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14 Friends



36 / Male / Single
Fiery Walk, Sufokia / Metropolis, Earth-1, United States
Confidence. Ambition. Charisma. Unflinching. Food p0rn lover. Intense. Troublesome. Benevolent.

♧ "Life Comes At You. Buckle Up Or Get Buckled." ♧

What's happenin’ folks? Old player, here… even a little old school in my writing and story style, but I'm quite easy to get along with. Just a few things to get out of the way.

i. I'm a butthead. If I see “No furries” on your profile, I'm gonna look just because. BaZ isn't a furry, he's an anthro. If you'd like to know the difference, I'll explain it. Either way, your loss.

ii. I only roleplay on Discord. The email format on this site is sloppy and not fun to work with, I prefer the clean organization of Discord chat servers. If you don't have a Discord or refuse to rp there, I have no problem looking elsewhere. I'm not bending on this rule no matter how cute you think your model's pics are.

iii. Don't expect one-liners out of me, or even small paragraphs. My style is descriptive narrative from third-person perspective, posts go anywhere from 700-1.2k+ words. In that regard, I'm not looking for partners who can't keep up. However, I am open minded to first-person perspective writers.

iv. If I see you require a password upon first message to prove I've read your info, don't expect me to give you the password. Oh, I'll read your page if I'm interested and I'll likely have seen the password, but we ain't doin that. Nor do I care who messages who first. We're adults, if you can't act like one, I'm not writing with you.

v. Which brings us to the last thing. Not interested in partners who are under 18. Not interested in characters who are under 18. Not interested in lol!tas. Women only [characters and writers].

If you're looking for something that goes from mild to beyond wild… dark themes, intense scenes, deep stories… or just the kind of energy only an 8foot beast can provide, come say hi to BaZ.


Stories I gravitate toward are ones where my character is tossed into a new world (different continent, decade, era, universe, etc), made to be the very big house pet of a good woman, Beauty and the Beast situations and, on rare occasions, stories related to or taking place in his home world. While I'm not opposed to other anthros and furries, BaZil is mostly attracted to human[oid], feline, lapine and caprinae females in that order. Not into canines, at all, including werewolves. If your character smells like a dog, BaZ will find them disgusting. I'm well-wrote in the more spicy and heated scenes of roleplay and do have a lot of fun with such scenes, the fade-to-black won't work for me but then neither does pure smvt. Well... at least not without solid, effing chemistry and a proper story pushing things along. If you'd like for me to elaborate on the story ideas previously mentioned, do message me and ask. If you've questions that my profile hasn't answered, I may be willing to if poked. If you'd like to toss around some ideas and see what we come up with or just meet the bigger butthead, don't be shy to tug his tail.

Happy Gaming Folks~

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