his fault. Punished for being like a man he never even met. So when his mother remarried and introduced his step-father, it took the patience of a saint to deal with Yuuto's attitude and the mother and son constantly butting heads. He remained positive in the face Yuuto's resistance to form that paternal bond which even now is still a slow process.

Despite all that, he had an excellent mind. Yuuto had amazing grades and he put his heart and soul into making manga when he wasn't studying. Even in his senior year, his writings were recognized by publishers and he had a great job right out of the starting gate. Because although he was the worst at expressing it, he wrote and designed stunning, steamy romance mangas. He doesn't take any advice and would rather just learn on his own than get other opinions, which was why he felt his writing and art was doing just as good back then as it is now. He was never shy about his sexuality in his art and his mother was never shy in expressing her distaste either, citing that as a reason his father left as well. There have been many people who've attempted to have a relationship with him, but quit pretty soon into it. They weren't able to deal with Yuuto's bullsh*t and it never got too serious, which he always thought was a good thing. His only relationship that lasted about five years ended quite badly when Yuuto refused to forgive his infidelity, resulting in his ex secretly releasing Yuuto's new material before any of it was done, alienating him from the friends they shared and turning him into a sort of recluse. So if you wanna pursue a relationship with him, you better have some damn good patience.

Other: One of his works was turned into a hit animated movie, and he also dabbles in traditional art.
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5 | 0 Comments | by TheAlmightyAobooty | Jul 17th 2016 06:42



Name: Ryu Everhart

Nickname/Alias: Ryu

Age: 20

Species: Human
(Optional for fantasy/supernatural roleplays: Naga)

Gender Identity: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Relationship status: Single and looking

Sexuality: Gay

Other languages spoken: British Sign Language

Occupation: Day Care Worker

Position: Vers Bottom


Height: 5'7"

Hair colour: Pale blond

Eye colour: (Left eye) Brown/ (Right eye) Green

Tattoos: No

Piercings: No

Scars: No

Other: Has Heterochromia and Glaucoma


Alignment: Lawful Good

Smoker: No

Drinker: No

Likes: Cute animals, making short films, being in plays, singing by himself, writing, stormy weather, visiting the beach early in the morning, and baking things.

Dislikes: When people mispronounce words, loud noises, crowds, being caught singing, really intimidating people, being forced to do things.

Highest level of education: High School Diploma

#1 Turn-on: Whispering in his ear/dirty talk and touches.

Fears: Losing Hachi, something happening to Hachi, losing complete eyesight, clowns, demons, gore.

*Family members and/or significant others*
-Mother (very close)
-Father (very close)
-Brother ( distantly close)
-Grandmother (Deceased)
-Hachi (Inseparable)

Personality: He's the sweetest thing that can be. He loves to help others all the time and though he can sometimes be clutzy and shy, he doesn't care. He rarely cares what anyone thinks of him, because it doesn't benefit anyone to constantly change yourself. Though he can be a bit of a pushover sometimes. He's funny because he's naive and doesn't know a lot of things.

Backstory: Ryu has had glaucoma for as long as he could remember. It began when he was around 10 years old, when one day he was staying with his grandmother and complained that he felt pressure on his eyes. Doctors told him he would be fine, but little did they know how wrong they were. It slowly grew into blurred vision, and eventually he lost sight in his right eye. As the years went by it only grew worse because he was a child trying to learn how to go around without his eyes. Surgery eventually wasn't helping anymore, and he had to learn to live with it. But, he tries not to let it get the better of him. After all, he didn't want to remain in his helpless mental state that he was in. So, he spent a lot of time trying to learn ways to make his life easier and find out what he could and couldn't do with sight. Though, no one could stop him if he wanted to do something even if they wanted to. His family and friends treated him just like everyone else because they knew how sensitive he was about being made fun of for his sight. And when he finally wanted to be out on his own, his older brother decided to try and get him a service dog to help him around. They knew Ryu was pretty capable of handling himself, but they figured that a little friend wouldn't make him as lonely as they could see he was. Ryu was just too stubborn to admit it. Even if he could just barely see what dog he was getting, Ryu absolutely fell in love with a Shiba Inu. This dog became his absolute best friend and he never goes anywhere without him for figurative and obvious reasons. He definitely still gets his share of cruel bullying from others, someone even throwing away his house keys making him think he lost them. But he doesn't worry, he has Hachi with him to make it better.

