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Fear of the Dark.

The Alphas are much more complicated than anyone could imagine in fact. There is a reason if so many innocents had to willingly accept to sacrifice themselves in order to imprison them: it's simply impossible to get rid of them. And that's not just because they can not be killed, but because they are intelligent like any other Auriold, wise, most of them are over 800 years old, there is sure none of them to be young and naive. But the worst point of all is the fact that they look exactly like every any other Auriold that could be found. They pass completely unnoticed among the people, they are just like the others, even in their energies. They don't feel any different and there is no material that causes them reactions, the oldest and most experienced hunter put in front of a random Auriold and one of the Alphas wouldn't be able to know which one is the Auriold and which the Alpha.

They were caged for 4 centuries and their look wasn't known to many, so basically it's possible to say that nowadays, the only people who knows what some of them look like are the people who were present when they were released and each others.
Ezekiel has been to Thylum thousands of times after getting to Devon's mansion, take everything from him and return to the lead of the Werewolves. He goes there for several reasons, to find out what happened during his absence, to learn about the official Hunters, to choose his victims and the people to transform. But most of all, he goes for revenge and not towards the people who are responsible for his imprisonment, but for his own family.
He was betrayed by his brother, Janhor, because of him he was captured, tortured for months and eventually sold to researchers to be experimented on, to then become the first Werewolf.
Despite he doesn't mind at all to be a Werewolf, he is very pissed off for the treason and he is not satisfied enough to know that his "whole" family was already tortured and exterminated. Plus, ever since he set his nose out of the cage, he could smell that Teyss blood from the other side of the world. He knows there is one living Teyss and he intends to get to that person and...have his revenge, even if he is aware that he is potentially completely innocent. And he is convinced it is a male, probably his nephew and he hopes so badly that he looks like his father.

After relaxing and getting himself back to full strength, he indeed went to hunt this Teyss down, following the smell, which led him to Thylum first, straight to Malicedom, where Tomiel was for her classes. She noticed him outside, and it creeped her out a little, but she ignored it, thinking she just imagined it.
The next day, he saw the strange figure outside Richard's window, while she was there for her private lessons.
Two days after, Ezekiel was outside her window, in the night, at home. She screamed like crazy getting all of the men of the house to go to check, but no one found Ez, only a dog that had been killed, clearly not by some animals.
She never spoke to anyone about the previous times she spotted him and everyone thought it was just a robbery attempt.
For a couple more days, she didn't see him anywhere, she relaxed again thinking that she probably was just imagining things. That evening, she was taken to Jackil's clinic after homeworks by Richard, so that her father could do a check-out to her to make sure she is fine, something normal, something that has to be done often because of her disease.
The Healer working for Jack left and the two were left alone in the clinic and just as they were about to go home, they noticed someone in the waiting room -Ezekiel.

The thought it could be a girl never once crossed Ez's mind. He was completely sure it would be an adult male that he never even considered a different possibility. But in truth, he decided he wanted her anyway, so he had to take her.
In the clinic, Jackil tried to fight him to protect his daughter, but it was pointless, there was nothing he could do against the Alpha Werewolf and in the end, he left the doctor in a very poor condition, took the girl and disappeared in the night.

It was the healer to find Jackil, some minutes later. He forgot his hat in the clinic and returned to get it, but found quite a different scene than he expected.
He called Royal Guards and Jackil was taken care of by Doctor Robstein himself-

It happened a week ago and ever since that evening no news of Tomiel has been heard by anyone. No one saw her nor her kidnapper, but naturally, almost the entire military organizations of the North, Khai-Ming and some other helper are all helping to find her.

Jackil won't be able to move from bed for several weeks due to the injuries he received in the fight. Being an Elite Guard did nothing against Ezekiel. And he is depressed beyond belief for having been unable to protect his own daughter.

In addition to that, Jackil received some very strange visits from an unknown man, Viktor in fact. And he just left Jackil's home, after visiting him yet another time.
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1 | 82 Comments | by MORAX | Mar 13th 2016 19:16

You're my sunshine.

