Story Ideas

Modern Day, Beauty and the Beast
◇ A tale as old as time. Wrapped in forbidden romance, secret relationships… intense intimacy. Beauty lives in a small town where just about everyone knows everyone. She's a bright, young lady… maybe not the most popular, perhaps a little quirky, gives the good girl vibes. She's used to turning down offers from the local “Gaston” who has a hard time taking no for an answer and, usually, has it easy with the local ladies. Beauty's world is drastically changed when a monster, a Beast from a different world drops into hers. A secret relationship is formed between the two, not wanting the people of her world to discover there's a beast in the neighborhood. Friends and family may notice ms Beauty's changes in demeanor… the glow of a woman who met someone, avoiding certain questions and flaking out on dates. Even “Gaston” notices she's even less interested than usual – almost as though he's invisible. How long can she hold onto her secret romance? Will she tell a close friend? Will that friend be able to keep a secret? What happens when the jealous “Gaston” finds out?

The Unlikely Savior
◇ Settings and details may be similar to the Beauty and the Beast setup with a different twist. Our Beauty is put in a compromising and dark situation. One in which a man, or men, try to take advantage of her. It could be on her way home from work or leaving earlier after a girls night out when she's surrounded by a couple of bad men, ready to take their piece of our Beauty's slice when her fated Beast comes to put a stop to the evil. It will be dark, it will be bloody, it will be violent. On the other hand, our Beauty may be chased home and stumbles upon the local haunted building where she hides, taking refuge from her pursuers… only to discover she's stumbled upon the dwelling of a Beast.

An Affair with the House Pet.
◇ Mrs. Soandso has been married to her husband for quite some time. It's not a terrible marriage, he isn't abusive or necessarily mean… doesn't have any gambling problems, isn't in anyone's debt. But he's also not that exciting -- in fact, he's incredibly boring and mundane. He doesn't touch his wife how she wants to be touched, doesn't love her the way she wants to be loved… there's something very lacking about their intimacy. And with his lack of interest in having any children, his wife has to find another means to fulfill those maternal instincts. She stumbles upon what appears to be a housecat with a rather exotic coat and a stature to rival a Maine Coon and takes him home, unable to resist the purrs, loving headbutts and markings she'd never seen before. Hubby isn't too thrilled about it but if it keeps her from reminding him about her womanly clock, he doesn't mind. One day, when he's away, whether gone off to work or flown out of state on a new business deal, the housecat reveals what he really is, to the misses. A big boy… a biiiiig boy, capable of the affection she's been denied, the overwhelming and fulfilling pleasure she's never experienced, excitement that's out of this world and a promise placed within her belly. How will she keep this affair secret from her husband? Does she share such details with the neighboring housewives? What happens when she no longer finds attraction toward her husband and can't bring herself to lay with him?

The CamGirl’s New Toy
◇ Gloria has gained such a reputation through her live webcam videos and is loving it. She can't help it that guys like watching her game without her clothes on, doesn't mind letting them watch her put on a naked chef show and doesn't stop them from sending gifts to her P.O box to fit into her other box. They're usually fantasy toys and while, at first, it felt strange… she's come to rather enjoy the collection she amassed. During one of the live shows, one viewer remarks that he sent her a toy but isn't sure when it will arrive. Of course, he meant an actual toy and not just any – a toy she mentioned wanting to get for herself. Except, what arrives is not what was ordered, leaving hundreds of viewers to sit with mixed feelings and watch as their favourite model is ruined to the touch of human men.

The Witch and her Familiar
◇ Another plot loosely based around the concept of a Modern day, Beauty and the Beast. In this rendition, our Beauty isn't just the local devourer of books… she's a witch, or fairy, trying to keep her secret in check so that humans don't trouble her. Slowly, she's learning what she can and can't do with her gifts, practicing with small tricks and spells, browsing through supposed books of magic and incantations? However, such a life is lonely… anxious and reserved to the prospect of finding a lover for fear he may not be as accepting of her gifts. Or worse, he may tell others and kickstart a whirlwind of a witch hunt. Instead, she came across an incantation, one that's said to summon a feline to be her familiar. Whether she misunderstood the incantation or read something incorrectly, what she ends up with is not the little tabby she was hoping for but the 8’4” beast now stuck in her home and world.

•°• Please keep in mind, none of these stories are set in stone. I'm willing to brainstorm and discuss the plots, elaborate on or change things around until we settle on something that works for the both of us. If you have story ideas or setups, I would be open to reading them as well. There's a likelihood I may have other ideas that I haven't posted, but the general themes are human x fur, forbidden/secret romance.
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1 | Apr 21st 2024 22:41