Other: He's completely blind in his right eye and can just barely see out of his left eye.
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4 | 0 Comments | by TheAlmightyAobooty | Jul 17th 2016 06:31



Name: Kei Rydel

Nickname/Alias: Kei

Age: 28

Species: Human
(Optional for fantasy/supernatural roleplays: Vampire)

Gender Identity: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Relationship status: Single/ Widower

Sexuality: Gay

Other languages spoken: Dutch

Occupation: Photographer

Position: Verse


Height: 6'2"

Original hair colour: Light ash brown/ Artificial hair colour: Jet black

Eye colour: Amber

Tattoos: Yes (Left arm tattoo sleeve, right bicep, neck, upper back, and left pectoral)

Piercings: Yes (Ears, lip ring, belly button ring)

Scars: Gash scar on the back of his leg and two burn marks on his arm from a cooking accident.

Other: Medium-sized birthmark on his wrist.


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Smoker: No

Drinker: Yes

Likes: Cooking, really bad puns, photography, painting, big animals, late night visits to the beach alone, reading, and horror movies.

Dislikes: Unexpected noises, large groups, beer/whiskey/rum, loud people, and animal cruelty.

Highest level of education: Master of Fine Arts

Turn-ons/Kinks: Hair pulling, leashes/collars, mutual m*sturb*ation, praise, videotaping

Fears: Losing his temper, demophobia, bugs, and falling in love.

*Family members and/or significant others*
- Mother: Reina (No personal relationship)
- Father: Evan (No personal relationship)
- Ex-husband: Miki (Deceased) Pronunciation: ME-key

Personality: Despite all his efforts to make himself look tough by colouring his hair and getting tattoos, he can't do it at all. He couldn't hurt a fly even if he tried. Kei is extremely kind and quirky, and can at times seem rather weird and silly. He can be extremely shy when it comes to new people, but around those he's comfortable with it's like he's the ultimate definition of 'The Dad Friend' . But that doesn't stray from the fact that despite his kind ways, he still drives off people cause he looks super scary. Don't mistake him for a bad guy though, he's probably the best guy someone could ever meet. People just never approach him to find that out.

Backstory: Kei was always what some would call the weird kid. He was constantly overlooked and screamed at by his parents which lead to constant quarrels because he wouldn't stand up to bullies in fear of hurting them. It didn't make sense to his parents, because they never took the time to teach him when it was okay and not okay to let his anger loose on others. And in order to do that, he stayed away from others and try to coach himself to be calm and collected. As time went on and on, all this anger built up inside and the more life threw at him, it warped his look on people. Kei saw everyone as awful and capable of hurting and deceiving with every bit of malice intent. Everyone around him was a liar and there was no good deed without selfish intentions behind it.

And one day, during his junior year of high school, Kei wasn't able to hold himself back and took down an entire group of kids that bullied him regularly and even went a little too far, sending them to the hospital. Hating himself for what he did, he vowed never again to go back to his aggressive/cowardly ways. In fact, he completely turned himself around. Even if bettering himself meant cutting his parents from his life. He grew to love people, tried to help others that were in his situation, and even turned to photography to express himself so he wouldn't do it physically. Though his friends noticed he kept his defensive wall up around his heart, not letting people in far enough to trust completely. After all, he still believed everyone had deeper destructive intentions. At least until Miki came around, his first customer to request a big group photo shoot before they went out on deployment.

They instantly connected from love at first sight and Kei did everything to keep contact with him after he left. He got his number and his info so he could send him care packages, eventually leading to writing letters back and forth for almost a year or so. And the moment he came back like expected, Kei was waiting for him right outside the gate. He was the opposite of everything Kei thought people were and slowly began chipping away at Kei's defenses and got him to be more open and vulnerable. Even though taking it slow was a strain for the both of them, they waited a another year before moving in together, getting engaged, and eventually getting married for what was the most amazing four years of his life. But unfortunately, Kei's greatest fear came true the day he saw a fellow officer that was a friend of theirs and a chaplain standing at the door. Bringing back the defensive wall around his heart that was only knocked down by that one man that taught him how to love.

Other: He lives in a semi-secluded home that he and Miki planned to live in and raise a family in.
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8 | 0 Comments | by TheAlmightyAobooty | Jul 17th 2016 06:18

Aidan Whyte (OC)


Name: Aidan Whyte

Date of Birth (& age): 13th March// Age: 16 (dependable on RP)

Gender: Male/Female (dependable on RP)

Species/Racial Origin: Human//Neko//Vampire (dependable on RP)

Physical Description

Height: 5'6

Hair: Floppy dark brown hair. Soft and fairly long.