Lui era un ragazzo normale, era ambizioso e avrebbe voluto migliorare la vita della sua famiglia che era povera per colpa dei debiti del padre...
Dall'età di 21 anni cominciò a vedersi con una ragazza, bellissima e buona come nessun altra he conoscesse, la amava e voleva vivere con lei l'eternità. (Lucyl la madre di Crow)
All'età di 25 anni si sposarono in una cerimonia modesta e riservata, fu il giorno più bello della sua vita. Si trasferirono in una casetta in periferia e cominciarono la loro vita insieme.
La felicità durò un paio di anni più o meno fino alla morte del padre (che venne assassinato), quando i suoi creditori cominciarono a dargli dei problemi.
Gli chiedevano soldi per estinguere il debito del padre, gli dicevano che altrimenti a soffrirne sarebbero state le persone a lui più care. Lui non poteva permettere che facessero del male a sua moglie o a sua madre per degli sbagli del padre, così provó a rimediare, cedeva la maggior parte dei soldi che guadagnava ai creditori, e per questo motivo la sua famiglia soffriva la fame, ma almeno non ricevevano ripercussioni. Lui e la moglie erano d'accordo su questo, preferivano vivere serenamente ma nella povertà...

Un giorno i loro creditori decisero che non volevano più accontentarsi dei soldi che già gli cedevano con grande sacrificio, così gli chiesero più soldi. Jeremi e Lucyl non potevano accontentarli in nessun modo perchè non avevano materialmente altri soldi da dargli, così decisero di dire basta una volta per tutte, non volevano più rispondere a loro e dover cedere tutti i soldi che guadagnavano ai loro sporchi comodi. Sapevano che non sarebbe stato facile ma volevano uscirne,
Il risultato naturalmente non fu dei migliori, perché uccisero la madre.
Dopo la morte della madre Jeremi capí che non sarebbe più tornato indietro, e che doveva protegere sua moglie.
Così pregò Kesst per ore e ore perché lo aiutasse in qualche modo, pregò che lo aiutasse a vincere le sue difficoltà.

La risposta di Kesst si manifestò in modo molto curioso, un lampo di fuoco lo trafisse e il suo corpo prese fuoco, che si spense quasi subito lasciandogli marchiati sul corpo dei tatuaggi. In quel momento Jeremi si sentì invincibile, Kesst gli aveva dato il potere di riprendersi la sua vita, e lui non aspettó nemmeno un momento, si teletrasportó dai suoi creditori e li uccise tutti uno per uno, non si pentì di averlo fatto, forse aveva salvato più vite di quante ne aveva uccise. (In quella circostanza si accorse che niente poteva ucciderlo, e la sua forza era cresciuta notevolmente.)
Jeremi naturalmente si riprese anche tutti i soldi che avevano e li depositó in banca.
Lui e la moglie vissero felicemente nella loro casa, solo che come è ovvio che sia, Jeremi era un po' cambiato. Ora che sapeva quello di cui era capace voleva di meglio per la sua famiglia, così intraprese la carriera di "ladro". (Si trasforma in vecchi ricconi e va a fare dei prelievi in banca.) Quando ebbe raccimolato abbastanza soldi si fece costruire un castello, dove poter crescere i figli che sarebbero venuti...

Poco dopo la moglie rimase incinta, i primi due mesi furono fantastici per la coppia, erano elettrizzati che avrebbero avuto un figlio/figlia.
Peró già dal terzo mese cominciarono ad esserci dei problemi, per Lucyl era una sofferenza continua e per Jeremi era doloroso dover assistere alle sofferenze della moglie senza poter fare niente.

