
Elton was quite good at keeping WooPil distracted, so that he wouldn't get to feel too bad for having been left behind by his family, but it was unavoidable that it would eventually happen.
Now that a couple of nights passed, his separation issues kick in in full strength and he can't stop crying.

In a mixture of emotions, Elton tries to take WooPil to the park to see the duck, in hope that it will cheer him up a little. But right now, WooPil is sill crying. Not loudly or annoying.
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1 | May 17th 2024 15:02
Slyflake "It is my strong point when I try. Honestly I'm fed up of those two, he couldn't even walk in my store, as if it would affect him with some style.
You can always have revenge and not talk to them for a day or two." XD
"Now he is playing the parent role? Will they soon adopt a child too?" He couldn't be more bitter at them. "Watch out with him, you know he can be dangerous. You remember what happened with Chan." He is being an asshole and he is well aware too.
"If they are roasted, even better." He then raises a brow, thinking about it. "Bread is good."
Woopino Elton. «So, that's how it all ended? He didn't want to shop in your store? I wouldn't have thought… well…» He thought Blade had killed Haitien. XD

«N… no…» He wouldn't manage, not even if he wanted. But he will behave weirdly for a while, not out of being offended. He naturally thinks that he must have done something wrong, for this to happen.
His eyes widen at HaiTien's words, not sure what to reply to that. He definitely remembers, but he also got a lot reassured after spending time with Blade.

Elton. «Enough, don't drag this child into your problems. If you are mad at them, go to bark at them.»
Slyflake "No, that was only the last drop I was willing to take.
Why not? They left you behind while they went to their party." He wants to trigger the wench in WooPil, not knowing it is far from possible.
"They are not even worth barking at." He'd want to make them mad and jealous but he is in the total rotten luck with his meetings at the moment. XD
"Anyhow, enough talking about them, we are trying to move on. You should visit my store, I'll give you a special price." Who knows, as revenge he could try to fuck Blade's daddy!!
Woopino Elton. «I have never understood people's will to engage in even more.complicated forms of relationship.tnan the typical one.» He wouldn't even know how to make it work as a simple couple.

«I do… don't want to be rude with my dad, ever…» he whimpers.

Elton. «You are just three chickens making lots of noise and raising dust by flapping your wings. Well, except Yingxing.» He's more like a dead chicken before cooking — he thinks.
Fucking Elton wouldn't even be difficult. XD
«A store? Where is it?»
Slyflake "I tried only because of Blade, but I can't bear them anymore." And he tends to take things really bad. XD
"It is right to express your disappointed feelings, even if he is your dad." He gives him a specific look.
"It is in the centre of the city...named Sly. You look amazing, if I may...but with the right outfit, it'd be even better. I have designs for children too, even though WooPil could become so handsome we could barely look at him without sunglasses."