Eyes: Lighter Brown with black around the edges; gives him unrealistic doll eyes.

Detailed Physical Description: Aidan is fairly small for his age and looks adolescent. He has a dark mole under his left eye and olive skin with cute rosy cheeks

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Aidan usually wears long sleeved jumpers and skinny jeans.


Personality: Calm and collected but very stubborn. He is clean and excitable and enjoys spending time alone.

Sim Traits: Childish//Loner//Exitable//Hopeless Romantic//Loser

Skills/Talents: Aidan enjoys playing the acoustic guitar. He is fairly good at it too!
Favourites/Likes: Enjoys hot Drinks and cold days. He thinks small things are adorable and is crazy about fairy lights.

Most Hated/Dislikes: Hates hot days and swimming. Has a irrational fear of chickens

Goals/Ambitions: Aidan wants to be a stay at home dad and aspires to be a very good one.

Fears: Although Aidan enjoys being alone he hates being on his own for long periods of time. It gives him an uneasy feeling

Hobbies/Interests: Enjoys playing guitar and dancing on his own in his room.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Aidan always has to be the last to go to bed in his house. It makes him feel safer

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: When he was little he fell in a small but deep river. It scarred him for life and this is why is is hydrophobic

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Submissive Gay. He has never had any sexual experience and is waiting for the perfect guy

Occupation: Student

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4 | 0 Comments | by Miaouu | Jul 16th 2016 17:56

Heavy truth.

After what will happen on the Misty Mountains -from which her lies about being a human of the place will entirely fade- she realizes that it has really arrived the moment to say all the truth about herself to Thorin, including world travelling and all that stuff. She doesn't like to lie to him, also considering all he is doing for her, she doesn't find it fair nor right.
Though, she is worried. She fears he won't want to believe such absurd thing and that it could also make her look bad in his eyes somehow. She is not sure what reaction people have towards witches in Arda, she sure hopes it's not like that of Earth people during Middle-Age. (XD)

She didn't realize to be pregnant again yet, -she will realize by the time they'll reach Mirkwood though-, she didn't even try to use her Shapeshifter powers during this time, as she didn't feel the need for it and didn't feel like to answer everybody's questions on how it could be possible. But she intends to tell to Thorin even that, something she never says lightly to anybody, not even -or rather especially not- in Nortrig.

Anyhow, after all that will happen, when they are taken to the Eagle's nests to rest, she decides to finally speak to Thorin.
She approaches him, evidently worried and troubled by something. She hardly manages to hide her feelings even when she tries to, and right now she is not even trying at all.
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1 | 52 Comments | by Crow | Jul 16th 2016 07:25


Lui è il figlio di Fili e di Wanda, una donna che ha conosciuto a Nortirg e con il quale ha avuto una notte di follia. (Lei lo ha chiamato Celduin in onore del poco che Fili le ha detto della sua terra, e più precisamente della sua casa natia Erebor. Infatti Celduin è il nome del fiume che nasce alla montagna solitaria e che prosegue il suo tragitto per 600 miglia fino ad unirsi con il fiume della foresta.)
Lei è una donna abbastanza audace e intraprendente, una combattente di Nortrig, che non voleva affatto problemi o possibili imprevisti nella sua campagna per diventare una capitana dell`esercito.
Difatti lo scoprire di essere incinta di un nano non la ha resa esattamente la donna più felice di Nortrig..
Da quando ha capito di essere incinta ha deciso che il bambino andrà dal padre nel suo mondo, certo appena sarà abbastanza grande da non dover risentire di avere la madre che lo nutre, perciò fino ad almeno 2 anni. Così sarà anche in grado di camminare da solo... e considerato con il tempo che gli servirà per ritrovarlo e andare da lui, beh il bambino sarà anche più grande...
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2 | 0 Comments | by ShinLin | Jul 15th 2016 16:33

Da Rules!