La sofferenza di Lucyl andò avanti per un paio di settimane, e nel quarto mese di gravidanza scese in un sonno profondo, come una maledizione, lei non si risvegliò mai più.
Il giorno dopo il bambino nacque, era strano che fosse già così grande, ma nessuno fece troppe domande data la situazione della moglie.
Jeremi chiamò qualsiasi dottore o stregone che dicesse di essere il migliore, o che delle sue conoscenze gli consigliassero. Ma tutti non facevano che dire che fisicamente era sana, ma sembrava come essere sotto un incantesimo, un incantesimo che non poteva essere spezzato. E perció lei sarebbe rimasta in quello stato per l'eternità....
Per Jeremi fu un duro colpo, senza il sostegno di sua moglie si sentiva perso e guardarla stesa nel letto a sonnecchiare come un angelo lo faceva stare ancora piú male. Quello fu un periodo molto buio della sua vita, ed era triste che Crow ci si trovasse in mezzo, ma non poteva farci niente, si sentiva come se una parte del cuore si fosse spezzata e lo avesse abbandonato.

Non voleva che anche Crow soffrisse nel sapere che cosa era successo alla madre. Infatti prima che il bambino crescesse abbastanza da potersi ricordare della madre, Jeremi fece costruire un gigantesco castello nel mezzo di una foresta sperduta dove nessuno sarebbe mai andato a curiosare. E lí fece arredare con i colori preferiti della moglie e la porto lí, dove avrebbe avuto un po' di pace... Andava a trovarla ogni giorno, passava un paio di ore con lei e poi tornava da Crow.
Quando si accorse che Crow aveva i suoi stessi poteri Jeremi decise che avrebbe creato dei loro simili, avrebbe creato una nuova razza a Nortrig, i mutaforma così cominciarono a chiamarli.

Quando sentì la notizia che volevano rinchiudere tutti gli alfa in una gabbia per l'eternità lui non si trovò affatto d'accordo, non voleva passare l'eternità rinchiuso. Peró alla fine dovette arrendersi all'idea della reclusione...
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2 | 1 Comment | by Even | Mar 13th 2016 14:51

Blood brothers.

Now that the situation is on the brink of collapse, despite everything is still completely calm all over the world in fact, one of the oldest hunters (not offical Hunters stuff, more like Kurtson family, doing it privately) Robert Singer, better known as Bobby, decided to summon a general meeting of all people working like them in order to discuss what is happening in the world and how to proceed.

Bobby is one of the nost knowledgeable people of Nortrig, can speak about any language modern and ancient and he lives on Earth normally, helping there to fight their monsters. Many speak to his mind in order to ask information and help with their hunts.
As soon as he was told that the Alphas were released he returned to Nortrig immediately.

The meeting happens in Bobby's house in the desert, in the South. He always liked isolated places better.
The invitation is also sent to mercenaries who hunt criminals thinking they might risk a lot if they don't know what the situation is.

The first to arrive is Garth, the real one. Crow is certainly not so crazy to aporoach a whole reunion of hunters from all over the world.

John Kurtson goes there too, so do Malcolm and Dean, a whole bunch of unknown hunters most of which Western and some Eastern too, including Ming that after the traumatic experienced became a hunter, killong monsters in the East during his free time from being an Assassin and a Karate Sensei.
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2 | 70 Comments | by Crow | Mar 13th 2016 06:57


Name: Red Adair
Age: 20 (Or older depending on Rp)
Gender: Female
Birthday: June 6th
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Occupation: Unknown
Ethnicity: American

Personality: Acts like a bitch but is secretly a sweetheart, noticeably Insane, enjoys pain, generally introverted.

Physical Appearance: 5' 5", skinny build, medium to long red hair, multiple fight scars on her arms (though most are hidden or faded), dark brown leather jacket, mixed colored flannel shirt,

Eye color: Yellow
Quirks: Bipolar, Masochist, Daydreamer

Back story: Red became an orphan at age 7, her parents brutally murdered in the dangerous town she lived in. For years, she snuck into various places to sleep. Eventually at age 13 she was given an opportunity to become an assassin. Through enough training, Red has become an elite assassin who is almost unstoppable when angry.
She is extremely introverted, so befriending her will take much dedication. And patience. Mainly patience.
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5 | 0 Comments | by Lee | Mar 13th 2016 00:12

2 minutes to midnight.

