Mikki Myralis

Full Name: Mikki Myralis
Nicknames/titles: Golden Heart Alchemist
Age: 120 real years, 21 in wyvernian years. (She is 120 Globe-spins old, but looks and acts as if she is 21)
Height: 1.6 metres / 5.2 feet
Sub or dom: 90% Sub, 10% dom

Story: Mikki was born with a kind, loving family and quickly began to study the art of medicine. At the age of 30 she knew how to brew Berserker Brews, and at age 90 she had the title of Royal Battlealchemist for her kingdom. However, she was banished after being accused of graverobbing- which was proven to be true, as she needed something to test her potions on and to obtain specific substances from. She now lives her days out in a different kingdom, not working for anyone and carrying out her acts in silence and peace, where only the most knoledgeable people can find her.

Character: A smart lady with an everlasting hunger for intelligence and an absolute workaholic. She won't stop studying for a moment because it brings her joy, though this need to know new things often bring her in danger as well.

Cuteness: S
Strength: F-
Agility: D
Perception: A+
Knowledge: S+
Intelligence: S
Fighting skills: F-

Magical spells (ask me for information about them):
Fireball, Major Firebolt, Meteor storm, Thunder, Power Ramp, Power Drop, Rush, Restore, Reverse, Recover, Major Healing Mist, Obscure, Mist Field, Change Weather, Magic Sleep, Magic Poison, Magic Ignite, Mirage (and more)
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9 | May 7th 2024 18:17
Midnight_Club So cute!