1. No one-liners

2. First and 3rd are fine.

2. I'm fine with almost all the genres

3. I hope you can respect that I have a life. So replies might take longer than usual.

4. Good grammar, and that's all I ask (Not: ''how r u?'' Not: ''im fine you'')

5. Don't come in character.

6. If you haven't answer me between 20-24 hours, I will send a message with a simple Hello.


Thanks for sticking around.
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840 | 91 Comments | by Faceless | Jul 15th 2016 05:23

A little thought/info note

I wanted to express that should any of you ever feel like to RP things like children of some of my chars/sisters, brothers, twins , best friends of anything at all just say! I given it for granted that you know you can RP any chars you please!
When I get ideas like to make a char having a child and such I just express the side concerning my characters and the ideas behind that decision, if you want to get different involvement just say! For example I had this idea about Tristan+Thorin's son but if you feel like to RP let's say a twin brother of one or both of them we can invent anytime! Also if you get ideas of some kid to get adopted by my chars just say and we decide the details!
Just wanted to make sure all of this;)

(Also, I am between two names for the son of Thorin and I can't decide! Frerin which I liked as he is also the name of Thorin's dead little brother and Telchar who was the greatest Smith of dwarves in first age! Which you like the best? ;) )
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1 | 13 Comments | by Crow | Jul 13th 2016 09:16

Dying Light character

Name: Ross England
Fake name for to hide true identity: Kyle Crane.
Health:literally immune to all diseases except the worst an harrans virus.
Structure: healthy fit.
Bio:He was working for the GRE whom supposbly supplied him with everything to recover a file when things took a nasty turn finding Rais's thugs beating him after arrival. Then Bitten after letting off a gunshot causing a viral to chase after. Talk about bad luck. However his turning takes literally weeks to happen so when he has a seizure he is needed antizen. Have the GRE tricked him however? No one knows.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Dark_Sin | Jul 13th 2016 08:32

Goodbye Rivendell

Lui e Curufin si stavano mettendo d`accordo già da un po` sul da farsi, e su che cosa gli servisse.
Il bene più fondamentale erano degli uomini, uomini che combattessero dalla loro parte perciò mercenari. Vogliono sfruttare gli antichi rapporti di Caranthir con gli uomini di Ruin, degli spietati mercenari che un tempo servivano l`oscuro signore... Caranthir saprebbe come fare a convincerli a stare dalla loro parte, in fondo loro spiaggiati senza un leader che li comandi a bacchetta. Perciò pensa che potrebbe prendere il posto di Sauron e diventare il loro capo, il segreto sarebbe e solo trattarli male, come vogliono essere trattati.
Però c'è un problema, e cioè che Caranthir è bloccato a Rivendell assieme a Meadhros da Nerdanel... Però, come se gli dei volessero che lui scappasse, Nerdanel, Celegorm e Maedhros sono attirati fuori città.per aiutare un gruppo di nani. Dato che lui non aiuterebbe anima viva senza un buon motivo rimane a Rivendell e appena dopo che se ne sono andati scappa via da Rivendell.
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1 | 35 Comments | by Aventurine_ | Jul 12th 2016 14:28

Strange thoughts.

When Thorin's Company arrived to Rivendell, he was there, it was the day after Nerdanel and Celegorm came to him with Fingolfin and he is still recovering from the whip injuries on his back.
And his room is not far from the one which was given to Carlie.

Even though Elrond told him to not push himself and stay bed for some days, at some point he simply didn't stand it anymore and decided to leave the room for a little walk.
Wandering the place, he learnt of the Dwarves who arrived with Gandalf and had some words with the wizard too and he also found out about Carlie. Just hearing "red haired - gave birth " gave him the idea she had to be that woman Jess needed to find and that he himself looked for, for some time. And it got him curious for sure, if not for else to see the face of the woman he has wasted so much time looking for and who was with the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains, where he went and searched, finding no clue as he arrived before she would get there.

So, out of curiosity, he goes into Carlie's room just to see what she looks like, not really having any sort of intention at all and just remained there for some moments. Though, just as he was about to leave, one of the servants walked in with baby Tristan in her arms. Since the baby is red haired, pale and with grey eyes, also seeing that Maedhros is there, gave the servant the idea the baby had to be Maedhros' so she handed him to him. «You will have to choose a name for your baby, Lord Maedhros!»
Instinctively he takes the baby as she hands him and looks at him for some moments, not saying anything. He knows well that the baby is not his and tells it to the servants, though he keeps the baby in his arms for a bit, staring at him thoughtfully.
He could have one like him, if he had made different choices in the past. He could be holding his own child at his point, instead of that of a stranger. He wonders what it would feel to be father and hold his own child for the first time.

He remains there to stare at the child, deep in thought for longer than he even realizes in fact, like hypnotized.
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1 | 39 Comments | by Tighnari | Jul 12th 2016 12:21