Since his attempt to speak to Malcolm ended with him almost being killed, he decides to try another strategy and go straight to Conny instead. He transformed in Malcolm some days ago, so he knows almost everything he knows, including his family members and all.

So, taken the shape of one good looking woman, well dressed and looking rather noble and rich, he goes to meet Connor at their apartment, hoping to get some serious conversation.
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1 | 41 Comments | by Crow | Mar 11th 2016 18:22


La prima cosa che ha fatto appena uscito dalla gabbia è stata tornare al suo castello nel Nord per vedere in che condizioni lo avessero tenuto i suoi figli, specialmente il suo primogenito a cui lo aveva affidato.
Il castello era in condizioni ottime solo che al posto dei quadri dei suoi antenati (prima di diventare un mutaforma) era pieno di quadri di Crow, e c'erano specchi ovunque. Naturalmente lui sostituisce di nuovo tutti i quadri con quelli giusti, ma rimane sorpreso nel vedere il suo quadro, perchè era tutto disegnato, (Baffoni da Hitler, occhialoni, le sopracciglia unite in una sola, ecc...) dopo averlo visto decide di non riappenderlo, ma quando avrà tempo se ne farà fare un altro, i quadri di Crow che ha tolto dalle pareti li brucia nel camino.

Constatato che il castello non fosse rimasto disabitato convoca tutti i suoi figli/nipoti al castello per vedere come si sono ridotti in sua assenza, rimane scioccato dal fatto che Crow non sia andato, non crede che ci siano impegni più importanti che andare dal papà... Dei mutaforma gli dicono che è morto, ma lui sa benissimo che è una bugia perchè ha un collegamento con tutti loro, che siano appena nati o che siano già adulti.
Non gli piace essere preso in giro quindi interroga ogni singolo mutaforma che è lì per sapere che cosa è successo mentre era rinchiuso e scoperto tutto diventa un po' furioso con Crow, però aspetta il momento giusto per fargli visita.
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1 | 47 Comments | by Even | Mar 11th 2016 05:52

Special Request Characters

Name: Serena

Age: Unknown, but is supposedly a teenager.


Species: Human

Weight: Ask me that again,I Dare you.

Place of Residence: Neverland Forest
____________________________________________________________________She was a young child when picked up from an orphanage. The family she lived with, begged to differ if she was even around or not. She suffered abuse at the hands of the her family. She then decided one night she had enough and couldn't handle it anymore and decided to run away. Upon being caught trying to leave the house, she fought with her Father and eventually got free,Running off into the forest as her mother went after her. For awhile after running away, she was deciding weather or not to go home or stay in the forest and wait to meet someone who could help her. She still to this day is seen at random times within the vast forest either dancing to herself, cleaning clothes in the water, or collecting edible fruit to eat ,but hiding from her parents when they tried looking for her. She doesn't know if its even safe for her to even go and return home , knowing the consequences of her actions would result in worse punishments from her parents , should she return home. Still she resides in the forest, within a treehouse she built by hand, Rarely she goes into town, but if she does it's mostly for food or clothing since she had run off. It had been years since she had interacted with anyone from town or someone she had never met, should she end up meeting someone, she'd either try to hurt the person because she doesn't know if they'll help her , or drag her back into town, she's been scared to return because her parents threaten to beat her,never allowing her outside anymore, should she return home.

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3 | 0 Comments | by SunBunni | Mar 11th 2016 01:49

I Will Not Serve

Nero Faust.
A different kind of angel.
The one who fell for The Beast.

{ this will be where I put Nero's story once I have finished it }
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2 | 2 Comments | by Enochian | Mar 11th 2016 00:16

Roland monts clothing

(i plan to cosplay this character so I'm going to list his clothing)

Standard blue jeans and white or grey t-shirt. Black boots or black sneakers. Black long coat that goes just past his knees and has a hood. With thin chain's going from the back of the waist of the coat to the cuffs of the sleeves. And several inside pockets to hide his weapons. Has two black sheathes on outside of each leg above the knees connecting to his belt. Has a black eye patch over his left eye and sometimes though rarely wears a mask. He also wear navy blue fingerless/backless globes that button around his wrists.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Mar 10th 2016 10:17

Spy's mushrooms.

I funghi sono delle creature che sono sempre state presenti a Notrig, sin dall'inizio dei tempi...

Nessuno sa di che cosa sono capaci davvero, perché nessuno li calcola minimamente, e nessuno pensa che abbiano dei sentimenti e che provino dolore quando vengono cucinati,
I funghi sanno molto bene dove e come non essere notati, si fanno i fatti di tutti e sono degli spioni assurdi, non si sanno tenere niente per loro. Perciò meglio non dire niente di importante mentre si è in un bosco perché i funghi hanno un ottimo udito, e in un attimo la notizia si spargerebbe per tutta la tribù dei funghi di bosco.

Ci sono poche persone che conoscono le abilità di questi funghi, e quelli che sanno quello che sono capaci di fare li sfruttano come spie, anche se non sono molto affidabili perché dicendosi le cose per passaparola, spesso le parole alla fine cambiano significato, oppure sono completamente diverse da quelle iniziali.
Vivono nelle foreste di un po' tutto il mondo perciò non si è mai al sicuro quando si percorre una foresta... Si nutrono di funghi ma sempre modestamente nemici della loro tribù.

I funghi sono dei traditori infingardi, ti slurchano le informazioni e le rivendono al miglior offerente.
I funghi naturalmente hanno saputo che gli alfa sono stati liberati così hanno deciso di far visita ad Ezekiel e Clay, ma non entrano dalla porta escono dal cesso...
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2 | 4 Comments | by Even | Mar 9th 2016 13:06

Finn McCoul

Finn McCoul grew up in his homeland in Ireland. His red hair and brown eyes visually represented him, and he always had a slick blue jacket his father gave him when he was young. He grew up with his mother Marcel, and his father, who like every male in his family tree, was an alcoholic. Even Finn's grandpa drank hard liquor around him with his father, because he didn't really care. Well, he didn't care that Finn saw them like that; drunk and sometimes breaking things like morons. However, when Finn was eighteen, he decided he was ready for a better life. He went to the United States for a better career, since he always wanted to write. He wanted to become an author, but he just couldn't find an editor or people worth his time in his hometown. He believed America was the answer to that. However, he remains in contact with his family through Skype.

Finn has a heavy Irish accent. It is easy to identify his homeland thanks to it, but he has been told by women that it's very attractive. Currently he is twenty one, and just like his father, became an alcoholic. He usually types stories on his laptop vigorously and relentless. He would spend hours on his book which he claims to be his greatest, which he calls "Results with Guns". Due to his alcoholic nature, he drinks wine and liquor, and sometimes other beverages when one is unavailable. He used to smoke, but he has quit thanks to some of his exes.

In Finn's love life, he has not been so lucky. Some dumped him to his alcoholic ways that his father had done, being stupid and getting drunk at nights rather than being in bed with the one he loves. Some dumped him just because he was so obsessed with his writing, that they say they rarely got attention from him. However, after the last girlfriend he truly loved left him, he decided it was time to straighten up. He hopes to meet the girl (or guy depending on the role-play I suppose) of his life one day, and when he does, he will be sure to give her loving as well as try to restrain himself from the pub (what he calls the bar down the street from his apartment).

However, his father had currently died when from drinking and driving, and he has felt a sickness in his heart. But he will move on, and remember his father the way he was: drunk but caring. Now, Finn roams the town for the love of his life as well as discover a way to finish his story.
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3 | 5 Comments | by Disconsolate | Mar 8th 2016 19:48

I will be.

Lui è stato liberato insieme agli altri dalle valkirye e dalle amazzoni, come gli altri Alfa ha mostrato immediatamente la sua gratitudine uccidendone qualcuna qua e là mentre si allontanava dalla gabbia.

Lui odia i lupi mannari e gli skinwalker, e con la reclusione forzata della gabbia li odia ancora di più, lui li considera feccia, perché sono a metà tra auriold e creature selvagge e incontrollabili. Li considera sotto a qualsiasi creatura che conosca (Poverino non conosce i cagalipi).
Lui e Viktor si sono conosciuti per la prima volta nella gabbia e ormai si possono definire amici di vecchia data.

Appena uscito dalla gabbia controlla un po' in giro come si è sviluppata la sua razza, e ne rimane un po' deluso di quanti ne siano rimasti...
Così decide di andare nel nord a ripopolare i ranghi, detta delle nuove regole ai suoi figli/nipoti/pronipoti per evitare che si facciano uccidere, e li prepara ad occuparsi dei nuovi arrivati, che gli saranno portati da lì a qualche mese.
Fatto questo va in giro a studiare le nuove generazioni di auriold, e comincia subito a mettere incinta qualche donna sposata spacciandosi per il marito.

In seguito dopo aver sistemato le questioni più urgenti va da Viktor che si trova a casa di Johnny, per vedere che cosa ha intenzione di fare lui, arriva a casa di Johnny e bussa alla porta.
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2 | 42 Comments | by Even | Mar 7th 2016 13:21


Name: Serena Marie McMahon
Alias: Serena Oliver, Arylnn Marie Bradley
Age: Stays Young Forever
Hair Color: Changes all the time with my moods
Eye Color: Changes with my mood
Species: N/A
Playby: Britney Spears/Kelly Kelly
Ranger Color: Pink
Season 1- All
WWE Run 2009-Current

*Just cause I have Kelly Kelly Photos doesn't mean I am her or my character is like her or if I have Britney Spears pics.

More about my character.

Serenity is a mistress of disquises she always changes her look, she later finds out that the McMahons have adopted her which of coarse means they arent her real parents so she goes searching for them but alas they have been watching her for many years never leaving her sight. In truth Serenity does find out later that her mother is Darla (the woman who sired liam (Angelus) (which also is her dad as well. Serenity also has many family members as well
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2 | 0 Comments | by HoundofInsanity | Mar 7th 2016 11:42


Scythe awakening at the academy drew the attention of the dimensional witch YŪKO ICHIHARA who gave scythe the ability to use the Doors to darkness (a black portal one uses to slips btween worlds) a the price of his most precious thing but seeing as he had just every thing ripe away from him she became infuriated and riped some flesh form his says that this would be his payment every time.

And that is how scythe started his journey so if you would like to rp with him I can give a different version of him if you wish all the way to the end of his journey where he is basically a demi god or at the stsrt where he only has his healing factor and swordplay or some where in btween.
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1 | 0 Comments | by scythe102 | Mar 3rd 2016 00:21

Emily (Works with any rp)

Anime rp bio's:
One piece:
Name: Emily
Age: 20-23
Devil fruit: Tori Tori model Eagle and the Demon demon fruit
Location:All around the world, she travels
Goals: to protect her brother and the phew people she lets in
Weapon of choice: her sythe or twin swords, or her hammers, she has countless weapons but prefers her swords or hammers over her demotic weapons
Special notes:she is a demon and as such can not die by normal means, because of her devil fruit, she can drown, but it wont kill her right away
Occupation: Captain or swordwomens
Relations: Brother to Konohamaru Akamichi (Noah) Same family and everything as Noah, expect she Does not have a taild beast
Goals: to find and her protect her little brother
Regrets: that she couldn't tell her baby brother she's alive and in hiddding
Fantasy rps oc:
Lucas rps: Will appear if Lucas is in a relation and needs drama
((and so on, i am not doing a bio for every fantasy version of Emily))
Real life Emily:
Name: Emily
Height: 5'11
Weight: 100lbs
Sexuality: Bi but prefers girls
Hobbies: Playing violent video games to substain her urge to kill
Secrets: she belives in demons and belives she is one, she does not care people judge her for who she is for she will never change who she is
((any others just ask))
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1 | 0 Comments | by alakazamlover4 | Mar 2nd 2016 02:42